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How Do You Treat Your Headaches?


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I got a feva! And the only perscription, is, well, I dunno!!!

I was just wondering what everyone does when they get a headache. I woke up today with a fever and a paralyzing headache. I suffer from having chronic headaches, and usually take Ibuprofin in the morning. I'm sick of this.

I've had phases throughout my life where I get headaches constantly, and right now I've been getting them (almost daily) for over a year. I used to treat them with Exederin on a daily basis, but Asprin is one of the ingredients (which thins your blood)...I play sports and when you get a cut while on Asprin you'll bleed forever. So I've switched to Ibuprofin as of late.

I also have taken Aleve (Naproxin) and it worked real well. But I notice my body gets used to these drugs really quick, and will lose having an effect after a while.

Tonight I had to take 4 Exederin because I ran out of Ibuprofin, had a massive Migraine. Believe it or not I'm still feeling the inside of my head burn. I'm an active guy and stay in shape; but these headaches are too much of a concern in my life. I need to kill them once and for all. Is there anything I can do besides getting a perscription? I'm tired of popping pills but know that I probably can't get away from that. What do you guys do to relieve your headaches?

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I have been getting migraines for over 10 years now. I usually take excedren migraine, and it usually helps. But If you get them on a daily occurance, you might want to consult a nurolegest and get some prescribed medicine. I have some some prescription medicine (imatrix) that I use whenever I get migraines, and it usually helps to get rid of it pretty well.

Everyone's different. Good luck with this.

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I have been getting migraines for over 10 years now. I usually take excedren migraine, and it usually helps. But If you get them on a daily occurance, you might want to consult a nurolegest and get some prescribed medicine. I have some some prescription medicine (imatrix) that I use whenever I get migraines, and it usually helps to get rid of it pretty well.

Everyone's different. Good luck with this.

wow, such a wealth of information coming from an 8 year-old ;)

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I used to have a similar problem. Then I took the following steps: I stopped taking in caffeine. Then went through withdrawal (about 2-4 weeks), and found my headaches to have vanished. Heavy coffee drinkers often suffer migraines. I found that out the hard way.

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I used to have a similar problem. Then I took the following steps: I stopped taking in caffeine. Then went through withdrawal (about 2-4 weeks)' date=' and found my headaches to have vanished. Heavy coffee drinkers often suffer migraines. I found that out the hard way.[/quote']

kind of ironic, considering many headache medicines contain caffine

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I get headaches at the base of the back of my head and it either radiates out or feels like a lance is going through the back of my head and out my eyes. I wake with one most mornings if I haven't gotten enough rest (with MS, this means pretty much every morning). One of two things happens over the first 2 hours of being awake...either they get worse or they go away.

When I treat the headaches, I try one of the following: 1 asprin, 1 advil, or 3 tylenol. I try to limit the number of times in a week I take either asprin or advil, but they do work better for me.

If I still have a headache a half hour later, I'll have a coke. Cafeine helps headaches.

I was waking up because of the headaches three or four times a week. I was kind of bitter since rest seems to be the only way to make the headaches abate. My doc put me on neurontin which I believe is sometimes given to people with migranes. Warning: this is not a pain killer. It's an anti-siezure drug. It does seem to make the headaches stay away till at least early morning for me (for the most part).

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If they're so frequent and/or severe that they interrupt your daily life you should see a doctor. I only get an occassional migraine, but when I get them they're paralyzing. Since they're not that frequent my docor prescribed Maxalt. I take 1 at the onset of a migraine...I can definitely tell when something is going to be a migraine rather than a regular headache. If the migraine isn't gone after 1 hour I take another. I have only had to take a second dose once. The Maxalt usually takes care of the migraine within an hour or so.

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I generally use aspirin for the generic headache - with fevers though I think you must be cautious when using aspirin for certain conditions that have flu like symptoms. I avoid Tylenol like the plague - cost/benefit not worth it IMO because of very real liver damage potential. The liver is a robust organ capable of regenerating but it is still not worth taking IMO when they're better alternatives - unless absolutely necessary of course.

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I had brain surgery 16 days ago. The headaches were unbearable once the good stuff they gave me at the hospital wore off. They prescribed me Kappra (an anti-seizure medicince) when I went home and the stuff is magic. It's usually for people with epilepsy but thay also use it for chronic migraines and to prevent seizures after surgery.

If you're having those sort of headaches you REALLY should go see a neurologist. They have other ways of dealing with them too. Don't beat yourself up. You might also find something else is wrong and believe me finding out early is much, much better.

That's what I did, and outside of the recovery from them cracking my nut, I'm gonna be fine now. Actually going back to work next week. If I wouldn't have went to see about it, it would have become a lot worse in short order.

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Well I'm coming down off the fever (which was out of this world), and have been on a regiment of taking 2 500mg Exederin first thing in the morning. I always used to take them with food but I think taking them on an empty stomach might give them more of an effect. If thats my imagination, don't tell me cuz it's probably helping my pain go away.

For the next few days I'll finish this little bottle...but then I'm probably going to switch back to Ibuprofin. I talked to my father about getting a perscription and he said I should definitly seek help. My brother had the same problem as I do, and he popped so much exedrin over a long period of time that he had episodes of spitting up blood. Since that's not my type of thing, I'm going to have to look in to that soon. Thanks for your help guys.

**In the mean time, any more suggestions as to stuff like aroma therapy and massagin ur domepiece would be good. Would a lavander candle ease headache pain? Cold/Warm washcloth over the head? Thanks.

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Maybe it's all those LOUD double-stroke rolls you do on drums ? :whoknows:

Do like I do, and wear headphones when you play, and protect your ears AND your head.

Hahaha, yep, I keep 'em on all the time. Isn't the drumming, it's a chronic thing in the fam. I usually always wake up with a headache...and either kill it in the morning or struggle with it all day. Drumming with a headache is so f'n annoying...because it feels like your brain is being shaken up in acid with all the sudden movements your body is doing. And even with the headphones on, when I really get in to a jam the intensity of the moment will spur a sharp pain that will eventually hit me. Somethin that just makes you wanna knock yourself out.

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I use a simple treatment my dad taught me.

Use Vicks Vapor Rub- yes the same advertised for chest congestion!

apply a moderate amount to your temple and forehead. Works great for me

I get stress headaches frequently.

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How in the world are you on the computer with that kind of headache.

I get headaches that sometime wake me up in the middle of the night.....and make me so sick at my stomach that I throw up.

I cant stand light......so I keep lights off......wear the darkest shades I can find.......and keep noise to a minimum.

I have Lupus....so I have to be very careful about what meds I take.

I do not use any caffine......and if by some chance I do drink something WITH caffine.....I get severe headaches the next day.

Go to the dr if they are lasting this long.

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I tend to get serious sinus/stress headaches from time to time. Largely because my birthmark works like a barometer. I've found the best way to deal with them is a combination of several things...

advil (3 caplets)

a 20 minute - hot as you can physically stand it - shower

an hour long nap

At least that's what works for me

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Take two aspirin and drink one to two cups of coffee (high-test!). Another good cure is to mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water, drink it slowly, and get results within a half-hour! Or, Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead! The throbbing will go away! Last but not least, take ten to twelve almonds and call me in the morning! The almonds are equal to taking two aspirins but will not irritate your stomach.


There is also the trick of applying pressure where your index finger and thumb meet...Which is handy when no drugs are available.

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Hahaha, yep, I keep 'em on all the time. Isn't the drumming, it's a chronic thing in the fam. I usually always wake up with a headache...and either kill it in the morning or struggle with it all day. Drumming with a headache is so f'n annoying...because it feels like your brain is being shaken up in acid with all the sudden movements your body is doing. And even with the headphones on, when I really get in to a jam the intensity of the moment will spur a sharp pain that will eventually hit me. Somethin that just makes you wanna knock yourself out.

I recommend these sound-proof headphones....Not only do they protect your ears and head from harmful high decibel sounds and vibrations like drums and loud music, but they ALSO filter out annoying sounds, like the sound of my nagging girlfriend here, trying to get me to stop watching the football game and do some chores -


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I recommend these sound-proof headphones....Not only do they protect your ears and head from harmful high decibel sounds and vibrations like drums and loud music, but they ALSO filter out annoying sounds, like the sound of my nagging girlfriend here, trying to get me to stop watching the football game and do some chores

Um.. no offense but under no circumstances would my girlfriend EVER try to do that to me, without knowing that she would be single shortly afterwards...

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