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Jim Kelly gives props to Art Monk on ESPN Radio today


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While I like listening to Cowherd, I think he's stuck on his Art Monk position because so many of the people on his show are writers (Pasquerelli, Peter King, etc..). So he values their position because to him they are experts.

Its funny how if you ask all the play-by-play announcers who've seen him play, and all the players who played with him AND against him. They ALL say he's a HOF'er no question. Yet its the fickle writers who are keeping him out.

Another point for Cowherd to chew on. He is a professed Seahawks fan, yet he NEVER discusses why Steve Largent got in the HOF on the radio. Largent was a big time compiler on a nowhere team that never sniffed the Super Bowl. What did he do other than set the NFL receptions record, that Art Monk broke.

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Kudos to Jim Kelly for keeping it real. For a guy who has thrown to James Lofton and Andre Reed (two HOF contenders) for a living. He obviously knows a great receiver when he sees one. His opinion should carry alot of weight on this issue.

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Kudos to Jim Kelly for keeping it real. For a guy who has thrown to James Lofton and Andre Reed (two HOF contenders) for a living. He obviously knows a great receiver when he sees one. His opinion should carry alot of weight on this issue.

Not to mention Kelly threw to Ricky Sanders in the USFL, Houston Gamblers.

Jim Kelly=Class Act

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And this is an actuall Hall of Famer saying this. I agree with him! There SHOULD be real players picking who is a hall of famer! Not some douche bag writer who wouldn't know the difference between a Sluggo route and a Fly route, or a Cover 2 zone and a Cover 3 zone!

I used to enjoy rooting against the Bills (SuperBowl anyone?) but let me tell you, their players and their fans sure make it hard to do that! :D

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Its a disgrace that my boy Art isn't in yet....... if they don't let him in soon lets just do away with the hall of fame period...... since it has become nothing but a joke anyway.......

I agree. It has become a joke and it's been tarnished. It no longer really has any meaning beings how the inductees are selected. The whole process is flawed. I mean it's more like voting on American Idol than it is objectively a true hall of fame player. Only difference is, the people who actually have votes are petty old men with ego trips instead of petty young teeny boppers with infactuations.

Next year we are going to see how much the world actually hates the Redskins when Darrell Green is denied the hall of fame.

It shouldn't even be about who favors whom. It should be about the production on the football field and what it took to be consistant at that high level.

That's something these writers don't understand, and I'm afraid they may never understand it. That's why actuall players in the hall of fame should be selected the new members. They knew what it took to be that good.

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You want an example of a fraud, stat-getter, who doesn't belong in the HOF...look at Meshawn Johnson. He is a better example of what CC is trying to label Monk as being. KJ will retire...maybe being in the top 20 of most receiver records. Monk retired in the Top 5 or at #1 with most of those same records. Since when did players get penalized for being nice guys and consistently the best at their position? It's no wonder WRs are becoming more and more like the big mouth Michael Irvin's, TO's and Randy Moss' these days.


I wanted to, but I couldn't say this any better.

I'm old enought to have seen Art play his whole career. I remember opposing coaches ALWAYS saying things like: "Yeah, they've got the two burners, but Monk is the one who will beat you and so we've got to cover him no matter where he goes on the field." = not an actual quote, but you saw something like this EVERY SINGLE WEEK in the paper from the opposing coach and players--no matter who the opponent was.

And Art usually did make it happen; if not the winning TD, then certainly the key catch in the final drive. If we absolutely had to have a first down and it was too far to run, EVERYONE knew who was going to get the ball. And he just made it happen anyway.

I simply don't understand how they can continue to deny him when they've already elected nearly all of the lesser lights from the same era. It just boggles the mind. :(

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Sadly enough, I think that this hurts Monks chances even more. Just about everyone knows that he belongs in the Hall. I hope that I'm wrong, but it seems like these writers aren't going to let anyone shame them into doing the right thing.

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Same here.

Another thing that people seem to refuse to acknowlege is the fact that through out the entire glory era where we had about 12 years of championship contention as a strong team, there were many players that came and went on the offense. The only guy that was there through it all (besides Bostic) was Art Monk. Art Monk was the key to making it all work. And he had to deal with multitudes of different quarterbacks. How many other recievers in the hall of fame, or bound for the HoF, have put up the kind of numberst Monk did with that kind of variety of people throwing thim the football? I honestly can't think of one. All the HoF recievers I can think of had one, maybe 2 at most QBs in their career. Monk won 3 SuperBowls (appeared in 4) with just as many different quarterbacks.

He was the staple that made the Redskins offense work. I mean you have people today calling Joe Gibbs II's offensive shortcommings "outdated". Well did you ever stop and think that the reason there are struggles at times in this second coaching go-around is because he doesn't have an Art Monk?

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Not to mention that Art Monk played in the era of some of the best defenses in history. He had to go across the middle against the Giants' and Eagles' formidable linebackers and secondaries 4 times a year. Then he had to see them again in the playoffs along with the Bears and Niners defenses almost yearly during his career. This was in the era before the salary cap so teams were loaded back then compared to now.

That coupled with the fact that he broke records playing on a run-first team with no stability at quarterback makes its almost impossible to think hes not worthy of enshrinement.

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Not to mention that Art Monk played in the era of some of the best defenses in history. He had to go across the middle against the Giants' and Eagles' formidable linebackers and secondaries 4 times a year. Then he had to see them again in the playoffs along with the Bears and Niners defenses almost yearly during his career. This was in the era before the salary cap so teams were loaded back then compared to now.

That coupled with the fact that he broke records playing on a run-first team with no stability at quarterback makes its almost impossible to think hes not worthy of enshrinement.

Who through MOnk the ball?? Joey T., Jay Schroeder, Doug Williams, Mark Rypien...

not exactly Joe Montana and Steve Young there. :D

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If Monk had played on a "west coast" offense team he would have amassed so much more productivity to satisfy those losers who only look at that stuff. As it is he still had three times as many catches as Swann. He prided himself on his quiet leadership, consistency, blocking, not coming out of the game, great hands, and excelling in the clutch. He was one of the most respected players on a team full of Champions. I'm so sick of the whole debate. After seeing Irvin sullying the Hall before Monk even gets in, I'm convinced that there really should be no HOF.

if they continue to snub Monk and have the audacity to screw DG over there wont be.....:evil:

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Monk has the stats. Can't say why he's not in.


If it was stats that mattered Monk would be in now and Irvin wouldn't.

If it was having great hands Monk would be in and Irvin wouldn't.

If it was being a team first player Monk would be in and Irvin wouldn't.

If it was a combination of all those things as well as being a great downfield blocker and THE go to guy on 3rd down Monk would be in and Irvin wouldn't since the Redskins never had a Novachek.

If it was being on winning teams they'd both be in.

If it was being a crackhead only Irvin gets in.

If it was being an ESPN analyst then only Irvin gets in.

I guess Monk wasn't the best at what matters.

But he was on 3 more SB winning teams than Largent, Joiner or even our own Taylor, who were the 3 guys who held the receptions record before he broke it and all 3 of them are in the HOF.

Does this all add up?

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Monk belongs in the HoF no question. That said, I have to admit that I actually like Colin Cowherd and think he's a very entertaining and insightful guy about 80% of the time. He's dead wrong on Monk of course, and the person who made the point about Steve Largent is a great one, someone should call him on that.

Anyone who is a dedicated listener of the Herd knows that he's an extremely opinionated guy (as most talkshow hosts are) and when he's got a view it is unlikely that he's going to change it unless enough people convince him otherwise. His latest serving of humble pie is the 40 yard dash race he lost on air and he had to get a tattoo today as a result. He's a pretty funny guy, but his stance on Monk is a very unfortunate one.

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Monk belongs in the HoF no question. That said, I have to admit that I actually like Colin Cowherd and think he's a very entertaining and insightful guy about 80% of the time. He's dead wrong on Monk of course, and the person who made the point about Steve Largent is a great one, someone should call him on that.

Anyone who is a dedicated listener of the Herd knows that he's an extremely opinionated guy (as most talkshow hosts are) and when he's got a view it is unlikely that he's going to change it unless enough people convince him otherwise. His latest serving of humble pie is the 40 yard dash race he lost on air and he had to get a tattoo today as a result. He's a pretty funny guy, but his stance on Monk is a very unfortunate one.

:applause: My point exactly. And I brought up the Steve Largent issue, only because Cowherd's argument against Monk is that he was a compiler, yet he's from the seattle region and Steve Largent is the epitome of a compiler, yet he's a HOF'er, and he never talks about him. I can't wait 'til the day when Colin comes on the air and changes his mind. I believe it will happen sometime before the end of this year.

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