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Dockery visits Buffalo


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The one thing that worked almost perfectly last year, our OL only gave up 19 sacks in 16 games. We could run on anybody, just did not do it enough right Al, and we are going to let the youngest/up and coming player of that group walk away. Brilliant, just Brilliant!

You think hes worth as much as hes asking for....cuz i dont.

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He just wants a big pay day, which is crap. He needs to have some sense of loyalty, I mean come on the bills where you will probably be their best player and by the time they make it to the playoffs (psshhh like that will happen) you will be one your way out.

Grow up. There is no such thing as loyalty in pro sports.

In fact, there was never any loyalty in pro sports.

Want to know why Ted Williams played his entire career for the Red Sox? Because he had to.

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Losing Dockery because we don't want to overpay him is one thing.

But if we then overpay for a bust like Leonard Davis... I mean, wow.

In that case, BOTH halves of ES will have a melt-down :laugh: .

As I stated in another Dock thread, I don't blame him for seeing what his "market value" is. And I think he really knows that the best place and fit for him is here, and may still sign here.

But some team may very well overpay for him, and the 'Skins would be smart not to get in a bidding war for a better than average, but not great player.

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And to amplify ... the Redskins have a maximim number in mind--not the one they've actually offered so far, but their real line-in-the-sand number. And they'll stick with it. [see: Pierce, Anthony] If Dock gets hard offers above that number, he'll be gone. If he gets offers at or below, the Skins will match and it'll up to Dock to decide what he wants to do.

The FO has done so well in assessing where to draw the line in the sand. Whatever perceived number they have in their mind has nothing to do with a player's value based on recent history.

They also had specific numbers in mind when they traded 2 picks for Lloyd and still gave him a huge new contract. The line in the sand they drew for Archuleta worked out great as well. What if he had asked for more and we had lost out on his services?

No one is better at assessing the value of free agents and draft picks than our FO. If a line in the sand has to be drawn, I am glad we have experts with such a good track record drawing it.

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Dock's durability, chemistry and our run offense rankings are going to be hard to replace.

That is absolutely correct. I cant believe how we didn't re sign him. It's B.S. the team knows he's a vital part to our run game success, and just like our other (non big name players) they let go.

What a bunch of tools. :doh:

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lets sign Dock now that we have Smoot and possible Fletcher

The problem with DD is he wants top 5 guard money when he is average at best. DD has been a work in progress since he was drafted. I think the Skins are smart to let him see what his market value is, and then try to match the offer he gets, if it isn't an insane amount of guaranted money.

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clayton just said that the bills are working on a contract with Dockery right now.

If Dockery seriously goes to the Bills... it will confirm his idiocy. Buffalo is a football wasteland... no one cares about football in Buffalo any more... Wilson is trying to move the team... they have Dick Jauron as a HC... and they're rebuilding.

The only thing working for the Bills is $30M is cap space.

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