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Rosie O'Donnell's latest foot in mouth episode 3/29/07


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I find it amazing that everyone on this thread is turning this into a democrat vs. republican issue. Why?

It has nothing to do with it. It is called using common sense. I realize this is a difficult thing to do in this day and age, but I know we can still do it if we try.

I never thought I would agree with Rosie on anything, but I do agree with every point she makes. Maybe it “aids and comforts” the enemy, but who is the enemy? Is it everyone who lives in the middle east? How about those with brown skin? Maybe they worship a different god then we do? Do they have oil?

Who is our enemy? It seems to me it is anyone of Middle Eastern descent as it is difficult to distinguish an “extremist” from anyone else.

So is it so bad that the Iranians took trespassers hostage and simply asked Britain to admit they trespassed to ensure their safe return? Why couldn’t they just admit it and get their personnel back? Why must it turn into an inflammatory event?

Only logical answer is because it is by design. Period.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Iran has been in the crosshairs for a couple of decades. It doesn’t take much to see the goal of a “new middle east”. I’ve read a book with a complete map of the “new middle east” way back from 1990.

It is just another step. All premeditated and expected.

If people want to disillusion themselves with thinking it is a right or left wing ploy, oh boy…

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I am seeing this claim about the WTC buildings and not falling down because of melting steele more and more. Their biggest claim is other than WTC buildings this has never happened. Can somebody give another example of this happening? That would seem to end it.

The evidence that Iraq was involved in 9-11 has always been weak. The proper answer to that question is, no, but Germany had nothing to do w/ Pearl Harbor, but that didn't stop us from declaring war on Germany even before Japan.

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So is it so bad that the Iranians took trespassers hostage and simply asked Britain to admit they trespassed to ensure their safe return? Why couldn’t they just admit it and get their personnel back? Why must it turn into an inflammatory event?

Only logical answer is because it is by design. Period.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Iran has been in the crosshairs for a couple of decades. It doesn’t take much to see the goal of a “new middle east”. I’ve read a book with a complete map of the “new middle east” way back from 1990.

It is just another step. All premeditated and expected.

If people want to disillusion themselves with thinking it is a right or left wing ploy, oh boy…

Man, you really have lost your mind haven't you. You really think the brits were tresspassing? Your really take the Iranians at their word? You don't think The Iranians have tortured and coerced the brits to "admit" wrongdoing? You REALLY believe it was a premeditated plot by the west?

You are right about one thing. This isn't as much about party politics. THis is about sanity. And you sir have lost your damn mind. :doh:

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9. Rosie’s burka size is “3-Tent.”

8. After a successful run as Han Solo’s co-pilot in the Star Wars series, Rosie decided to shave most of her body and seriously harshen her voice in an effort to avoid being typecast for future projects.

7. Back in elementary school, the other kids used to call Rosie’s private area “The Gulf of Stankin’.”

6. (tie) Big Sigmund and The Sea Monsters fan.

6. (tie) When adopting her children, Rosie was put through the same stringent screening process that was implemented by parents before dropping their kids off at Neverland Ranch for an overnight in the early 1990’s.

5. Elizabeth Hasselback is often outnumbered 3:1 on debates during The View. At other times, Joy Behar and Barbara Walters join in.

4. Impervious to tranquilizers, the only way to stop a charging Rosie is to curl up in a ball and pretend to be a girl’s high school softball team.

3. Rosie single-handedly caused Burger King to modify their “have it your way” policy when the “special order” on her Whopper included six pancakes, two dozen chicken wings, and the blood of a newborn Republican.

2. Rosie can eat her bodyweight in stupid.

1. After jumping the shark, Rosie turned back, snapped its neck, and then ate it.

I like number 5

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I am seeing this claim about the WTC buildings and not falling down because of melting steele more and more. Their biggest claim is other than WTC buildings this has never happened. Can somebody give another example of this happening? That would seem to end it.

The evidence that Iraq was involved in 9-11 has always been weak. The proper answer to that question is, no, but Germany had nothing to do w/ Pearl Harbor, but that didn't stop us from declaring war on Germany even before Japan.

Actually we declared war on Japan, then 3 days later, Germany declared war on US for declaring war on Japan.

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I find it amazing that everyone on this thread is turning this into a democrat vs. republican issue. Why?

It has nothing to do with it. It is called using common sense. I realize this is a difficult thing to do in this day and age, but I know we can still do it if we try.

I never thought I would agree with Rosie on anything, but I do agree with every point she makes. Maybe it “aids and comforts” the enemy, but who is the enemy? Is it everyone who lives in the middle east? How about those with brown skin? Maybe they worship a different god then we do? Do they have oil?

Who is our enemy? It seems to me it is anyone of Middle Eastern descent as it is difficult to distinguish an “extremist” from anyone else.

So is it so bad that the Iranians took trespassers hostage and simply asked Britain to admit they trespassed to ensure their safe return? Why couldn’t they just admit it and get their personnel back? Why must it turn into an inflammatory event?

Only logical answer is because it is by design. Period.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Iran has been in the crosshairs for a couple of decades. It doesn’t take much to see the goal of a “new middle east”. I’ve read a book with a complete map of the “new middle east” way back from 1990.

It is just another step. All premeditated and expected.

If people want to disillusion themselves with thinking it is a right or left wing ploy, oh boy…

Pluto dude

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Come on now, admit it. The "main stream" has drifted FAR to the left in recent years. Moderate, even reasonable democrats are getting harder to find. When Hillary has become a target for the democrats for being too far to the right, "main stream" democrat is a hair's breath away from loony left. :doh:

No, actually I think right wingers have lost their damn minds and now think everyone is out to get them. It's why people like me are not republicans. Think about it, I'm pro-gun, almost completely anti-abortion, and love lower taxes... but I can't be a republican. Why? Because that party sold it's soul and suddenly is all about a larger more intrusive big brother, secret police powers, terrible (I stress terrible) foriegn policy, and pandering to xenophoibic crowds while at the same time making sure the illegal immigrants keep on coming.

Rosie as far as I'm concerned doesn't represent democrats at all. She's in the lunatic camp that is currently following hillary around protesting and taking over the offices of democrats demanding they call off the war. They may vote democrats but only because democrats are closer to their positions then republicans. Same reason radical racist groups vote republican... not because republicans have done anything wrong at all... but because they are closer.

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Hey dont do what I did my senior year and say that. God I got chewed out. The stupid women where giving me crap cause I was trying to figure out a dvd player I have never seen. So they started insulting me like I was nothing. So I was like shut the hell up you dumb bit*hes. My friend thought that they where going to rip my head of by saying that. So they up the ante. They where like where going to kick your a*s and stuff. So I was like Bit@h ass women like you dont deserve to have rights. Women like you deserve to be in the Kitchen making my damn food. They all looked at me like what the hell. LOL They shut the hell up and I never had a problem with them the rest of the year.

This is why women should stay in the Kitchen.... :)
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Hey dont do what I did my senior year and say that. God I got chewed out. The stupid women where giving me crap cause I was trying to figure out a dvd player I have never seen. So they started insulting me like I was nothing. So I was like shut the hell up you dumb bit*hes. My friend thought that they where going to rip my head of by saying that. So they up the ante. They where like where going to kick your a*s and stuff. So I was like Bit@h ass women like you dont deserve to have rights. Women like you deserve to be in the Kitchen making my damn food. They all looked at me like what the hell. LOL They shut the hell up and I never had a problem with them the rest of the year.

Uh huh.

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Man, you really have lost your mind haven't you. You really think the brits were tresspassing? Your really take the Iranians at their word? You don't think The Iranians have tortured and coerced the brits to "admit" wrongdoing? You REALLY believe it was a premeditated plot by the west?

You are right about one thing. This isn't as much about party politics. THis is about sanity. And you sir have lost your damn mind. :doh:

That is YOUR oppinion.

You may have the majority on this forum on your side, but this forum, in my experiences, does not represent the majority of people in this country.

People know things are not right in this country. It is obvious to anyone not completely wrapped up in the propoganda, i.e. the rest of the world.

Think about that...the REST OF THE WORLD. Start trying to look at things from their points of view. That is what I started doing around 2002 when i couldn't understand people being upset with us for our world policy.

I hope that those people in this thread that are advocating our foreign policy, do not consider themselves religious. There is not a religion I am aware of that advocates, torture, murder, tyranny, and robbery.

I'm the crazy one though. All I want is peace in this world and for our country to stop destroying innocent people's lives for a few thousand people tops. That is if you believe the "terrorist" thing.

I honestly don't know how people can sleep at night knowing they are advocating the type of behavior our country is involved in.

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I'm just amazed day after day who is willing to pay for advertising on that show and have her political views bookend their advertising.

And the audience is always a bunch of far lefters cause they cheer everything she says. At this point, the best thing for rational people to do is just ignore her. Quit posting the videos and quotes here and elsewhere. Nobody watches that damn show, and giving her all this attention just feeds her ego.

It's obvious she is an ill informed person. I don't mind if she has a left leaning opinion, but at least be able to back it up with sane points of view.

Let's see it's March...come next fall that show will be gone, or at least I bet a bunch of ABC affiliates drop it due to pressure from local viewers.

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your smheart

hey didnt you in another thread accuse me of doing that? wait your you and you are only allowed accuse people of such things, or are you just making a direct personal attack not attacking his opinion but just trying to assassinate his character to try to bring him into a pissing contest so you can cry foul later?

You might be some kind of grand wizard here I dont know, but that parlor trick seems pretty tiresome. If your gonna accuse people of things you really shouldnt do them yourself, it makes you look bad. not to your friends ofcourse, but to the other observers. You should feel privilaged for being able to make personal attacks, the rest of us arent given that berth.

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