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Chinese teen kills self when blind date turns ugly

Leonard Washington

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It was bad enough people were laughing at it all until I read that! :slap:

I just don't see the humor in ANY of this!

Almost all humor is at the 'expense' of someone. I don't think anyone is seriously taking joy in some poor kid offing himself.

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There's someone for everyone out there, Mass. Anyway, there are many married people who wish they were bachelors. A lot of people are choosing that sort of life now.

Despite what it may have seemed like, Blighty; I'm not complaining about being a bachelor. Considering my philosophies of life and the general beliefs of most modern women, marriage is something I would not likely survive long in; so bachelorhood is the better option for me.

As for there being somebody for everyone.... Unfortunately I think I was born at least 50 years late for my "somebody".

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If it's any consolation Mass, I'm also a bachelor and 2 years older then you. I was engaged to be married and broke it off at the last minute...which on reflection was a good choice seeing I remained friends with her and when I recently visited her she had become the biggest bore, self-centred cow you could ever meet. Imagine if I'd married her...I'd be in a very bad situation.

At the age of 25 I was desperate to get married. :doh: I'm now happy I didn't. I'm lucky in the sense I have two sisters who have both married and provided kids to keep my parents happy, so that puts pressure off me. But I wouldn't change my life for anything at the moment. Everytime we have family gatherings, everyone is envious about my "teenage lifestyle". :laugh:

I recently went to Italy on a whim just to get away, something I couldn't do if I was married. And I'm also taking time off from work because of bacterial bronchitis....something I probably couldn't do if I had family commitments. Marriage is a ball and chain... :cheers:

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If it's any consolation Mass, I'm also a bachelor and 2 years older then you. I was engaged to be married and broke it off at the last minute...which on reflection was a good choice seeing I remained friends with her and when I recently visited her she had become the biggest bore, self-centred cow you could ever meet. Imagine if I'd married her...I'd be in a very bad situation.

No consolation needed, Blighty. Like you I've accepted this lifestyle and to some degree revel in it. The difference between us is that you've been in at least one relationship that could have turned into a marriage. In my case, I'm lucky to keep the relationship going for more than a couple weeks to a month or two at the outside.

Marriage is a ball and chain.

That I will disagree with you about. So far as I'm concerned, marriage is a very important part of society. It's the basis on which families should be founded and built. It's the basis for the continuation of the species so far as I'm concerned. Without marriage society begins to fall apart.... Gee, aren't we seeing that in the United States right now?

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No consolation needed, Blighty. Like you I've accepted this lifestyle and to some degree revel in it. The difference between us is that you've been in at least one relationship that could have turned into a marriage. In my case, I'm lucky to keep the relationship going for more than a couple weeks to a month or two at the outside.

That I will disagree with you about. So far as I'm concerned, marriage is a very important part of society. It's the basis on which families should be founded and built. It's the basis for the continuation of the species so far as I'm concerned. Without marriage society begins to fall apart.... Gee, aren't we seeing that in the United States right now?

Mass, if I look back on it, I would consider it to have been a collosal waste of time and energy. I lost out on the opportunity to do at least one major thing I wanted to do...if not many others.

Marriage to me is old-fashioned. It doesn't suit todays world...there are too many pressures in todays society for it to go wrong. Also, now women want equality, this makes it even harder because you never know your place. For example...who does the cleaning? Who looks after the kids? Who goes to work. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it was much easier when women had their place IN the home and men went off to work. Now everyone argues about "...your turn to do the cleaning...blah blah...I can;t tonight, I promised a friend I'd go to her birthday do....blah blah....I earn more then you so you should get a part time job so you can look after the house and kids...blah blah...

Also, getting a divorce is too easy and men get the brown end of the stick. Can;t see your kids but have to pay upkeep for the privilige...and that's if your kids don;t call someone else "daddy". And after all that, if you get through every hurdle, don't mess about with other women, divide the chores, keep the wife happy...there's still the risk she doesn't want you anymore and finds someone else. :doh:

I think I prefer staying single and keeping my sanity...and freedom. :D There's a famous Italian quote: Women are like fish..they smell after a while. :laugh: Not that I agree with that. :doh:

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If it's any consolation Mass, I'm also a bachelor and 2 years older then you. I was engaged to be married and broke it off at the last minute...which on reflection was a good choice seeing I remained friends with her and when I recently visited her she had become the biggest bore, self-centred cow you could ever meet. Imagine if I'd married her...I'd be in a very bad situation.

At the age of 25 I was desperate to get married. :doh: I'm now happy I didn't. I'm lucky in the sense I have two sisters who have both married and provided kids to keep my parents happy, so that puts pressure off me. But I wouldn't change my life for anything at the moment. Everytime we have family gatherings, everyone is envious about my "teenage lifestyle". :laugh:

I recently went to Italy on a whim just to get away, something I couldn't do if I was married. And I'm also taking time off from work because of bacterial bronchitis....something I probably couldn't do if I had family commitments. Marriage is a ball and chain... :cheers:

If I knew then what I know now, I would never have gotten married at all. Ever.

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OH OH OH do tell... Some of us here aren't married.... Yet...

He probably means after your married awhile the sex gets very stale or stops all together,the wife let's herself go and becomes a couch potato slob and is a constant nag,complaining at every turn.........this happens in some cases.:doh:

It's not just the wife though,a husband can be just as bad.

Something to look forward to;) :)

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He probably means after your married awhile the sex gets very stale or stops all together,the wife let's herself go and becomes a couch potato slob and is a constant nag,complaining at every turn.........this happens in some cases.:doh:

It's not just the wife though,a husband can be just as bad.

Something to look forward to;) :)

Can I guard against this in the Prenup?

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OH OH OH do tell... Some of us here aren't married.... Yet...

All I'll say on that is, stay single. Really...I mean it.

He probably means after your married awhile the sex gets very stale or stops all together,the wife let's herself go and becomes a couch potato slob and is a constant nag,complaining at every turn.........this happens in some cases.:doh:

It's not just the wife though,a husband can be just as bad.

Something to look forward to;) :)

So you know her?

Seriously, I am willing to take my share of the blame for things. For the last two months, I have been trying very hard to re-kindle the marriage. but you can't start a fire with water.

It's people like you, and their horror stories, that never got me married in the first place. I thank thee for saving me a life of future misery, your greatness. :notworthy

Glad to be of service. Donations accepted.

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