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How Do You Treat Your Headaches?


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I used to get headaches a lot too. Not crippling ones, just iritating ones. Here is what i have found:

It is a little known fact that many headaches are caused by dehydration. People think that the OTC pain reliever (like Advil or Asperin) that they took cured their headache, but often it was actually the glass of water they drank to wash those pills down that actually helped. I have taken to carrying a Nalgene bottle full of water with me almost everywhere i go. So, drink more water, it may help.

If its during the day when i get a headache, i take 3 advil and chug water. If its later and i dont have anything to do for the rest of the day, i take a vicodin and chug water.

Sorry you get the headaches man, they suck. Hope you find something that helps.

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Sit in a chair, straight up. Turn your head to the left, looking over your shoulder, then with your right hand push on your temple, as if you were trying to turn your head even further around. Hold it for a few seconds and repeat, look to the right, press with your left hand.

It's a stretch called the Headache Buster, works great for me.

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Sit in a chair, straight up. Turn your head to the left, looking over your shoulder, then with your right hand push on your temple, as if you were trying to turn your head even further around. Hold it for a few seconds and repeat, look to the right, press with your left hand.

It's a stretch called the Headache Buster, works great for me.

thanks for the neck cramp ;)

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