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Writings of the shooter


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Its not like he was over fighting in a the war, and he killed 30 armed soldiers. He ran up on unarmed professors and students inside of classrooms and begin shooting. It was like shooting ducks in a burrell. Thats a cowardly act to me. Shooting random unarmed, innocent victims and then he killed himself, so he wouldnt have to face the reprecussions of his actions. He couldnt handle life so he gave up, and killed a lot of people then he killed himself. He's a :censored: coward and I hope he burning in hell for what he's done.

That is a cowardly act. I'll agree with you, but i don't consider him a coward as much as I do a psychopath(sp).

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I agree

Lets just say he was a coward psychopath.

This event really makes me feel unease if I ever tease somebody. Now, I'm not horrible with making fun of people. I usually tease friends and all that. But, Some people really need to layoff the quiet ones and let them do their own thing.
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I read the whole McBeef and all I can say is, this guy was definately troubled and needed some kind of help. Its too late now.
Your wrong. He got help. His teachers offered him a counselor but he turned them down. Now, That isnt enough of the help required, but it was a start.
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How did Hitler get his motive through the Holocaust? Not through rap or videos online..I doubt this guy thought what he did was right. If he knew it was right, then he would not of shot himself.

Comparing the leader of a powerful nation, who was in control of millions of men...to this guy. Is a bit different, don't you think?

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Comparing the leader of a powerful nation, who was in control of millions of men...to this guy. Is a bit different, don't you think?
Well, Aren't both crazy?

I'm just trying to say that people have been killing for thousands of years and its not because of some stupid games, songs, videos, etc.

I find blaming games or those things as an easy way to accuse something.

Your last post was trying to make it sound like society was responsible. But, yet, Even before TV there have been murders just as bad.

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One of my friends sent me the link and was like, yea these are his plays, read them if you want. Then she imed me back and was like, no do not read them, you do not want to read them since you were there for the whole thing, in Tech.

I don't know what's in the plays, but I'm still pretty shocked by everything that happened here at Tech... so what do you guys think, would it be better to read or not to read the plays?

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One of my friends sent me the link and was like, yea these are his plays, read them if you want. Then she imed me back and was like, no do not read them, you do not want to read them since you were there for the whole thing, in Tech.

I don't know what's in the plays, but I'm still pretty shocked by everything that happened here at Tech... so what do you guys think, would it be better to read or not to read the plays?

I read 1 and it was **** up. They aren't very long. 11 pages at most, so it won't take too much time. If you want too, do it.
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Well, Aren't both crazy?

I'm just trying to say that people have been killing for thousands of years and its not because of some stupid games, songs, videos, etc.

I find blaming games or those things as an easy way to accuse something.

Your last post was trying to make it sound like society was responsible. But, yet, Even before TV there have been murders just as bad.

You're comparing chalk with cheese. Hitler, whatever his failings, was acting under his nation's interest (i.e. living space). WW2 was more a war for real estate and Hitler was more interested in invading nations than just killing jews or whoever else. Not defending him, but sometimes views on Hitler are exagerated making him out as a psycho-murderer. Now, no doubt, some of his staff were psycho murderers.

But this isn't the time nor place to get into a discussion about Hitler. So I'lll get to the point...politicians do not murder just because they have a bad day. Like this guy did. And I blame society for that...because go back 20 years and no way was it as violent as it is today.


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You're comparing chalk with cheese. Hitler, whatever his failings, was acting under his nation's interest (i.e. living space). WW2 was more a war for real estate and Hitler was more interested in invading nations than just killing jews or whoever else. Not defending him, but sometimes views on Hitler are exagerated making him out as a psycho-murderer. Now, no doubt, some of his staff were psycho murderers.

But this isn't the time nor place to get into a discussion about Hitler. So I'lll get to the point...politicians do not murder just because they have a bad day. Like this guy did. And I blame society for that...because go back 20 years and no way was it as violent as it is today.


yet, you can go back to the romans and it was even more violent than it is now. So, your main point is iffy.
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Can an individual just be ****ed up and crazy these day? Why does there always have to be more to it? His brain wasn't wired right, he had a chemical imbalance, etc. He was ****ed up. It wasn't society (I'm sure modern society really influenced Hitler), it wasn't video games (I've played games all my life and I won't even step on a bug), it wasn't any of that. I just think it's so hard to comprehend and understand that we look into things too deeply. Dude was ****ed up, end of story. :2cents:

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This guy sounds like the text book example of a sociopath (perhaps we have a psych expert that can confirm or deny).

Just wiki-ed sociopath for a more in depth look, and enclosed are few excerpts; see what you think in light of what we're hearing about Cho -- and especially in light of his writing style.


Antisocial personality disorder (abbreviated APD or ASPD) is a psychiatric diagnosis in the DSM-IV-TR recognizable by the disordered individual's disregard for social rules and norms, impulsive behavior, and indifference to the rights and feelings of others.


Diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is significantly more common among men than among women.

Central to understanding individuals diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder is that they appear to experience a limited range of human emotions. This can explain their lack of empathy for the suffering of others, since they cannot experience the emotion associated with either empathy or suffering. Risk-seeking behavior and substance abuse may be attempts to escape feeling empty or emotionally void. The rage exhibited by psychopaths and the anxiety associated with certain types of antisocial personality disorder may represent the limit of emotion experienced or there may be physiological responses without analogy to emotion experienced by others.


Diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV-TR)

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental and behavioral disorders, defines antisocial personality disorder as a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

  1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
  2. deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
  3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
  4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
  5. reckless disregard for safety of self or others
  6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain steady work or honor financial obligations
  7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another



Robins (1966) found an increased incidence of sociopathic characteristics and alcoholism in the fathers of individuals with antisocial personality disorder.


Bowlby (1944) saw a connection between antisocial personality disorder and maternal deprivation in the first five years of life. Glueck and Glueck (1968) saw indications that the mothers of children who developed this personality disorder tended to display a lack of consistent discipline and affection, and an abnormal tendency to alcoholism and impulsiveness. These factors all contributing to failure to create a stable and functional home with consistent structure and behavioral boundaries.



The National Comorbidity Survey, which used DSM-III-R criteria, found that 5.8% of males and 1.2% of females showed evidence of a lifetime risk for the disorder


Potential warning signs

Though antisocial personality disorder cannot be formally diagnosed before age 18, three warning signs, known as the MacDonald Triad, can be found in some children. These are, a longer-than-usual period of bedwetting, cruelty to animals, and pyromania.

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The McBeef play sounds a lot like what my brother would write. He is nowhere close to being the kind that would do this kind of thing, he has also already graduated college, but my brother has a twisted sense of humor, does not conform to the rules of society like "Not burping in public" nor does he know the difference between what can be said in public and what cannot. But he's working for the top teir video game company, programming and he knows right from wrong when it comes to hurting people...

I don't think that the stories should have said "this man WILL kill somebody" without knowing any other circumstances...

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I guess what I'm pointing to was the lack of emotional range or any hint of empathy in either play. From the plays, it seems like his single emotion was simply rage.

Also, you can certainly pick up on other diagnostic criteria (failure to conform to social norms, irritability, and lack of remorse.). Nothing earth shattering; and of course all after the fact.

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