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Question: You're dating a woman that has, to that point, met your prerequisites for female companionship. You come home from a long day of whatever it is that you do, and your dinner is cold. Why? Because she was reading.

A book.

About girlie stuff.

Do you

a) Microwave your dinner and sit down quietly to enjoy the History Channel as she reads,

B) Tell her that she has kickstarted the revolution and beat her unmercifully,

c) Remind her that she is, in fact, a woman, and that your dinner, is, in fact, cold, thus muddying the waters of domestic obligations and requiring you to put her out of doors, or

d) What's a woman?

1) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. :laugh:

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Considering that if I'm coming home to a cold dinner, more than likely I'm running late and forgot to call her and tell her that I wasn't going to be home at the normal time, answer "a" is probably the closest to what my reaction would be.

Ah, but I said that it was cold because she decided to read a girlie book, implying that reading was more important to her than properly timing the warmth of your dinner.

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1) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood. (I thought everybody knew THAT)

2) What do you consider to be the main cause behind Gregg Williams' stubborn over-reliance on a base Cover 2 formation, lack of blitzing, and inability to get to the QB or stop the run?

I believe the main cause of GW's reliance on Cover 2 without the aggressive front seven has been a total lack of confidence in the defensive backfield. To bring an aggressive pass or run blitz, you have to be comfortable and confident that the DB's who are in coverage will be able to cover their recievers for 6-8 seconds and/or that they will be able to tackle if a pass is completed in their area. Between poor selection of players and injury I don't see how GW could have much confidence in his defensive backs to do either. Therefore linebackers often have to be dropped into the shorter coverage zones to help the DB's out. That takes them away from run defense and pass rushing duties.

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Believe me, I know I'm not the only one who's ever been picked on or had a tough life. I know full well that my life is nowhere near as tough as many others. I tried the "turn the other cheek" thing for quite a while as a kid. Then one day I'd had enough, and somebody got in my face and I lost it. The punch split his lip pretty good and left him laying on the ground crying. All of the sudden it wasn't ME being pissed off or crying. It was HIM. That moment taught me something. It taught me that anger was an easy emotion. An emotion that flows much easier than forgiveness and generally makes you feel a lot better, at least in the short-term. It's a lesson I took to heart.

My apologies. I though you had both seen the picture and heard the tale. It's been discussed a number of times around here. I know we have different ways of looking at the world. There's nothing wrong with that. We all see and react to things differently.

I can understand acting in anger. I tried that with the loss of my brother. I hated the world. Yes I was only 12 so I did not know how to deal with it but after anger I ran and I tried act like I never had a brother and it never happened. For 18 years it felt like I was running into a brick wall. Till I finaly faced it. Can you honestly say it worked for you?

If you showed up at a tailgate or event I would have no clue who you are unless someone told me or you walked up to me. I might have smacked you upside your head after I found out who you were :laugh: and tell you that we needed to chat as I hate having issues with anyone but to me you would just be another stranger to the party.

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Ah, but I said that it was cold because she decided to read a girlie book, implying that reading was more important to her than properly timing the warmth of your dinner.

Ok. I hadn't read it that way. In that case, I would be sitting her down and getting an explaination of what had happened. So long as this was an isolated incident, it would probably end there. If it became a repeated issue, there would have to be steps taken to correct it.

Then again, I generally get home from work at about 4pm, so dinner the moment I walk through the door isn't generally something I want.

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I am cacasian male living in the US, but weather you believe in creation or you believe in evolution,(both of witch point to humans starting out in Africa) shouldn't I consider myself African American?

Oh almost forgot....

Do the words "separation of church and state" appear in the constitition?

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You are selling your car. You would like to net $15,000 so you can put that towards a new one.

There are 2 offers on the table:

1) $14,000

2) The equivilant of $35,000, but in pesos.

Which one are you taking?

Isn't $35,000 in pesos worth about $10 dollars American?

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Isn't $35,000 in pesos worth about $10 dollars American?
No, 35,000 pesos is worth about $3,500.

More importantly, $35,000 of anything is worth $35,000, whether it's in gold, pesos, Euros, or navel lint.


Is this now the "Ask Pleaseblitz, get answers from dfitzo53" thread? ;)

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Who is the all-time greatest American? Why?

Personally, I'd say George Washington. He put his whole self into securing the foundations of this country, and then, when he had the opportunity to destroy those same foundations, he stepped aside and put the country's best interests before his own.

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I can understand acting in anger. I tried that with the loss of my brother. I hated the world. Yes I was only 12 so I did not know how to deal with it but after anger I ran and I tried act like I never had a brother and it never happened. For 18 years it felt like I was running into a brick wall. Till I finaly faced it. Can you honestly say it worked for you?

It has worked for ME. I understand it doesn't work for many people, but for me it has worked. I accepted long ago that I was going to live a very different life than many other people. My life may never be "normal", but it works for me. I just feel it's better to step away from society for the most part, and to remind myself when I do deal with society that the only person looking out for my best interests is ME than to let society continue to run me over.

If you showed up at a tailgate or event I would have no clue who you are unless someone told me or you walked up to me. I might have smacked you upside your head after I found out who you were :laugh: and tell you that we needed to chat as I hate having issues with anyone but to me you would just be another stranger to the party.

You wouldn't be likely to see me at a tailgate. That's not really my type of event. When I do go to sporting events I show up, go to my seat, stay there for the vast majority of my time watching the game and go directly home at the point that the game ends.

The type of conversation you're talking about wouldn't be a good idea. As my female roommate has commented.... I am very "bad" at arguing. Meaning that I tend to exascerbate the situation rather than clearing things up when I do that.

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Current or historical what ammendment or change to the U.S. Constitution has proved the most beneficial? Which the most disasterous?

I would say that the "Bill of Rights" taken collectively are the most beneficial. I really don't believe they can be taken individually.

The ammendment giving women the right to vote would be the most disasterous in my mind.

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1) Did you manually go into your ignore list and remove everyone from it, or was there never really an ignore list to begin with? (I noticed that even though I was "supposed" to be on it, you've been responding to some of my posts).

2) If you did go in and manually delete everyone, did you write them all down somewhere so that it can be reinstated once this thread has run its course, or do you plan on giving everyone a blank slate?

3) What happens when you ask to many questions? ;)

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