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Our traded picks and what we could have had


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Yeah, this is a what could have been thread. Based on the players that would have been available with the picks we traded away and what I would have done with those picks if we had them.

2nd round - Justin Blalock - G - Texas

3rd round - Charles Johnson - DE - Georgia

4th round - Scott Chandler - TE - Iowa

If you couple that with Landry in the first, the linebackers and the QB we took in the later rounds... I think it would have been a hell of a draft.

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The 2nd rounder right now seems like a mistake until we see Rocky on the field. If he puts up 100+ tackles and gets over the injury bug that trade looks better then it does now.

The 3rd rounder is bad....No way around that one

the 4th rounder is questionable. Based on talent Lloyd is a high round value but can he put it together on the field??

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Yeah, even if we had that 3rd rounder, I would have considered our draft a much greater success (with the assumption in mind that they would have addressed the defensive line with the pick).

Either way it will be interesting to monitor the status of players that were still available, and weight it against what we gained in the trades (Duckett, Lloyd and McIntosh).

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Yeah, this is a what could have been thread. Based on the players that would have been available with the picks we traded away and what I would have done with those picks if we had them.

2nd round - Justin Blalock - G - Texas

3rd round - Charles Johnson - DE - Georgia

4th round - Scott Chandler - TE - Iowa

If you couple that with Landry in the first, the linebackers and the QB we took in the later rounds... I think it would have been a hell of a draft.

That would have been a great draft, all positions of need. Maybe one day we will have picks, one day :D

A guard from Texas oh wait who could that have replaced :(

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Yeah, this is a what could have been thread. Based on the players that would have been available with the picks we traded away and what I would have done with those picks if we had them.

2nd round - Justin Blalock - G - Texas

3rd round - Charles Johnson - DE - Georgia

4th round - Scott Chandler - TE - Iowa

If you couple that with Landry in the first, the linebackers and the QB we took in the later rounds... I think it would have been a hell of a draft.

I like Lloyd and Ducket better. :silly:

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Yeah, this is a what could have been thread. Based on the players that would have been available with the picks we traded away and what I would have done with those picks if we had them.

2nd round - Justin Blalock - G - Texas

3rd round - Charles Johnson - DE - Georgia

4th round - Scott Chandler - TE - Iowa

If you couple that with Landry in the first, the linebackers and the QB we took in the later rounds... I think it would have been a hell of a draft.

How do you know that these guys in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rds would all pan out. Not every player is going to be a star just b/c they are drafted.

If you look at our weaknesses from the past few seasons. We have addressed them w/ adding Dlineman like Evans, Golston(which have played very well), Montgomery(which hasn't really had a chance b/c of injuries) and could be that hole clogger b/c he is 300+ pounds and Gibbs seems very happy w/ his progression.

Guys have stated how bad our linebackers have played, especially against the run. So we added maybe the best pickup of all this offseason w/ L. B. Fletcher, Rocky as WLB( should be great comp between him & Marshall this offseason), I'll bet Marshall excels as one of our top pass rushers now that he is going to be at a more natural pos. this yr. We will have more comp at SLb w/ the 5th rounder giving Washington added pressure to bounce back (which if anybody could bounce back it would be Washington). I belive HB Blades will be a very good if not great backer(not right away, but he will be under one of the best leader in Fletcher) and if we need to run a 34 scheme we will have the backers to do so.

Also guys have whined and moaned and ****ed about our secondary not playing together very well. So we get a player back that has had success for us in this system and will make us better w/ Smooty. We draft THE BEST Safety prospect and maybe the best defensive athlete in this years draft w/ Landry ( so now ST can get back to WR smacking this year and doesn't have to be worrying about the running backs as much). I can't wait to feed some crow to all the naysayers this year. :point2sky

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How do you know that these guys in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rds would all pan out. Not every player is going to be a star just b/c they are drafted.

I don't think I ever claimed that all these players would be stars. That's why I said it would be interesting to keep track of these players and weigh their performance against what we actually did with the picks. This is simply what I would have done with the picks if we still had them.

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I don't think I ever claimed that all these players would be stars. That's why I said it would be interesting to keep track of these players and weigh their performance against what we actually did with the picks. This is simply what I would have done with the picks if we still had them.

This sounds like something someone who's a glutton for punishment would do...

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I don't think I ever claimed that all these players would be stars. That's why I said it would be interesting to keep track of these players and weigh their performance against what we actually did with the picks. This is simply what I would have done with the picks if we still had them.

Just b/c they work out well for the teams that drafted them, doesn't automatically make them a fit for our team, does it?

If your not happy w/ who we got and don't like what decisions our FO makes, then why are you even considering yourself a fan? Go find a team that makes all the right decisions in your mind, eithier that or SHUTUP!

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If your not happy w/ who we got and don't like what decisions our FO makes, then why are you even considering yourself a fan? Go find a team that makes all the right decisions in your mind, eithier that or SHUTUP!

Give me a break! Why do people throw out the "Love it or leave it" BS. This is justs as idiotic in talking sports as it is in talking politics. To say that "real fans" never disagree with the FO is just silly. I don't the FO expects "real fans" to be mindless automatons. In fact, I expect they'd be happier if "real fans" clapped and cheered when its proven they did right - this way they'd know it meant something.

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Just b/c they work out well for the teams that drafted them, doesn't automatically make them a fit for our team, does it?

No it doesn't.

If your not happy w/ who we got and don't like what decisions our FO makes, then why are you even considering yourself a fan? Go find a team that makes all the right decisions in your mind, eithier that or SHUTUP!

Wow, another mindless lemming. I've been a fan of this team since the late 70's and I'm not about to stop now. I want to see the succeed just as much as any other fan. What I want to know... Since when does a fan not have the right to be critical of their team? All fans should just be mindless drone followers with no opinion in your mind? If that's how you roll, then go ahead. But don't tell others not to voice an opinion just because you are incapable of independent thought.

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Hindsight again. Shoulda woulda coulda. We tried to better our team (again) and it didn't work. Hopefulyl we did this time and keep it this way for next years picks. Maybe if we had a 4th rounder, we could have used it on Blades?

we got blades with our 1st 6th round pick

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No it doesn't.

Wow, another mindless lemming. I've been a fan of this team since the late 70's and I'm not about to stop now. I want to see the succeed just as much as any other fan. What I want to know... Since when does a fan not have the right to be critical of their team? All fans should just be mindless drone followers with no opinion in your mind? If that's how you roll, then go ahead. But don't tell others not to voice an opinion.

Thats great but just b/c we didn't draft a player you liked or wanted doesn't mean that our FO made a bad decison on our picks this year. How can any fan judge the players we've drafted before they've even had a chance to play for us.

Your hypothetical thinking isn't going anywhere. If those guys that were drafted in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds turn in HOF's, who cares if your a Skins fan, unless they play for us, it doesn't make since to think about it that way.

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I'll like Gibbs decisions over any Fairweather fan all day everyday. If we make the playoffs this year, you'll be praising Gibbs and saying he was the best coach we've ever had, if we lose you'll be crying like a lil baby. If your a fair weather fan you'll take offence to this statement, if your not, then this won't bother you in the least.

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Thats great but just b/c we didn't draft a player you liked or wanted doesn't mean that our FO made a bad decison on our picks this year. How can any fan judge the players we've drafted before they've even had a chance to play for us.

I'm not talking about players we drafted, I'm talking about picks that were given away in trades... in one case a trade for a player like Duckett who sat on the bench all last year and then left in free agency. A pick that could have netted us depth on the defensive line or some other need.

Your hypothetical thinking isn't going anywhere. If those guys that were drafted in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds turn in HOF's, who cares if your a Skins fan, unless they play for us, it doesn't make since to think about it that way.

It makes perfect SENSE because it illustrates a problem with the way the front office operates. It would show how the team could successfully build through the draft rather than devaluing picks like they have in recent history.

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I'll like Gibbs decisions over any Fairweather fan all day everyday. If we make the playoffs this year, you'll be praising Gibbs and saying he was the best coach we've ever had, if we lose you'll be crying like a lil baby. If your a fair weather fan you'll take offence to this statement, if your not, then this won't bother you in the least.

So how do you feel about the 5-11 season last year? Everything's ok with you right?

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I'll like Gibbs decisions over any Fairweather fan all day everyday. If we make the playoffs this year, you'll be praising Gibbs and saying he was the best coach we've ever had, if we lose you'll be crying like a lil baby. If your a fair weather fan you'll take offence to this statement, if your not, then this won't bother you in the least.

If you're a mindless automaton, you won't take any offense to that statement. If, however, you possess independent thought, you might. Truly, why come here if all you want to say is "everything is great - you guys are just fair weather fans!" Is this fun?

BTW, a fair weather fan is not someone who disagrees with the FO, its someone who only roots for them when they do well. Do you need someone to help explain the difference between these two statements or can you figure this out on your own?

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Whats funny is if you take the high road, the Fairweather fans come out of the woodworks and try to deflate your opinions and call you mindless homers. Give me a break, I'll be a mindless homer over a fairweather whiny ****ing fan any day.

Gibbs over his whole career in whatever he has done, has done Very well overall, he may not have a winning record every year and may not make all the right decisions, but he is winner and a HOF coach, thats what I will always remember.

As for the fairweather fans, keep ****ing, b/c thats what you do best. I'll enjoy our success and stay optimistic during our struggles, b/c that what true fans do.

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Or, we would have had the ammunition to trade up 4 slots and draft Branch, and still grab Charles Johnson with our 3rd rounder.

But what's done is done, and there is little point going back and debating what could've/should've happened. Just like Rogers v Merriman, it's moot.

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Whats funny is if you take the high road, the Fairweather fans come out of the woodworks and try to deflate your opinions and call you mindless homers. Give me a break, I'll be a mindless homer over a fairweather whiny ****ing fan any day.

Gibbs over his whole career in whatever he has done, has done Very well overall, he may not have a winning record every year and may not make all the right decisions, but he is winner and a HOF coach, thats all what I will always remember.

As for the fairweather fans, keep ****ing, b/c thats what you do best. I'll enjoy or success and stay optimistic during our struggles, b/c that what true fans do.

Does this post mean you need help with the definition of a fair weather fan?

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I think the definition of a fairweather fan is a guy who doesn't bother to go through the pain of watching his team when it's not doing well. I haven't missed a game in over 20 years and it would take an act of god for unavoidable disaster for that to happen. I'm as die hard as it gets.

I don't take offense to someone calling me a fairweather fan, I find it comical and idiotic.

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Here's an interesting post from dfos81 from November of last year (I could pull ones from earlier, but you get the idea)...


Man you guys are harsh

1st off we all knew he wasnt brought in to be a Cover Safety.

I thought Taylor was our Cover Safety?

2nd he leads our team in Solo tackles, could Clark do that?

3rd Williams will find ways to make Arch better, its just sad that 90% of the Skins fans have very lil hope in our system getting better along w/ our players in the system.

I like Arch as a solid STRONG safety, obviously Williams has changed his tune about our safties being interchangable :doh:

I belive Arch has alot to prove and he will, just not as soon as we were hoping.

It was sad last year that many skins fans saw a train wreck coming. Too bad we were all just fair weather fans, even though we stuck around to watch, ey?

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