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CB Fisher to visit skins

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My point was simply this....signing the Nate Clements' of the world means that you are going to have to sacrifice somewhere else. In our team's past, it's always been the d-line that has been ignored and not fixed correctly. The Fred Smoots and Travis Fishers of the world allow you to pay a #6 overall pick and hopefully go out and sign another impact defensive lineman like I think we will.

The only impact lineman out there that we have a chance at is Kerney, and he wants to get paid. Fact is, there isn't a lot of help in FA as far as DL goes, and I'm glad they didn't go after Kerse or Abraham, since both of those guys probably wouldn't have lived up to the price tag they would have asked for.

And sorry, but if your philosophy of fixing a defensive line is by banking on day two draft picks, then I'd hate to have you in my front office. That's not even close to being what I consider to be addressing the defensive line.

In comparison to the last 10 years, I consider that progress.


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per ESPN Insider's ranking of every free agent:

Shows good footwork and closing speed, changes directions quickly and has good short-area man-to-man skills but is fundamentally flawed. Plays on special teams as the vise on punt returns. Has good foot quickness and speed. Fits the mold of a true cover cornerback. Shows good reaction and transition to plays in the passing game, but is not looking to make the hit. Anticipates well in zone. Shows foot speed and quickness in man-to-man and zone coverage. An undersized defender who does not play very physically. Does not pose a threat in run support. Struggles to get off of blockers in the run game due to lack of toughness and aggression in his play. Due to his lack of physical play, he often loses the jump-ball battles. Won't compete for jump balls and has trouble against bigger receivers. Lacks recovery speed. Best suited as a nickel back despite his starting for the St. Louis Rams. Needs to improve his physical play to be a solid and consistent starter in the NFL.

Seems like the antithesis of the Gregg Williams cornerback, no?

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