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Couple of things from the Gibbs wrap-up presser.


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One, the second question from a reporter was, "There's been talk that (the TE) could gain weight to be an offensive lineman." Loser simply logged in to NFL.com and read the analysis that said that. Moving further, Gibbs spoke about Washington being used to rush the passer more, especially in the nickel packages.

This creates a role for him in the nickel like Chris Clemons a couple years ago. Washington is really a pretty good pass rusher in limited chances. Obviously the plan is to work him in more frequently to help generate some of the quick pressure on the edge we simply can't generate with Daniels, Wynn or Evans.

Sounds like that may have been an internal answer as to how to improve with the pass rush that helped lead to some of the choices we've made in the offseason.

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One, the second question from a reporter was, "There's been talk that (the TE) could gain weight to be an offensive lineman." Loser simply logged in to NFL.com and read the analysis that said that. Moving further, Gibbs spoke about Washington being used to rush the passer more, especially in the nickel packages.

This creates a role for him in the nickel like Chris Clemons a couple years ago. Washington is really a pretty good pass rusher in limited chances. Obviously the plan is to work him in more frequently to help generate some of the quick pressure on the edge we simply can't generate with Daniels, Wynn or Evans.

Sounds like that may have been an internal answer as to how to improve with the pass rush that helped lead to some of the choices we've made in the offseason.

That also explains why Dallas was picked up in the 5th. He'd be able to do this role in the event of injury to Washington. I'm becoming more and more astounded that we managed to pick up the two LBs we did so late in the draft. I'm assuming Coach was wearing a smile if he had to field any questions about these two guys.

Damn our coaches for having a plan and drafting for it without telling us first what it was!

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Toward the end of the presser, Gibbs outlined as clearly as you've ever heard just how bad our coverage was last year and just how negative it was to the rest of the defense. I do think we have some reason to hope we'll be better in the secondary, which will, in turn, make us better everywhere else. The same thing is true in reverse. If you have a great front four, it makes your coverage better.

I think we were a lot closer to having a great secondary than we were to having a great front four though :).

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Hey did anyone catch his answer to the question of whether or not there would be some changes in the scouting dept? I got cut off right before the answer.

Yes. He said nothing was planned and once again, as he often does, praised Vinny. Gibbs has given the man more money and more authority since he came back. He probably doesn't hate him as much as the fans here do.

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That also explains why Dallas was picked up in the 5th. He'd be able to do this role in the event of injury to Washington. I'm becoming more and more astounded that we managed to pick up the two LBs we did so late in the draft. I'm assuming Coach was wearing a smile if he had to field any questions about these two guys.

Damn our coaches for having a plan and drafting for it without telling us first what it was!

Can you imagine if Sartz becomes a truly great player for Redskins that everyone loves.

You'll see signs up in the stands that say

WE LOVE DALLAS!! :laugh:

Talk about confusion. :D

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It may just be that us armchair quarterbacks aren't as good at judging talent and issues with the defense as we thought we were. I include myself there as well, since I was hoping for a trade down and DLine pick as well. Seems like there's another plan and until it doesn't work, I'm going to defer to the guys that get paid to do this.

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Did anyone ask how we are going to stop the run?

No. Surprisingly the run defense question never came up. A ton was about the pass rush and coverage. I think most people understand that the line is generally built as a good run stopping line and that was such an area of strength for two years, I imagine most feel it is not the biggest worry. This is probably true.

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I came here to make a thread about how Gibbs said we want to rush Marcus a lot more next year. My intention was so that all of the people pissed off here about everything could finally understand that we have ideas we want to implement that may or not be well known.

Well, Art, you beat me to it.

I loved it when he said that. I really did. Marcus is a beast when rushing the passer. We got corners that can cover now, and safeties that definitely won't get beat deep since they don't have to worry about the run now that we got LBs that can tackle there... Gregg can unload again.


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Did anyone ask how we are going to stop the run?

I am goin to re-post something I put in another thread:

Last season, it wasn't the case of opposing QBs hiking the ball and having 8, 9, 10 seconds to throw.

If that were the case, then that means that we had a pretty good secondary to be able to cover that long.

However, we know that we did NOT have a good secondary last year. :)

No, last year what I saw was from the opposing QB was:

3 steps.. throw

3 steps.. throw

3 steps.. throw

This means that opposing offensive players were getting open in the secondary practically IMMEADIATELY.

The D-Line barely got 2-3 steps into their push before the QB was throwing the ball.

They rarely had time to put on any pressure.

Our secondary was that bad. They made most QBs facing the Redskins look Marino-like quick.

So Williams couldn't blitz much b/c he had to put everyone out in coverage to compensate.

That also left running lanes open, which hurt our rushing defense.

THIS is what I believe the coaches saw in studying the film, and made the moves they did (focusing on the secondary and LBs in FA and the draft. This will help us put more pressure on opposing QBs and stop the run the way we usually do.

I'm not saying we don't need to look at another DL in UDFA or June 1st cuts, but I don't think it was our biggest need.

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I'm actually not worried about stopping the run to be honest. London Fletcher is a huge upgrade over Marshall. Rocky/Marshall is a huge upgrade over Holdman. Staying healthy at DL is obviously a must, but I think we are capable at stopping the run. I think last year was a bit of an aberration, that was worsened by injuries and Warrick Holdman being terrible. It's the pass rush I am more worried about.

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That's very good analysis. You're completely right. Last year everyone was throwing in rhythm, seemingly, all the time. You don't get sacks when the team is throwing on timing. It got better to a degree when Springs was healthy, but, we were really a struggling team in that area last year. With David Macklin as the projected No. 4 corner, things should be somewhat better. Let's just hope he remains No. 4 or wins a higher job and he doesn't move up because we make a move there.

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Did anyone ask how we are going to stop the run?

With everybody healthy & ready to go come September, Ihave full confidence that the run defense will be fine.

Everyone should think back to that fateful night in August, BEFORE CP got hurt. That first defensive series, with everyone attacking & flying all over the field holding the Bengals to nothing. It was perfect. It's the defense we will have this year.

At least that's what I keep telling myself.... :)

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No. Surprisingly the run defense question never came up. A ton was about the pass rush and coverage. I think most people understand that the line is generally built as a good run stopping line and that was such an area of strength for two years, I imagine most feel it is not the biggest worry. This is probably true.
Yea Griffin and Salava can stop the run when healthy, but both have an injury bug especailly the later.

I think the pass rush problem overshadowed the run prob. 4.5 yards a pop does not get it done.

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They said the same thing about Washington last year and he got all of 1 sack and wasn't all that impressive rushing the passer even when healthy.

He's never been a particularly good passrusher. He may be the best we've got at linebacker in terms of pass rush but that doesn't mean he's some naturally gifted passrusher that we've kept under wraps for 3 years.

It's clear that we are expecting our pass rush to come from-

1. Andre Carter believing that he finally "got it" in the last month of the season.

2. Via "gimmick" blitzes involving Washington, Taylor, Landry and the kitchen sink.

3. Phillip Daniels facing a series of 4th string tackles so as to duplicate his one shining moment.

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Yea Griffin and Salava can stop the run when healthy, but both have an injury bug especailly the later.

I think the pass rush problem overshadowed the run prob. 4.5 yards a pop does not get it done.

The defensive line is not the sole reason you might ahve 4.5 yards per carry given up, any more than they would be the sole reason you might have 3.1 yards per carry given up. Someone posted about the Giants game where the defensive line was bottling Tiki up, but he ran for 200 some yards and shredded us. Who's to blame? The line for bottling him up, or the backers for not finishing the play?

The Broncos, a couple years ago, had a huge running game against us. Shredded us on the edges. Was that linebacker or safety play or line play? You know the answer.

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Don't get me wrong on this bringing number 53 stuff. I do believe that was said last year also?(how many sacks did he get) I can remember Gibbs talking about it last year!!! So if the offensive coordinators know who we are going to bring then just call plays that take him out of the picture!! I think Marcus is a lot better in pass coverage than he gets credit for. Anyway how about we try bringing different guys to blitz than the same person all the time :doh: .

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The defensive line is not the sole reason you might ahve 4.5 yards per carry given up, any more than they would be the sole reason you might have 3.1 yards per carry given up. Someone posted about the Giants game where the defensive line was bottling Tiki up, but he ran for 200 some yards and shredded us. Who's to blame? The line for bottling him up, or the backers for not finishing the play?

The Broncos, a couple years ago, had a huge running game against us. Shredded us on the edges. Was that linebacker or safety play or line play? You know the answer.

The broncos game yes, obviously Tatm bell gained his yards on 2 plays, one where he totally juked someone in the backfield, i think it was daniels but could have been 57. So that is 50/50 the second run was a joke, everyone missed had a shot and missed him. SO i grant you that point.

The tiki game, i wouldnt say we bottled but tiki at all, but i will agree that once he got to the second level no one in the secondary cared to tackle. ST missed a bunch.

It is a team effort, i agree with this, but look at the Vikings, they credit almost there entire run D to there D line. The Jags have weak LB play but great run D due to the line.

It is a combo of DL plus LB the difference is the LBs cannot be effective without the DL being effective. While a DL *can* be effective without good LB play because the play is over prior to the lBS getting invovled.

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Don't get me wrong on this bringing number 53 stuff. I do believe that was said last year also?(how many sacks did he get) I can remember Gibbs talking about it last year!!! So if the offensive coordinators know who we are going to bring then just call plays that take him out of the picture!! I think Marcus is a lot better in pass coverage than he gets credit for. Anyway how about we try bringing different guys to blitz than the same person all the time :doh: .

It was said, but not implemented. I do believe they'd love to use him more in this role.

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