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Redskins did not overpay for Randle el & Brandon Lloyd


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at first i thought we overpaid for them completely

randle el signed a 7 year 30 mil

lloyd signed 7 year 28 mil

now i was looking though this years WRs signed

Drew Bennett 6 years $30 million

Wes Welker 7 years/$38.5 million by patriots

so looking back we got a good deal on them

because randle el would get $40+ mil contract this year

and lloyd would get $35ish mil

not to mention lloyd and randle el are much younger then bennett and welker.

Drew Bennett > Loyd

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Brandon Lloyd has played one year for us and got frustrated when we were losing - hardly a "cancer".

Maybe we should wait until he's in an offense that has a QB that has the ability to throw the ball all over the field and has gotten his timing down with said QB.

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Man, the LLoyd haters are not shy!

I think Brandon is going to be a huge player for us. Early in the year he didn't have Brunell's confidence and Mark would refuse to go downfield. With Campbell in they never seemed to get on the same page and when he lost his temper in the ATL game his snaps were cut down.

I don't care what anyone says, I'm glad that he's passionate. He got paid and he could be just collecting his checks, but he wants to win. I'm not going to hate on a guy for that.

It's best for LLoyd and the Redskins that he turns it around this year. Every year there is a whipping boy or two. New offensive system, new QB, new WRs... let's reserve judgement until they have one offseason together to build some cohesion.

It's quite likely that Brandon's best years are ahead of him. I agree with the original poster, he'll likely be a steal.

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A better question is how does a wr worth $50 million get "stuck behind a bunch of other receivers" to begin with lol...

How about an 8 year vet and a WR who the team gave up a 1st round pick for?

So Burleson had half the numbers and twice the salary and you're making excuses for him? Classic. :laugh:

Burleson had 1157 total yards (receiving + returning) thats more than Lloyd has done here. Also lets not forget he had 1000 receiving yards and 9 tds just 2 years ago.

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You'll be surprised how good Wes Welker is when he gets playing time.

please, he's a kick returner, special teams star. nothing more. I really question the Patriots' move to poison pill a contract over a damn kick returner. since when did they become free agent whores?

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at first i thought we overpaid for them completely

randle el signed a 7 year 30 mil

lloyd signed 7 year 28 mil

now i was looking though this years WRs signed

Drew Bennett 6 years $30 million

Wes Welker 7 years/$38.5 million by patriots

so looking back we got a good deal on them

because randle el would get $40+ mil contract this year

and lloyd would get $35ish mil

not to mention lloyd and randle el are much younger then bennett and welker.

both el and lloyed are #3 type WRs. Bennett is a legit #2 and can be a #1.although he has had injury issues.

welker outperformed lloyd and el combined!!

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at first i thought we overpaid for them completely

randle el signed a 7 year 30 mil

lloyd signed 7 year 28 mil

now i was looking though this years WRs signed

Drew Bennett 6 years $30 million

Wes Welker 7 years/$38.5 million by patriots

so looking back we got a good deal on them

because randle el would get $40+ mil contract this year

and lloyd would get $35ish mil

not to mention lloyd and randle el are much younger then bennett and welker.

We didn't overpay for them last year, based on THIS years market.?.

Great logic there.

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People look at the big number and freak out everytime. The important # is the bonus amount because that's what is paid up front and that is what is prorated over the length of the deal.

Randle El costs about 2.5 mil against the cap (on average) until 2011. Do you think he is a $2.5 mil type player? I certainly do.

Even Clements deal which is the richest in NFL history is costing the 49ers about $4 mil on average per year until 2011/12 in which case he will either be out of the league or redoing the deal again.

You have to keep in mind the nature of how these contracts are written. The total contact number is just smoke and mirrors.

Back to the point about Randle El and Lloyd.. both guys are about 2.5 mil per year on average so well worth it.

Are you sure that $4 million a year for Clements is right? That seems awfully low, are you counting both his prorated signing bonus AND his yearly salary?

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Every WR mentioned in the first post is twice as good as Brandon Lloyd will ever be. Randle El is worth the money because he works hard and is versatile.

:doh: You can't be "cereal"! First of all Randle El is not only a VERY good WR, but an excellent return guy. Secondly, while I'm no exactly in Lloyd's corner right now with everything that's been going on, he is still an incredable receiver, capable of making some amazing catches. Just relax and let everbody mesh together. It will come.

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at first i thought we overpaid for them completely

randle el signed a 7 year 30 mil

lloyd signed 7 year 28 mil

now i was looking though this years WRs signed

Drew Bennett 6 years $30 million

Wes Welker 7 years/$38.5 million by patriots

so looking back we got a good deal on them

because randle el would get $40+ mil contract this year

and lloyd would get $35ish mil

not to mention lloyd and randle el are much younger then bennett and welker.

Lloyd had like 20 catches lat year. He was overpaid. And AER was brought in to be the 3rd wr, that's too much money for a 3rd WR. Now, if he ends up being the starter and gets like 50-60 balls, Id say it was a good price. Same goes for Lloyd. However their production last year was not up to the contract they signed. So we did overpay, period.

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Are you sure that $4 million a year for Clements is right? That seems awfully low, are you counting both his prorated signing bonus AND his yearly salary?

I'm guesstimating but I'm close enough to make the point. His bonus alone counts $3.14 against the cap every year, and for the first 3-4 years the base salary is very low.

Randle El and Lloyd are going to end up to be steals.

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Lloyd had like 20 catches lat year. He was overpaid. And AER was brought in to be the 3rd wr, that's too much money for a 3rd WR. Now, if he ends up being the starter and gets like 50-60 balls, Id say it was a good price. Same goes for Lloyd. However their production last year was not up to the contract they signed. So we did overpay, period.

I see and understand the point you are making, however; the quality player that both Lloyd and Randle El are requires you spend money on them. Sure Lloyd was a dissapointment this year, but I do think that his production will sky rocket this year.

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