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Monk and the Hall Thread,(Including Coach Mike comments and Video). Merged & M.E.T.


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Great thread, I hope Monk and D.Green both get in this year. I like the one that said you never seen Monk drop a pass. Monk had to to have had some of the best hands I have seen for a receiver. In my years watching Monk play for the Redskins I think I remember him dropping one pass. HTTR

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39) Putting loud jerks in over Monk sends the wrong message to kids.

This, IMO, is the biggest reason to put him in. The statistics have been discussed ad nauseum, but it's Monk's intangibles that clearly put him in the HOF. It's funny how the same writers who complain about the divas that populate the WR position are the same writers that vote Michael Irvin into the HOF over Art Monk.

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This, IMO, is the biggest reason to put him in. The statistics have been discussed ad nauseum, but it's Monk's intangibles that clearly put him in the HOF. It's funny how the same writers who complain about the divas that populate the WR position are the same writers that vote Michael Irvin into the HOF over Art Monk.

The HOF is becoming a joke and this is only one of the reasons why. WHEN Monk get's in the wave of relief will be felt throughout the NFL. I hoping Green and Monk get inducted together so we can all kill two birds with one trip to Canton!

(:gaintsuck & so do the Bellicheats!)

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The HOF is becoming a joke and this is only one of the reasons why. WHEN Monk get's in the wave of relief will be felt throughout the NFL. I hoping Green and Monk get inducted together so we can all kill two birds with one trip to Canton!

(:gaintsuck & so do the Bellicheats!)

Yeah, it's kind of funny. The HOF states that the player's "off-field" problems or personality should not have any hinderence on that player's eligibility for the HOF, yet some writers are voting players in BECAUSE of their off-field personality. You cannot have it both ways. I think I could find many scouts who would rather have Monk than Michael Irvin, and probably a 50/50 split between those who would rather have D. Green than D. Sanders. Yet, Irvin and Sanders are supposedly "no-brainers" while Monk and Green barely get any publicity (although Green will definitely be first-ballot).

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Oh good grief.......:rolleyes:

Sorry Charlie Brown. :(

Not neccessarily. One says it stood for eight years. The other says he was the first to record it.

Reason 1. He set a record.

Reason 2. The record was for receptions.

Reason 3. He set the record in 1984.

Reason 4. The record stood for 8 years.

Reason 5. People remember the record he set.

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He should make it this year, they just wanted the coke head in before him, I think it's obvious now.

Isn't that the truth!! He probably snorted up before games.

I can't wait to hear Art's induction speech. Personally, if he said "Bout damn time" and just walked off the stage, I'd be happy.

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It is shocking he is not in. He is the type of player the NFL and Canton should be idolizing for his humanitarian acts. One of my favorites...He was never arrested. Hmm what about you Mr. Irvin? Notice all the charitable acts on there and character attributes that were given to him by his teammates and others. Monk is more than just a hall of fame athlete, he is hall of fame person.


(and Darrell and Russ too!!)

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Nice list.

The next list should be 940 reasons why Adam Shefter and Peter Queen deserve a beatdown from Art Monk. I'll start it.

1. Art gets to hit Adam 940 times and we'll see if Adam remembers a single punch as being the signature one.

2. Art's got 3 rings that would do some damage (more than damage than Cris Carter can do thats for sure!!)

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Art Monk is football's Phil Rizzuto: A gentleman on and off the field and a sterling athlete who set an example for the next generation to emulate.

It was 38 years before Scooter finally was inducted into Cooperstown, and it may just be 38 before the bonehead sportswriters admit Monk.

One thing's for certain, though: Art Monk doesn't need the Hall of Fame to make his life -- or his career -- complete.

And that's the best reason I can think for voting him in now.

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