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Will Saunders be the Raiders HC?


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Will Al Saunders consider working for Al davis this offseason as the HC? I believe he interviewed last year and was not hired as Art Shell was hired and now fired.

Would this hurt or help the Redskins? I believe Gibbs would take over the play calling and keep the system as is and modify it slightly. If he took play calling back he might consider hiring a GM to help him on the front office side. Just some thoughts! Continuity might be better as Al's offense is playing better!

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I think your last sentence hits it right on the head, continuity IS the key, IMO.

We all know Kurt Warner won a Super Bowl in this offense. He said it takes a full year to learn. We also know what their offense, and the Chiefs offense, looked like after they learned it. So, while it's foolish to do so, I'm getting my hopes up for big things from this team next year.

If Saunders leaves, presumably we'll have to take the time to re-learn Gibbs' offense. While that might not be as bad as learning something new altogether, it's bad enough. Rather than perfecting timing and technique, we'll be back to learning plays again. So even though I think Gibbs' offense can still work in this league, I think we need to stick with what we've got.

As far as the Raiders, I could care less who they get. I've hated those SOBs since Marcus Allen kicked our ***. Just as long as it's not Saunders, I'll be happy.

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I'm torn on this whole situation. I don't like Al Saunders and I was all in favor of how the offense was run under Joe Gibbs. I think the TEAM, more importantly, would be in favor or JG running the show.

Then again, maybe we should wait and see what AS is capable of. He has a rookie QB and a backup running back. He was handcuffed with Brunell to start the season and CP wasn't healthy. That said, maybe next year we will start to see some strides. The team will have a good half year under their belt.

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Saunders is not going anywhere.

Agreed. Working for Al Davis would be like a doctor letting the patient tell him how to treat his illness because he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Plus, Saunders would be taking a pay-cut to take the Oakland job.

No chance he goes to Oakland.

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Agreed. Working for Al Davis would be like a doctor letting the patient tell him how to treat his illness because he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Plus, Saunders would be taking a pay-cut to take the Oakland job.

No chance he goes to Oakland.

The pay cut plus the improvement over the second half makes this an unlikely situation.

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Agreed. Working for Al Davis would be like a doctor letting the patient tell him how to treat his illness because he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Plus, Saunders would be taking a pay-cut to take the Oakland job.

No chance he goes to Oakland.

Agreed, plus Davis likes all down field all the time. We've seen that isn't his style.

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People very close to Al Saunders told him one year ago that the Oakland job was a no-win situation. Nothing has changed, so why would he say yes this time around?

Agreed. The Rayduhs are one of, if not the worst run teams in the league. Working for Davis (assuming his dusty butt manages to survive yet another year) would make working for Snyder look like a vacation.

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NOPE. Won't happen. Davis is at the point in his life where he will soon turn the team over to someone in hiw family. .

Even then, no one could outbid Dan for the position. I think Saunders is the kind of coach who wants to build on something he has started. As you can see, it is a difficult offense to implement, and learn.

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He better stay here. We're just now beginning to grasp his offense, and he's beginning to grasp what his offense should be. (See the 28 points we've put up through 3 quarters today)

Hm. I thought he got a grasp on what his offense should be against the Jaguars..

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Why are you dogging our owner?...makes NO sense, think before you post :logo:

Are you kidding me? What do you think we got a good owner or something! Talk about being a homer. Geez. The best thing that could happen to this team is for Snyder to sell this team. I cant believe that people still actually support this owner!

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