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Thanks, twenty-eight. Though I do have a suggestion for you.... find a professional make-up artist to make your face up like that then go to a bar and try to pick up a lady. I think you might get a very different reaction than you'd like to think.

Um I think I know what kind of reaction I'd get. I wasn't trying to be an ******* and I know it was far from a compliment....I have enough trouble picking up ladies at a bar being myself:)

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Also, given that you WON'T associate with them and therefore have no idea to what level they are or are not assimlating, how can you speak so strongly on the situation without any real first hand knowledge?

MSF can speak strongly on a number of subjects because he doesn't cloud his opinions with any real knowledge on the subject.

For instance, he has strong opinions about the economy of this country yet he admits he's never studied economics.

I imagine many of you have figured out MSF's modus operandi by now. People wind up on his ignore list because they expose the fallacies of his beliefs and arguments. In the same vein, he chooses to remain ignorant on the subjects he speaks strongly on because there's bliss to be had with that approach.

It was written earlier in this thread that MSF is an anomaly. If that's a euphemism for simple-minded then I agree. Otherwise I find nothing interesting or enlightening about someone who consciously chooses ignorance over knowledge and frames his opinion within that context.

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I would say that the "Bill of Rights" taken collectively are the most beneficial. I really don't believe they can be taken individually.

The ammendment giving women the right to vote would be the most disasterous in my mind.

I knew we had some common ground, Mass.

More Overrated: Barry Sanders or Mike Vick?

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MSF can speak strongly on a number of subjects because he doesn't cloud his opinions with any real knowledge on the subject.

For instance, he has strong opinions about the economy of this country yet he admits he's never studied economics.

I imagine many of you have figured out MSF's modus operandi by now. People wind up on his ignore list because they expose the fallacies of his beliefs and arguments. In the same vein, he chooses to remain ignorant on the subjects he speaks strongly on because there's bliss to be had with that approach.

It was written earlier in this thread that MSF is an anomaly. If that's a euphemism for simple-minded then I agree. Otherwise I find nothing interesting or enlightening about someone who consciously chooses ignorance over knowledge and frames his opinion within that context.

Well said, I agree and I see he chose to basically ignore my questions and give a cookie cutter response. If you don't associate with foreigners, how do you know what affect they're having? And you watch the news.....the same news media that's supposedly nothing but liberal propoganda? It doesn't make sense. Basically, that last sentence of your post sums it up perfectly.

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Seeing as how this is probably the greatest ask a question thread since PleaseBlitz's ask a drunk thread where you could ask the questions only the truly inebriated could answer... i have a good one.

Jackie Chan vs. Jet Li vs. Chuck Norris< The fight takes place in a ring and there are no ladders in the area. Nor are there any weapons. Although you may use the ring as a weapon. >Who wins.

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For those interested in Mass's picture, it only took me 30 seconds or so to find.

Lazy bums. ;)


Damnit, I lose the internets. I couldn't find it for the life of me!! :(

I knew we had some common ground, Mass.

You don't think women should vote either? :doh:

More Overrated: Barry Sanders or Mike Vick?

Barry Sanders overrated?? Are you on drugs?? :silly:

Who would you rather bone, Meg Ryan or Jack Nicholson?

Jack Nicholson now, or 1974?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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I'm surprised that no one else picked up on this:

(In response to a question about his favorite period in history)

Probably early American history. Through about the end of the Civil War.

So in other words, his favorite period of history was the one in this country that involved the enslavement of blacks and the genocide of Indians.

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I'm pretty sure everyone else already knows the answer to this :silly:

Because he responded to the painful experiences of his childhood by locking people out and developing a complex and because his troubles with women and self confidence led him to dehumanize and devalue women so they couldn't challenge his weak sense of self, in his mind, anyways?

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Jackie Chan vs. Jet Li vs. Chuck Norris< The fight takes place in a ring and there are no ladders in the area. Nor are there any weapons. Although you may use the ring as a weapon. >Who wins.

Interesting question. I really don't know enough about Jackie Chan or Jet Li outside of their movie personas, so I'm really reluctant to even take any sort of guess on this.

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I guess reading through this thread and seeing MSF post over and over again begs these questions about his sig:

Why do you think the United States of America started on April 19, 1775? I guess that's when the first shots were fired and Paul Revere and all that, but wouldn't the Declaration be the more appropriate date? Or maybe the Articles? Or the Constitution? Or George Washington's election, since your ending date is an election?

And also the question, why did the United States die on November 7, 2006 and not, say, November 3, 1992 or November 2, 1976 or November 8, 1932 or November 6, 1860?

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Since you seem earnest in wanting folks to understand you, I'm not going to use this to pile on.

Thru the time you've been here you've told us of your beliefs, and how rigid you are in adhering to them. You've told us in a nutshell that you can't find a woman that meets your criteria, and for a little extrapolation on my part, that has you feeling rather lonely.

If constantly finding fault with society, people, etc has left you as miserable as you appear to be in certain areas of your life, is there nothing in you that says maybe a bit of compromise is in order?

That's exactly how I see this thread. An opportunity to understand MSF yet some have decided to "pile on" or joke around. (Not that I mind the jokes. The woodchucker question was classic and it seems that MSF took it in stride as well.) Now, my opinion on the answer to your question is that lacking compromise is a defense mechanism. If people, women in particular, reject him for his opinions/views, then they are rejecting him for things that he controls and not for the things he has zero control over like his physical ppearance or for not being rich.

With that being said, I hope one day you no longer feel like pushing people away, MSF. You'd be amazed at how much people are willing to look past when the person in the inside is a likeable, decent, good person. Anyone that holds your genetic or financial situation as a reason for not liking you is not someone that you should worry about, not someone that i would worry about, and someone that most people would not care about either. I realize how corny and after-school special that sounds, but it's true.

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My 10 cents pscho anyalis of MSF (I am not a Dr but Play one on Extreme skins).

MSF - Due to his childhood, and young adult hood, and his physical looks, developed lots of anger issues based on being lonleys. Rejection, being picked on, left out of school "Clicks", resulted in sour grapes. Hating what he could not have. Self conciously, he longed for a simpler time. Middle ages - Where looks had nothing to do with things, and power ment everything. Even simpler times in America, where everyone one had their own position based on gender, religion, or heritiage. There was no "Free Choice" to hate someone or, worse, simple ignore them.

MSF gets rewarded by being extreme. Oposiste of being loved is NOT being hated, it's being ignored. Let's be real. As adults, I suspect that not many people still pick on MSF today, I'm guessing, as unfair as it is, when MSF is in a bar, or party, he is ignored most often.

Here -His disire to live in a time where it would have matter less, gives him the ammo to voice extreme positions. This results in reaction by everyone. This reaction is what MSF needs, he's NOT being ignored. People read his posts, they answer back, they give him human interaction.

There is, of course, traditional advice for MSF. Support groups, meet other likes you. But it's crap. People talking about how they all feel ignored won't help. MSF needs to have someone who wants to talk about MSF.

Better recomendation - That MSF will never follow. I have a good friend. very attractive. (Yes- She's only a Friend). Her chosen proffesion is a escort. Not a street walker, but a high end escort (FYI - Escorts are not illegal). Many of these women specilize in providing human contact (Not just physical) to those that are considered outcasts for what ever reason. She has told me story after story of time where she has had regualr clients, who have used her service, to do the every day things. Dinner, Movie, Party, Work Function, vacation. What has happen often is these men have build up confidence to overcome their barrier. To see the world as others see it, and to over come their self imposed isolation. It's amazing what confidence does to the world.

no - I'm not saying confidence means your soon have a supermodel fall in love with you. But I am saying, spending time with someone giving you the attention we all need some times, results in you having the confidence needed to know you deserve it, and that others will enjoy spending time with you, resulting in you taking more chances, resulting in being less lonley.

I don't expect you to do anything with this post but Laugh, but feel free to PM me and I will be happy to put you in contact.

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How can you get your confidence back with a hooker when she is only hanging out with you because you are paying her? That doesn't make much sense to me.

EDIT: Now, if you paid her the first time, got her number, called again and she went out with you and maybe even gave it up for free, NOW we're talkin'!

Sorry for the left turn off the thread! :silly:

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