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Our traded picks and what we could have had


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Art it all comes down to financial responsibility. You may not preferr that guy but to have an equal balance across the team it is needed. When you are paying all of your WR"s 40 million and the you wonder why we have spare parts on our DL, well there is a reason. With those picks we give up we can save money if we actually could draft well.

It would be great to have a 3 to 4 year player at every position, but guess what you can't :)

Except, it's not true we have "spare" parts on the defensive line bubba. We've paid pretty good contracts to four of those guys. Salave'a is pretty cheap, no doubt. Even Evans has a pretty substantial contract for a reserve. Griffin and Carter got big bucks. We've done a real good job of spreading the financial bucks around. Everyone's contract is essentially the same as the last guy's too, creating layer points and shift dollars every three year cycle. There's a reason we are paying so many veteran minimum contracts rather than rookie minimum contracts. We prefer guys who have proven some ability in the league.

This, to me, seems a fundamentally sound guiding principle. Are you seriously saying you don't get it at all?

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I dunno. it's kinda like seeing a thread with Lenny P or Peter K in it. You know you shouldn't bother but just can't help yourself.

It's always fun to watch fans parade around like this team didn't just go 5-11, as if there's no reason to criticize. That's the real comedy on this board.

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It's always fun to watch fans parade around like this team didn't just go 5-11, as if there's no reason to criticize. That's the real comedy on this board.

Now I'm parading huh? Some people on here - a majority i would guess - do nothing but criticize. But if that's your profession so be it.

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And so another year and yet again the all too popular catch phrases of "chicken littles" and "fairweather fans" garbage is back being spewed by those who don't really know much of anything.

I'm still waiting for all the genius' who called everyone who raised concerns over the way the Skins were playing in the preseason "chicken littles" and "fairweather fans" to apologize and admit they error of their ways and that perhaps buying the company line all the time and sticking your head in the sand isn't the most informed way of looking at your favorite team.

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Whats funny is if you take the high road, the Fairweather fans come out of the woodworks and try to deflate your opinions and call you mindless homers. Give me a break, I'll be a mindless homer over a fairweather whiny ****ing fan any day.

Gibbs over his whole career in whatever he has done, has done Very well overall, he may not have a winning record every year and may not make all the right decisions, but he is winner and a HOF coach, thats what I will always remember.

As for the fairweather fans, keep ****ing, b/c thats what you do best. I'll enjoy our success and stay optimistic during our struggles, b/c that what true fans do.

If your not happy w/ who we got and don't like what decisions our FO makes, then why are you even considering yourself a fan? Go find a team that makes all the right decisions in your mind, eithier that or SHUTUP!

All this talk about taking the high road. Why don't you try actually taking the high road (as in not insulting people that don't have the same opinion as you, and telling them to shut up) and then see if people call you a mindless homer? It would be a start.

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We coulda had marcus thomas in the 3rd or 4th. hes a stud dt out of fl. the knocck on him is his questionable behavior, which with the recent events is probably the reason he dropped. he was supposed to be a 1st rounder, til he got in trouble at fl. When i was him play, he was real good.

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Now I'm parading huh? Some people on here - a majority i would guess - do nothing but criticize. But if that's your profession so be it.

Yeah, parading. Some people... people like you, take criticism of this team as hatred. Maybe you can go create your own kumbaya thread and hold hands with the rest of the pacifists on this board who think the team is above criticism. I'm sure there's a support group out there for you somewhere.

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Just b/c they work out well for the teams that drafted them, doesn't automatically make them a fit for our team, does it?

If your not happy w/ who we got and don't like what decisions our FO makes, then why are you even considering yourself a fan? Go find a team that makes all the right decisions in your mind, eithier that or SHUTUP!

I want so much to say exactly how I feel about this "your not a fan" BS statement but I'd be in banned camp so long they name it after me!!! I guess if you're a Skins fan you're not entitled to your own opinions or beliefs and have to put up with mediocrity from the team and front office and just like it. Arrrrrgh!!!!!!
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I want so much to say exactly how I feel about this "your not a fan" BS statement but I'd be in banned camp so long they name it after me!!! I guess if you're a Skins fan you're not entitled to your own opinions or beliefs and have to put up with mediocrity from the team and front office and just like it. Arrrrrgh!!!!!!

Well, considering no one has ever gotten banned for stating a negative viewpoint, but, everyone gets banned the moment they suggest they could be banned for doing just that, I suppose you already know your fate. I'll be nice to you this one time and make it a short one, but, if you ever do it again, you won't come back.

You go right ahead and try speaking whatever thought you have. The only one I know is off limits is NOT doing it and saying you can't for some reason other than your own hesitation.

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Art, I do sympathise with NailBomb (strange user ID). Two things that should be banned on here are name calling, of which this thread is getting perilously close, and refusing to accept other fan's points of view, which this has got way over the edge.

It is not a post that I would be interested in replying to, even though I am a chicken little or fairweather fan or whatever dfos81 wants to call me. But people shouldn't call out other fans for having their own point of view, or for daring to criticise Gibbs, or all the other homer BS!!

I would respectfully suggest banning dfos81 for hijacking the thread rather than those that got annoyed about it being hijacked..... :2cents:

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I'll do you one better and pray we do better. I also really believe we will. That doesn't mean the team isn't open to critism, these past mistakes are still hurting us.

And whats funny is that if the Redskins go 10-6 and win a wild card game again but lose in the playoffs we can all say that those stupid mistakes were probably the difference, and we would be right.

It's the difference between a competent FO and an inconsistant one like ours.

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Just b/c they work out well for the teams that drafted them, doesn't automatically make them a fit for our team, does it?

If your not happy w/ who we got and don't like what decisions our FO makes, then why are you even considering yourself a fan? Go find a team that makes all the right decisions in your mind, eithier that or SHUTUP!

I'm the biggest Redskins fan I know but I'm happy with the FO either. The biggest problem with this team is the complete lack of a pass rush but this wasn't addressed at all this off season. Sure the secondary wasn't good either but if a QB has all day he's going to pick apart almost any secondary.

Just because you don't agree with the personel moves your team makes doesn't mean you're not a fan.

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