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graphics wise RIGHT NOW

1. xbox 360 - many more games and some are real good

2. ps3 - might take over the #1 stop down the road but games aren't taking advantage of it's power

3. wii

dvd players

1 (tie). Blu Ray :) - must have a 1080p tv though

1 (tie) XBox 360 :) - add on hd-dvd player

don't know which format will win but my guess is microsoft will win this round...if they don't i'm sure they'll release an blu-ray player. the problem is what if sony loses with blu-ray? what's going to happen then?

GAMEPLAY - obviously what a system is meant for

1. wii

2. wii

3. tie between xbox and ps3

wii is the best out of all the systems. I have all three and the most fun I have is playing the wii. if I need nice graphics I boot my computer up or If I'm w/friends I play the consoles.

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I got a PS3. Not sure why everyone is complaining about it. It's an awesome system.

I also got an XBox360, and that too is a great system. My only issue with 360 is the fact that you need actual batteries for the controllers, where PS3 controllers are rechargeable..

Yes there are better games for 360 right now, however you gotta give ps3 time to put more out. It WILL have the games.

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I also got an XBox360, and that too is a great system. My only issue with 360 is the fact that you need actual batteries for the controllers, where PS3 controllers are rechargeable..

Of course with the few hundred dollars you save on the xbox360 vs ps3, you could put $20 of that toward rechargeable batteries for the 360 controllers. :)

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Sony- Will not fail and lose face.....the PS3 is in it for the long haul for more advanced gamers. The price for now will keep the casual gamer away.

Microsoft- Wll find its place, but it will have a hard time keeping up with Sony and 3rd party developers in a year or two. The Wii will also remove casual gamers from buying the X360 so sales should slow over the next year. Look for them to have a price drop after E3.

Nintendo- The Wii is hot right now, so was the Gamecube at its launch, the buzz will slow down eventually and it will settle in as the casual gamer machine.Im real curious to see how many ways you can use the controler until it becomes repetative?

Here is a nice side by side comparison-- http://www.metacafe.com/watch/336530/comparison_ps3_vs_xbox_vs_wii/

Typically the machine with the better graphics wins out in the end, the games just look to good to keep gamers away from the price of buying another machine.

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Nintendo- The Wii is hot right now, so was the Gamecube at its launch, the buzz will slow down eventually and it will settle in as the casual gamer machine.Im real curious to see how many ways you can use the controler until it becomes repetative?

How many times can you press up, down, left, right, square, circle, x, and triangle before it becomes repetitive?

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I somehow dont like the wii controller. Getting home tired, I just don't feel like swinging my arms like a maniac

Don't get the Ps3 now either way, wait till they start coming out with good games.

If my Dad can play it, and my friend's parents can play it, you can play it.

The wii crushes everything else this generation. That is all.

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Sorry, but ive always been the only one in the household who's ever played games, so im not exactly shopping with the idea that my parents are going to use it, because they won't.

Its really up to you, what types of game you like and which controller you like. Im not buying any yet or judging the ps3 based on its LAUNCH games which are being compared to games that the 360 has come up with one year after its own launch.

The wii's controller is innovative, but its not for everybody.

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Sorry, but ive always been the only one in the household who's ever played games, so im not exactly shopping with the idea that my parents are going to use it, because they won't.

Its really up to you, what types of game you like and which controller you like. Im not buying any yet or judging the ps3 based on its LAUNCH games which are being compared to games that the 360 has come up with one year after its own launch.

The wii's controller is innovative, but its not for everybody.

Oh, it IS for everybody. Have you tried it? You just need to get over your preconceptions. Why keep yourself from the best console just because of some ideas you have stuck in your head?

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Nintendo- The Wii is hot right now, so was the Gamecube at its launch, the buzz will slow down eventually and it will settle in as the casual gamer machine.Im real curious to see how many ways you can use the controler until it becomes repetative?

Typically the machine with the better graphics wins out in the end, the games just look to good to keep gamers away from the price of buying another machine.

The GameCube was never really a hot commodity. If the Wii has a "buzz factor" of 10, then the gamecube would have had a 4 or 5.

The Xbox was much, much more powerful than the PS2, so I don't understand how you can say that the better graphics wins out. The PS2 was the dominant console last generation, and it had by far the worst graphics of the three. Many people thought Genesis had better graphics than the SNES, too.

Sony has proven in the past that they have the ability to fail on a grand scale (betamax, umd, minidisk). They aren't untouchable.

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i absolutely love my 360...i love it.

i bought a ps3 and wasnt initially impressed but after a few days i realized that the ps3 has incredible potential. madden plays smoother on the ps3.

i say get the ps3.

i just sold 3 this morning @ face value...still have one left. let me know.

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The GameCube was never really a hot commodity. If the Wii has a "buzz factor" of 10, then the gamecube would have had a 4 or 5.

The Xbox was much, much more powerful than the PS2, so I don't understand how you can say that the better graphics wins out. The PS2 was the dominant console last generation, and it had by far the worst graphics of the three. Many people thought Genesis had better graphics than the SNES, too.

Sony has proven in the past that they have the ability to fail on a grand scale (betamax, umd, minidisk). They aren't untouchable.

The Gamecube was marketed as an affordable alternative and everyone was excited about The Legend of Zelda and eventually Metroid. It became the "feel good console".

The last 2 1/2 years the X-Box had consitantly outsold the PS2, the PS2 had a full year head start on the X-box at release time. Also Sony had a flooded community with the virtually unchallenged PS. X-box was a first gen Microsoft console. In the long run if there were no new systems the X-box would have closed the gap significantly.

Sony has had mistakes in the past, but it cannot afford to have one with the PS3, more is at stake than just the console its self, Blueray as well as future movie projects, and Stand alone Blueray players that will rely on Blueray disk sales. The PS3 will also help Sony have leverage with other movie companies, Toshiba and other electronic giants if it is sucessful and people can get a blueray player for under $1000. Sony will do everything in its power to be sucessful, they have more money that Microsoft and maybe even Nintendo combined if they let the PS3 fail it would destroy a major part of Sony,....I don't see them letting that happen, to much at risk.

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Wii is amazing. I have never had so much fun playing a game before. It has so much potential. If you get sick of using your arms for control, you can get the regular controller. But the thing that amazes me is every time someone plays the Wii, they always smile and laugh. I have never seen anyone get frustrated; it is so much fun just learning how to play. I would recommend the Wii over the PS3 and the 360. \

But if its between the 360 and PS3, the 360 wins hands down. Better online game play (Xbox Live is great), same graphics (pretty much), games are same or better and it is cheaper. Live is main difference for me though, online gaming is where its at.

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The Gamecube was marketed as an affordable alternative and everyone was excited about The Legend of Zelda and eventually Metroid. It became the "feel good console".

The last 2 1/2 years the X-Box had consitantly outsold the PS2, the PS2 had a full year head start on the X-box at release time.

Sony will do everything in its power to be sucessful, they have more money that Microsoft and maybe even Nintendo combined if they let the PS3 fail it would destroy a major part of Sony,....I don't see them letting that happen, to much at risk.

1. Zelda didn't come out for a long time on the cube. Hard to get excited about a game that was over a year away. It took Metroid and Mario a while, too. The only games to be excited about Rogue Leader, Super Monkey Ball, Luigi's Mansion, and Pikmin. It was terrible.

2. The Xbox has finally caught up with the PS2 in terms of sales/month. In terms of total sales they are very far behind still. Eventually they would catch up, but with console lifespans being so short, that would never really happen.

3. I thought Microsoft had the most money of the three.

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well, I already know I'll be getting the PS3 mainly because of the blu-ray player. I just feel it will win a format war if it comes down to it. Sony has already started to flood the market with Blu-Ray movies, wheras I have only seen a few HD-DVD movies. Plus when you add in the need to pay extra for the HD-DVD for the 360 the cost evens out.

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