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Monk and the Hall Thread,(Including Coach Mike comments and Video). Merged & M.E.T.


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Thanks, guys. I honestly don't know how people can watch that and vote against Monk either. But....they did....and they did.

Last year, I sent out DVDs of that piece to every member of the HOF voting committee. I was corresponding with a number of the voters, some of whom were very thankful for the piece. One of them even gave me "real" e-mail addresses for everyone on the committee, and then he himself emailed everyone on the committee and urged them to watch the DVD. I was told that "some minds were changed" but obviously not enough.

One of the voters even said, "Oh, great, is everyone going to start sending us DVDs of their favorite candidates now?" That's how jaded some of these guys are. My response was, "No, I doubt it, because I can't think of any HOF candidates that had the kind of passionate support as Monk, which says something about the man."

So, I know some of them didn't watch, I know some did, but it was very disappointing that it didn't get the job done. But...this year there's another chance, so we'll see. I'm working on another simpler piece that is nothing but well-regarded people in football offering their support for Monk. I was told that might be more helpful, as many of these guys can't be bothered to sit and watch a 20-minute retrospective. Sad, really.

Anyway, now that Monk is going to be judged against players not in his era (Carter), it's going to be tougher. But that's because he wasn't inducted when he should have been. For God's sake, NFL Films WROTE "Future Hall of Famer Art Monk" into SCRIPTS for their shows!!

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Awesome video...

This year's gonna be tough because of the players in a later era are included.

But, Art Monk was the reason I even played football. I wore his number and every year pray for his induction. Maybe a shorter piece will do the trick since the voting committee can't seemingly be bothered by watching a 20 minute piece.

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If Cris (No championships) Carter and Andre (No championships) Reed get in prior to Monk then they should blow up the entire building

Ditto, which is why most people think he's going to get in this time around. I can't wait until the mediotes have to eat all of the Monk-bashing they've been spewing since he became eligible.

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One of the voters even said, "Oh, great, is everyone going to start sending us DVDs of their favorite candidates now?" That's how jaded some of these guys are.

:doh: The ego of some of these people is just amazing. As a football fan and a Redskin fan I'm really getting to the point where I hate this time of year, because all I hear are voters whining about how fans care too much. Unbelieveable.

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Shouldn't even take a video to justify Monk. The disrespect has already been done.

I agree. But to watch that video and not feel compelled to put that man in the HOF just smacks logic in the face. Its right there. Just open your eyes. This is shameful and has gone one long enough. This anti-Redskin sentiment that still goes on today has got to stop.

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ask and you shall recieve..kind of :silly:

Email Addresses of the Voters as of 2000

Update list of voters

Basically you can see which active voter's email addresses you can get off link one and look at link 2 to see who you can still contact....

NOTICE: Do not send anything stupid or obscene...you do not want to end up hurting the cause




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10 guys who belong in the Hall of Fame

1. Art Monk, wide receiver, Redskins

Like Reed, Monk's numbers are indisputable. He trails Reed by just 11 catches (940), ranking sixth; he is 11th in yards with 12,721 but ranks just 31st in touchdowns with 68. However, he once caught at least one pass in 183 consecutive games, and unlike Reed, Monk has three Super Bowl rings with three different quarterbacks (Joe Theismann, Doug Williams and Mark Rypien) throwing the passes.

Theismann once said "Art was Jerry Rice before Jerry Rice was," and one Hall of Fame voter said he "remains mystified" why his fellow selectors have not seen the light, if for no other reason than no one currently enshrined in the Hall has more catches than Monk.

Monk was as steady as they come, but he was a quiet man who did not have much to say, and maybe that's why the voters have looked down on him, teasing him with seven finalist appearances but rejecting him each time when it came to the final vote.

Monk played in three Pro Bowls, was named to the NFL's All-Decades team of the 1980s and is in the prestigious Redskins' Ring of Fame. Bill Parcells once said "Monk is headed to Canton downhill on roller skates." It has been a long hill, and sadly, the end is nowhere in sight.

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ask and you shall recieve..kind of :silly:

Email Addresses of the Voters as of 2000

Update list of voters

Basically you can see which active voter's email addresses you can get off link one and look at link 2 to see who you can still contact....

TY very much. I will write a letter and forward it to the entire list.
NOTICE: Do not send anything stupid or obscene...you do not want to end up hurting the cause

Of course not. You catch flies with honey.
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