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Why haven't we fired Vinnie Cerrato yet? (Merged 2X)


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Its Synders team. If there is any one thing an owner can do its get a GM and tell the GM to find a coach and players and keep the teams cap space healthy ...... and win.

If Gibbs is the GM, then get ride of Vinny and hire a head coach. Let get this puppy rolling.

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Actually, Vinny was available to be hired by any team in the NFL twice--and twice we were the only ones interested--that says it all.

If he's fired again, I don't think even ESPN would hire him. The guy is an NFL joke. But he's not going anywhere. He's Danny's spy.

I know that hiring a GM would have absolutely no short-term impact other than avoiding bone-headed free agent signings. And I know the risk is that Danny and Joe would undermine any GM who took the job, so even the long term success is not guaranteed. But I'm absolutely sure that hiring a real GM couldn't possibly make things worse.

Why is it that this organization is willing to change anything -- coaches, quarterbacks, whatever -- except do the one thing that everyone who knows anything about professional football has said they should have done from the start?

It's Danny's fault. I'm really disappointed in Joe, who should know he needs a GM -- after all, he's only starting to look at free agents and draft picks now, while all the GMs in the league have a 6 month headstart. But ultimately, it's Danny's fault.

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If he's fired again, I don't think even ESPN would hire him. The guy is an NFL joke. But he's not going anywhere. He's Danny's spy.

I know that hiring a GM would have absolutely no short-term impact other than avoiding bone-headed free agent signings. And I know the risk is that Danny and Joe would undermine any GM who took the job, so even the long term success is not guaranteed. But I'm absolutely sure that hiring a real GM couldn't possibly make things worse.

Why is it that this organization is willing to change anything -- coaches, quarterbacks, whatever -- except do the one thing that everyone who knows anything about professional football has said they should have done from the start?

It's Danny's fault. I'm really disappointed in Joe, who should know he needs a GM -- after all, he's only starting to look at free agents and draft picks now, while all the GMs in the league have a 6 month headstart. But ultimately, it's Danny's fault.

Joe can not order the Redskins get a GM. Snyder is the owner.

Think of it as the manager of a car dealership and the owner if the dealership.

The owner pays the manager. And then throw in the fact that the owners best friend is the GM.

So how are you going to tell the owner to fire his best friend? Even if things are not going well.

Also add to the fact that the last time a manager fired the owners best friend, the manager was fired and the owner was rehired and given a extention.

The owner might fire you.

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I'm sure Vinny received very thankful Christmas cards from every other GM in the league.

Come on, that's a little over the top don't you think? I mean I could see him getting one from the Broncos, Jets, Jags, and 49ers, but I don't know about the whole league.

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Come on, that's a little over the top don't you think? I mean I could see him getting one from the Broncos, Jets, Jags, and 49ers, but I don't know about the whole league.

Dear Vinnie,

Thank U For givin me MoRon Competition.

SINcerely Love Matt Millen


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My question is why are we being lied to? Joe Gibbs is the " president"

What does the president do? If he is not talking to teams for trades. He is not the one asking for deals.

What is the president?

And when asked directly, "You are the team president, correct?" JG responds to say, "...what does that mean?" and then goes on to say it's a team effort. He has the final say but everyone has input. There just isn't any one person in charge and that is the primary problem. Ruling by committee cannot work in the NFL, IMO.

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And when asked directly, "You are the team president, correct?" JG responds to say, "...what does that mean?" and then goes on to say it's a team effort. He has the final say but everyone has input. There just isn't any one person in charge and that is the primary problem. Ruling by committee cannot work in the NFL, IMO.

I am not talking about final say. I am talking about who is over paying the players. The guy over paying the players must be the guy talking to the platers agents. And the guy trading the picks away must be the guy talking to the other teams.

That is Vinny and Snyder.

The final say on talent is one thing. The final say on how much you pay a guy and why you trade draft picks is up to Snyder and Vinny. The more important part.

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You have a prime example of what an elite general manager can do for a team with the Washington Wizards. For years they had Wes Unseld (a very close friend of Abe Pollin) as their GM and they floundered badly. Then came Michael Jordan (a great player) and made him their GM. Just as bad.

Then they hired Ernie Grunfield in June 2003 a proven winner in all aspects of being a GM. Look what a professional GM had done for them in just 3 years.

We need a professional GM for the Redskins. No more "friends and family plans".


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Joe can not order the Redskins get a GM. Snyder is the owner...

The owner might fire you.

If Danny fired Joe because Joe wanted to bring in a GM, an army of Redskins fans carrying torches and pitchforks would surround Danny's house. If Joe wanted a GM, he'd have a GM. I'm really surprised he hasn't pushed for one. Surely he sees the disastrous results of the current setup, despite what he says in the media.

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Come on, that's a little over the top don't you think? I mean I could see him getting one from the Broncos, Jets, Jags, and 49ers, but I don't know about the whole league.

Well, think of Vinny like the slutty girl: you've listed the guys who've already nailed her, but think of all the guys that want to be the next to nail her. They'll send cards too.

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I don't think Joe Gibbs sees the personnel moves as a problem. Most of us think a lot of Gibbs the coach but not much of Gibbs the personnel guy. But if you listen to Gibbs' recent interviews assuming its not pure spin he pretty much feels the reverse -- he likes their off season moves but says he did a poor job coaching. He has more or less said now 2 times in the last couple of weeks that the off season moves they made in 2004 will go down as perhaps the best off season by any team in the NFL. And as to trading draft picks his stock answer of late is the Clinton Portis deal and how slam dunk great that's been for the Skins. What's even more frustrating is he refuted the recent Washington Post article about the front office by saying that us fans are super smart and we can read into what's really going on. He said it in a way that implyied that we back him in his assertions. Look I love Joe Gibbs the coach but nope I don't back the thrust of the Skins off seasons moves and clearly neither do most of the fans on this site. Yeah Cerrato and Snyder are part of the problem and seem to be the ones that get duped by overpaying in salary and draft picks but I don't think Gibbs is immune here and what worries me even more is that not only doesn't he see this as a problem he seems to be implying that the off season moves are the main things that the Redskins do right.

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Joe Gibbs ...likes their off season moves but says he did a poor job coaching.

There's an old military adage that Joe Gibbs always follows: praise in public, criticize in private. You'll never hear Joe Gibbs bad-mouth anyone. Ever.

That confuses a lot of guys. They'll say, "Joe Gibbs must think Vinny's doing a great job -- he's never criticized him!" But they just don't understand Joe Gibbs.

Joe's actions speak much louder than his words.

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Gibbs needs to grow a pair and tell the Danny a change needs to be made. But he won't because he seems to be in denial that there's a problem with the front office.

Vinny is nothing but Danny's way of staying involved. Schottenheimer knew this and demanded that Vinny go. After one year of not being involved and in his own words, "not having fun", Danny demanded that Marty hire a GM -- one Danny picked. When Marty relented, he was forced out. Then Danny hired Spurrier, and even though Danny promised Spurrier he would hire a strong GM, he immediately hired Vinny back.

When Gibbs was hired, I was overjoyed. He had the respect of Danny, who would do whatever he wanted. If Joe wanted Vinny gone, Danny would fire him. The fact that Joe didn't get a better football man involved from the start was the first huge mistake of Gibbs 2.0.

Along with Matt Millen, who at least values draft picks, Vinny is the laughingstock of the league. I mean, even the Redskin players openly mock him.

He has to go.

But he won't.

Because for whatever reason, Gibbs can't see there's a problem.

It's no secret the reporters at Redskins Park see Gibbs 2.0 as delusional.

And it's just... sad.

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If Dan Snyder was considering at one point making Pepper Rogers the coach, then he has no idea how to set up a football front office. Face it folks, we're screwed for a very long time unless we start to put financial pressure on Snyder 100 times greater than the pressure Lions fans are putting on Ford.

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Cerrato has to go but Gibbs doesn't seem to be an innocent observer in our poor off season moves -- he's the team president and isn't shy to admit that he's involved in a big way with the off season. Listening to Gibbs, reading the Washington Post article, etc it seems like our front office works this way. Gibbs, Saunders, and Gregg Williams provides their wish list and stress how badley they want those players. Then Cerrato overpays in draft picks and Snyder overpays in signing bonuses. But it doesn't sound like its Cerrato foisting Archuletta for example on Gregg Williams and saying looking am getting this guy and letting Ryan Clark go -- I know you aren't going to like it but deal with it. Or Cerrato isn't going to Gibbs and saying look Brandon Lloyd is the man for our team I know your iffy on this but you'll see when you have him. It's Gibbs and the coaches who seem to be making the wish list and Cerrato and Synder are overzealous and overpay in getting the players that Gibbs says will get them over the top. I think Cerrato, Snyder AND Williams and Gibbs are all at fault here. Gibbs has said over and over again that the draft is a crap shoot, and he likes to get proven players and loves free agency. This has Gibbs' stamp on it too. And I love Gibbs the coach so don't mean to bash him but how can Gibbs escape from being part of the problem his finger prints are all over the off season moves.

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