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Our traded picks and what we could have had


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And for someone who says they won't cry over spilled milk, you've certainly done your share of moaning over this thread.

Can you back this statement up w/ any factual info?

All I've done is have optimism that we can only get better from last years struggles and we've learned alot along the way.

Sorry your taking this as personal attack but why should I belive you have the better direction for our team over Gibbs?

Your opinions are fine but don't take it personal when 99% of the people responding trust Gibbs over you.

When you can prove that you have the better direction for our team by what you've accomplished as a HC, then you'll get some respect, until then your just another " Chicken Little " imho.

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This thread seems to be about going over past transgressions for the 90,000th time. It causes some fans to ask "What's the point?"...and of course the first and main reason that comes to mind in the same fans' eyes is "Because I like beating the drum over the mistakes our FO makes". That doesn't sit very well with a certain segment of fans, because it starts to move towards "Debbie Downer" territory lol...I mean, everything Debbie says is actually true, but she seems incapable of taking part in a lighthearted or upbeat discussion.

There ARE things to be optimistic about from this past weekend's draft, believe it or not...unfortunately, dfbovey, you seem to desire to focus like a lazer on the negative aspect of "Look what we COULD have had". It seems to be the one and only point you bring up from thread to thread (as well as dedicating an entire thread to this same point). If the Skins' FO had given up this year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks THIS year, then you'd have more of a point. If the Skins' FO gave up NEXT year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks this year, then you'd have more of a point as well. Neither happened, so the FO has done nothing THIS YEAR to find fault with...bringing up instead what they've done in the past seems a bit pointless, at least doing so as aggressively as you seem to be doing on all the threads.

The days immediately after the draft are the party days for optimistic fans...and nobody likes to have the party crashed lol...

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I'm a homer, and always optimistic, but can you say that trading our 3rd pick for Duckett (nothing), was a good move? I think Gibbs would even say it was a mistake. Your not an optimist, your a cheerleader. You can say Gibbs knows best in any argument on this board, but it's stupid. This FO has made tons of mistakes. Even if we do win the Superbowl this year, it won't prove anything. Arch was a mistake, Duckett was a mistake. Responding to you is definitely a mistake.

No it wasn't a good move and no team can go mistake free, but what does that have to do w/ the team we have now?

Why must you cry over spilt milk? Who cares about the mistakes we made in the past, as long as we can learn from them and move on.

Its funny b/c only the pessimist are responding negatively to my optimism for this season.

Like I said before, I will take the high road and hope that we can turn this thing around, sorry if that bothers you.

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This thread seems to be about going over past transgressions for the 90,000th time. It causes some fans to ask "What's the point?"...and of course the first and main reason that comes to mind in the same fans' eyes is "Because I like beating the drum over the mistakes our FO makes". That doesn't sit very well with a certain segment of fans, because it starts to move towards "Debbie Downer" territory lol...I mean, everything Debbie says is actually true, but she seems incapable of taking part in a lighthearted or upbeat discussion.

There ARE things to be optimistic about from this past weekend's draft, believe it or not...unfortunately, dfbovey, you seem to desire to focus like a lazer on the negative aspect of "Look what we COULD have had". It seems to be the one and only point you bring up from thread to thread (as well as dedicating an entire thread to this same point). If the Skins' FO had given up this year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks THIS year, then you'd have more of a point. If the Skins' FO gave up NEXT year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks this year, then you'd have more of a point as well. Neither happened, so the FO has done nothing THIS YEAR to find fault with...bringing up instead what they've done in the past seems a bit pointless, at least doing so as aggressively as you seem to be doing on all the threads.

The days immediately after the draft are the party days for optimistic fans...and nobody likes to have the party crashed lol...

:applause: :applause: :applause: NOW all the " Debbie Downers " can shut it. I know they won't b/c the loudest people in here are the pessimist and if you dont agree just read throughly. N E ways :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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No it wasn't a good move and no team can go mistake free, but what does that have to do w/ the team we have now?

Why must you cry over spilt milk? Who cares about the mistakes we made in the past, as long as we can learn from them and move on.

Its funny b/c only the pessimist are responding negatively to my optimism for this season.

Like I said before, I will take the high road and hope that we can turn this thing around, sorry if that bothers you.

I'll do you one better and pray we do better. I also really believe we will. That doesn't mean the team isn't open to critism, these past mistakes are still hurting us. Plus the OP simply said who he would of drafted, simply as a topic for discussion. Telling him, he isn't a fan, and to shut up and leave, is not taking the high road. It's actually the complete opposite of the high road. Take the high road and respect his opinion.

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Can you back this statement up w/ any factual info?

You mean the fact that you've done nothing but whine and complain that anyone would even consider throwing some criticism Gibbs way? That's all you've done in this thread.

All I've done is have optimism that we can only get better from last years struggles and we've learned alot along the way.

And all I did was list some players I would have taken if we hadn't traded them away for Duckett and Lloyd or moved up to trade for McIntosh. And all you've done is complain about it.

Sorry your taking this as personal attack but why should I belive you have the better direction for our team over Gibbs?

Why is Gibbs above criticism? His team was 5-11 last year.

Your opinions are fine but don't take it personal when 99% of the people responding trust Gibbs over you.

When you can prove that you have the better direction for our team by what you've accomplished as a HC, then you'll get some respect, until then your just another " Chicken Little " imho.

Then find another thread where you can huddle together with the other homers who think everything is ok, and sing kumbaya. Or explain to me what would have been wrong with the draft pick suggestions I made given the available prospects that would have been available with those picks..

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This thread seems to be about going over past transgressions for the 90,000th time. It causes some fans to ask "What's the point?"...and of course the first and main reason that comes to mind in the same fans' eyes is "Because I like beating the drum over the mistakes our FO makes". That doesn't sit very well with a certain segment of fans, because it starts to move towards "Debbie Downer" territory lol...I mean, everything Debbie says is actually true, but she seems incapable of taking part in a lighthearted or upbeat discussion.

There ARE things to be optimistic about from this past weekend's draft, believe it or not...unfortunately, dfbovey, you seem to desire to focus like a lazer on the negative aspect of "Look what we COULD have had". It seems to be the one and only point you bring up from thread to thread (as well as dedicating an entire thread to this same point). If the Skins' FO had given up this year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks THIS year, then you'd have more of a point. If the Skins' FO gave up NEXT year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks this year, then you'd have more of a point as well. Neither happened, so the FO has done nothing THIS YEAR to find fault with...bringing up instead what they've done in the past seems a bit pointless, at least doing so as aggressively as you seem to be doing on all the threads.

The days immediately after the draft are the party days for optimistic fans...and nobody likes to have the party crashed lol...

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: I'd also like to add, its like having a ****y, nagging wife or girlfriend, it just doesn't work out well. :)

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There ARE things to be optimistic about from this past weekend's draft, believe it or not...unfortunately, dfbovey, you seem to desire to focus like a lazer on the negative aspect of "Look what we COULD have had". It seems to be the one and only point you bring up from thread to thread (as well as dedicating an entire thread to this same point). If the Skins' FO had given up this year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks THIS year, then you'd have more of a point. If the Skins' FO gave up NEXT year's 2nd, 3rd and 4th picks this year, then you'd have more of a point as well. Neither happened, so the FO has done nothing THIS YEAR to find fault with...bringing up instead what they've done in the past seems a bit pointless, at least doing so as aggressively as you seem to be doing on all the threads.

The point is there would have been more opportunities to pick up good young prospects to address need areas if we didn't waste those picks on the likes of guys like Duckett. Is it rehashing old arguements? Partially. But I thought it would be interesting to show exactly who we could have had with those picks seeing as how the draft was this weekend and we could see who was taken where, who would have fallen to us with those picks.

The days immediately after the draft are the party days for optimistic fans...and nobody likes to have the party crashed lol...

The overly optimistic fans are also the most defensive. No reason at all that this thread had to turn out this way. I thought that this would result in people maybe taking a look at the way the draft panned out and adding who they would have picked... but it is what it is.

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Hindsight again. Shoulda woulda coulda. We tried to better our team (again) and it didn't work. Hopefulyl we did this time and keep it this way for next years picks. Maybe if we had a 4th rounder, we could have used it on Blades?

Exactly, its like these guys think this is our last draft. If this years doesn't pan out for our picks, then we have the next year for draft picks.

This is the time to be optimistic b/c it definetly wasn't the time last season.

But I guess some guys seem to forget how we did make the playoffs and even won a playoff game w/ the same HC and Asst Coach 2 seasons ago.

I know our staff has made mistakes, Im not eluding that. But every NFL staff makes mistakes even the superbowl winners can make mistakes.

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:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: I'd also like to add, its like having a ****y, nagging wife or girlfriend, it just doesn't work out well. :)

Do you realize how boring this place would be if everyone was a cheerleader like yourself. Or even if we were all homers like me. That would suck. Califan007 brings up good points. But there are also plenty of threads that more optimistic.

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The point is there would have been more opportunities to pick up good young prospects to address need areas if we didn't waste those picks on the likes of guys like Duckett. Is it rehashing old arguements? Partially. But I thought it would be interesting to show exactly who we could have had with those picks seeing as how the draft was this weekend and we could see who was taken ware, who would have fallen to us with those picks.

If you had done so only in this thread, I wouldn't even have bothered posting here lol...but no offense, man, but I grew tired of seeing you infuse this argument into seemingly EVERY STINKIN' THREAD I was reading lol...

Someone says Blades was a good pickup, you'd chime in with "We COULD have had A, B, and C if the FO didn't screw up so much". Another thread says Landry was a better option than Anderson, you post that "We COULD have had A, B, and C if the FO were competent". Yet another thread asks if Nemo will give up the #30 for Landry, you state that "Landry COULD have had the #30 jersey if the FO actually knew what they were doing and had not drafted Nemo to begin with, just like we COULD have drafted A, B, and C if the FO had a clue"...

Ok, none of those were actually verbatim, and that last one was made up lol...but you get my point. ;)

The overly optimistic fans are also the most defensive. No reason at all that this thread had to turn out this way.

Oh, I don't really care how the thread ended up lol :laugh: :)...I just wanted to throw in my worthless 2 cents. :D

And for the record, I agree with your position that past transgressions by the FO screwed up what the Skins COULD (heh) have done this draft, cuz they really could have done some damage with even just the 3rd round pick they tossed in order to get Duckett (who I thought they were gonna keep more than one year). But eh, I don't have a single thing to complain about in their moves over the weekend, and right now I'm not of the mindset or emotional state to emphasize all the past things that didn't sit well with me. When it comes to football, for me it's always "This offseason, this upcoming season". This offseason, the FO has been great. This upcoming season, I'm realistically optimstic that the Skins can do great as well.

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How do you know that these guys in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rds would all pan out. Not every player is going to be a star just b/c they are drafted.

If you look at our weaknesses from the past few seasons. We have addressed them w/ adding Dlineman like Evans, Golston(which have played very well), Montgomery(which hasn't really had a chance b/c of injuries) and could be that hole clogger b/c he is 300+ pounds and Gibbs seems very happy w/ his progression.

Guys have stated how bad our linebackers have played, especially against the run. So we added maybe the best pickup of all this offseason w/ L. B. Fletcher, Rocky as WLB( should be great comp between him & Marshall this offseason), I'll bet Marshall excels as one of our top pass rushers now that he is going to be at a more natural pos. this yr. We will have more comp at SLb w/ the 5th rounder giving Washington added pressure to bounce back (which if anybody could bounce back it would be Washington). I belive HB Blades will be a very good if not great backer(not right away, but he will be under one of the best leader in Fletcher) and if we need to run a 34 scheme we will have the backers to do so.

Also guys have whined and moaned and ****ed about our secondary not playing together very well. So we get a player back that has had success for us in this system and will make us better w/ Smooty. We draft THE BEST Safety prospect and maybe the best defensive athlete in this years draft w/ Landry ( so now ST can get back to WR smacking this year and doesn't have to be worrying about the running backs as much). I can't wait to feed some crow to all the naysayers this year. :point2sky

:applause: :applause:

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And for the record, I agree with your position that past transgressions by the FO screwed up what the Skins COULD (heh) have done this draft, cuz they really could have done some damage with even just the 3rd round pick they tossed in order to get Duckett (who I thought they were gonna keep more than one year). But eh, I don't have a single thing to complain about in their moves over the weekend, and right now I'm not of the mindset or emotional state to emphasize all the past things that didn't sit well with me. When it comes to football, for me it's always "This offseason, this upcoming season". This offseason, the FO has been great. This upcoming season, I'm realistically optimstic that the Skins can do great as well.

Nice post Cali,

I agree with you, I am so pumped for this year, and loved what they did Saturday. However, I was a bit confused as to the QB pick. I thought we could have found a DL prospect from somewhere. But we still have enough to win it all. This could be one of the best safety tandems in history!!:cheers::point2sky

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Some guys in here sound like a nagging wife. I'm just glad the majority of us are optimistic about our draft picks and our FO decisions this offseason, for the rest of you naysayers, go suck on a bottle or something lol.

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If you had done so only in this thread, I wouldn't even have bothered posting here lol...but no offense, man, but I grew tired of seeing you infuse this argument into seemingly EVERY STINKIN' THREAD I was reading lol...

Well, I get equally tired of the fans who do nothing but call someone in the media a moron when they say something negative about the Skins. Especially when the criticism is justified.

Someone says Blades was a good pickup, you'd chime in with "We COULD have had A, B, and C if the FO didn't screw up so much".

I like the Blades pick and said so in another thread. With Fletcher's age I thought this guy would be great to groom to be a future starter.

Another thread says Landry was a better option than Anderson, you post that "We COULD have had A, B, and C if the FO were competent". Yet another thread asks if Nemo will give up the #30 for Landry, you state that "Landry COULD have had the #30 jersey if the FO actually knew what they were doing and had not drafted Nemo to begin with, just like we COULD have drafted A, B, and C if the FO had a clue"...

Now you're just being contrarian, listing threads I never posted in to exaggerate your points. And attributing points to me, that I never made.

Ok, none of those were actually verbatim, and that last one was made up lol...but you get my point. ;)

I don't really get the point of making up false statements and exaggerating, but that's fine.

And for the record, I agree with your position that past transgressions by the FO screwed up what the Skins COULD (heh) have done this draft, cuz they really could have done some damage with even just the 3rd round pick they tossed in order to get Duckett (who I thought they were gonna keep more than one year). But eh, I don't have a single thing to complain about in their moves over the weekend, and right now I'm not of the mindset or emotional state to emphasize all the past things that didn't sit well with me. When it comes to football, for me it's always "This offseason, this upcoming season". This offseason, the FO has been great. This upcoming season, I'm realistically optimstic that the Skins can do great as well.

I think the team will be better overall, and my only real gripe is that they didn't address the defensive line at all this offseason. That's not something in the past that bothers me. That's something that is here and now and bothering me. And when I look at the Duckett trade it makes me look at things and say what if. I don't really care if that bothers people.

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Well, I get equally tired of the fans who do nothing but call someone in the media a moron when they say something negative about the Skins. Especially when the criticism is justified.

When the criticism is about things that happened 1 or 2 years ago, it's pointless...hell, the media has STILL been criticizing Snyder for his 2000 free agent signings.

I like the Blades pick and said so in another thread. With Fletcher's age I thought this guy would be great to groom to be a future starter.

Now you're just being contrarian, listing threads I never posted in to exaggerate your points. And attributing points to me, that I never made.

I don't really get the point of making up false statements and exaggerating, but that's fine.

Ok, I can't help it if you take yourself too seriously to see the attempts to use humor to get my points across (and yes, exaggerations are often used to convey points in a humorous way)...for someone who says the "homers" get too defensive you seem close to qualifying for that label yourself.

I think the team will be better overall, and my only real gripe is that they didn't address the defensive line at all this offseason. That's not something in the past that bothers me. That's something that is here and now and bothering me.

Fair enough...

And when I look at the Duckett trade it makes me look at things and say what if. I don't really care if that bothers people.

Then it shouldn't bother you when they complain to you about it, either...

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When the criticism is about things that happened 1 or 2 years ago, it's pointless...hell, the media has STILL been criticizing Snyder for his 2000 free agent signings.

I'm talking about draft grades posted today. We get a D grade and the responses to that have been pretty damn funny.

Ok, I can't help it if you take yourself too seriously to see the attempts to use humor to get my points across (and yes, exaggerations are often used to convey points in a humorous way)...for someone who says the "homers" get too defensive you seem close to qualifying for that label yourself.

Humor can be difficult to read in a message board format. So it's hard to tell if you're attempting to be funny or if I should just put you in the same category as dsor.

Then it shouldn't bother you when they complain to you about it, either...

They only complain because there is no arguement against it. Again, there wasn't a need for any complaining in this thread anyway. It was meant to be a discussion for draftniks to put forth who they might have taken if we still had those choices. Instead it's been derailed and taken over by defensive homers.

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They only complain because there is no arguement against it. Again, there wasn't a need for any complaining in this thread anyway. It was meant to be a discussion for draftniks to put forth who they might have taken if we still had those choices. Instead it's been derailed and taken over by defensive homers.

Defensive homers? Count me in if thats what I am sounding like.

Is it odd for you to find defensive homers on a fans favorite teams message boards? :doh:

If you read your opening to this thread, it doesn't mention anything about what US FANS would've picked. All it has is your opinions about who you would pick. Your behind if your just now realizing that defensive homers would be all over this from the get go.

I still can't belive your baffled by defensive homers attacking your statements :laugh: . I guess your new to extremeskins :D

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If you read your opening to this thread, it doesn't mention anything about what US FANS would've picked. All it has is your opinions about who you would pick. Your behind if your just now realizing that defensive homers would be all over this from the get go.

What's funny, is not once have you addressed the players I listed or how it would have been wrong to take any of them. If you weren't going to participate by posting who you would have taken, I would at least think that at least once, you would have commented on the players that I would have picked. Either way, whether I spelled it out for you or not, that was the intent of this thread. For people to discuss who we could have taken with those picks based on the results of this weekend's draft. But you chose to respond the way you did.

I still can't belive your baffled by defensive homers attacking your statements :laugh: . I guess your new to extremeskins :D

I don't recall saying I was surprised. I know very well that there are people like you roaming about.

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This sounds like something someone who's a glutton for punishment would do...

:applause: :applause: :applause: he forgot he was on a Redskins message boards and we don't take kindly to " Debbie Downers " :D .

We are fans of the Redskins, well most of us. So for people to bring up the things we missed and the things we could've done, is really a moot point as another fan put it.

Just like fans that say " if we would've only kicked the Fg instead of going for it, we might have won ".

Especially the Duckett thing, OF COURSE IT WAS A BAD DECISION, why does it seem to be something some of you can't let go.

We already know that our favorite team as well as others will make some mistakes but why keep rehashing it.

Imho Gibbs and Staff have learned something and the proof is in this years draft, we didn't trade away any future draft picks!

So how come I don't see you pessimist that said " we are going to just keep trading our picks b/c our FO is screwed up ".

Why aren't you back here saying " Well JG and staff did learn from past mistakes b/c they haven't repeated it " and they aren't as screwed as I thought.

Never mind, thats asking you to swallow your pessimistic pride, that would be too much to ask.

Back to another positive note, I am very happy w/ our draft w/ the cards we were dealt we did good imho. Good job JG and Staff for not trading away our future and leaving us high dry like other coaches have..cough..cough..Spurrier :)

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Good job JG and Staff for not trading away our future and leaving us high dry like other coaches have..cough..cough..Spurrier :)

Now that's hilarious. Calling out Spurrier for trading away draft picks and ignoring it when Gibbs did it. I guess you see what you want to see. Nice double standard there.

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What's funny, is not once have you addressed the players I listed or how it would have been wrong to take any of them. If you weren't going to participate by posting who you would have taken, I would at least think that at least once, you would have commented on the players that I would have picked. Either way, whether I spelled it out for you or not, that was the intent of this thread. For people to discuss who we could have taken with those picks based on the results of this weekend's draft. But you chose to respond the way you did.

I don't recall saying I was surprised. I know very well that there are people like you roaming about.

You never asked me who I would've taken. Sorry I can only understand the questions you asked.

If your asking me who I would've taken if we had all of our picks, then this would've been much easier.

Sorry, I just felt like you were starting another ***** thread and if you don't know why I'm reacting like I have, its b/c those threads are all over the place and it gets old.

Hell I would've taken of Branch in the 2nd if possible, 3rd Jarrett, and w/ the 4th I'm not sure b/c I haven't really researched the 4th rounders yet.

So I'm not trying to ruin your thread, I just took your posts the wrong way in the beginning. Peace bro and I hope the Skins will bounce back like they have before.

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Back to another positive note, I am very happy w/ our draft w/ the cards we were dealt we did good imho. Good job JG and Staff for not trading away our future and leaving us high dry like other coaches have..cough..cough..Spurrier :)

Do you follow the team? Or just cheer, Go Gibbs, Go team!

That sentence is rediculous. Gibbs and company have been more active in trading draft pics then any Skins teams in history. You're making horrible arguments for the homers. At least be honest.

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