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Membership Announcement. You Better Read.


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Thanks Henry... I already confronted the situation and did what was best for everyone involved.. and it *was* a hard decision. But I made it... no regrets :)

Die Hard, I was surprised and disappointed to see you and Tarhog jump ship and leave ES management. With Tarhog, I figured he was a latecomer to management and found that it was more trouble than it was worth. But with you, I still wondered.

After all, you founded ExtremeSkins, with Blade and Art. You promoted and defended the merger with Redskins.com, and then you attacked me a bit when I questioned the merger. No harm in that, but the outcome of the merger has been worse even than I feared at the time. But all in the same direction of decline.

So now you're out, and you're glad to be out. I'm curious about what led to the decision. You put a lot into creating ExtremeSkins, and you created something that in its day was one of the best forums anywhere on the Internet. This is all to your great and enduring credit. It must have taken a lot to cause you to walk away. Why did you leave?

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You know I love ya Rick, but if there are people that need banning, and you all can do the banning, then whats stopping you?

Why should folks - most of whom presumably don't deserve banning - have to read this kind of announcement? Do you think the disruptive idiots in question are going to say 'Gee - it never dawned on me I was being uncivil and reducing the quality of the board, I think I'll adjust myself!'? I don't see that as being very likely.

Worrying about and threatening a few instigators isn't going to get this place headed back in the right direction.

Just my opinion.

BAN HIM! BAN HIM NOW!!!!!! :cool:

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Die Hard, I was surprised and disappointed to see you and Tarhog jump ship and leave ES management. With Tarhog, I figured he was a latecomer to management and found that it was more trouble than it was worth. But with you, I still wondered.

After all, you founded ExtremeSkins, with Blade and Art. You promoted and defended the merger with Redskins.com, and then you attacked me a bit when I questioned the merger. No harm in that, but the outcome of the merger has been worse even than I feared at the time. But all in the same direction of decline.

So now you're out, and you're glad to be out. I'm curious about what led to the decision. You put a lot into creating ExtremeSkins, and you created something that in its day was one of the best forums anywhere on the Internet. This is all to your great and enduring credit. It must have taken a lot to cause you to walk away. Why did you leave?

I just hope DH was compensated for his hard work.

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TK, I hear you loud and clear and all the way over hear in Afghanistan. I know you're focus is on personal attacks. But in most cases if thread starters search before posting they'll find that their subject of interest already exist and all they have to do is join in. But thank God for the mods, and yeah a perma ban will raise some eyebrows. I'm more concerned about generating thought provoking ideas on how we can firm up schemes and get our team back to those dominant years and winning championships. I believe competent authority (Staff) at Redskin Park is on line and they do read. So whenever I see something I try to give a hand wave and provide something that may have been missed, and that's useful...you never know.

Like why I'm happy to have LeMar Marshall, but like any great LB asking him to match up with a speedster down the middle of the field is quite much. At least thats what I think is the downside in running the Tampa 2. And the good chance that Philly likes to go to their TE in the red zone more often than not, but they will also quick slant like their TD year before last (04) at Philly. And what Dallas likes to do in general, though we always seem to be up for Dallas.

I'm fond of the safety position and will watch how we act and react to play action and I'll give feed back on that more than anything. Like how Seattle set up their first TD in the divisional playoff last year. Remember the TD saving play Sean made in the end zone during the first quarter? Well go back and start looking a little early on during that same series. They had play action going with a swing pass to Strong , I think that's his name, out in the flat but one of my favorite safety's Clark was biting on that play. Seattle saw it and the next series they went on a seam down the middle from about 12 yds out and Sean save the TD by breaking up the pass...remember that?

They ended up settling for a field goal. But they came back in the second QTR got back in the red zone had the play action working and this time through it low and away where only the receiver could get to it and bam TD! That's as pretty close as you get to what good play action can do for you. That TD was set up way back in the 1st QTR, though it happened in the second. They also knew early on that Springs wasn't himself with the hamy and all, as a long ball down the right sideline took him to task wher he foiund himself dangerously behind.

What's the significance of that play during the first half? Well, they came right back in the redzone during the second half and the earlier TD still lingering, they kind of fainted and Haslebeck rolled with a little pump to hold Springs and that hamy just enough to squeeze into the corner. Probably was one of those half time adjustments but again something that they saw early on and thought they could get buy with and resulted in a another TD.

Might I add Springs is a shut down corner when healthy and I wouldn't give him up for nothing in the world. Sometimes people are watching replays of the play but at the same time other peolple are watching other things. It's a game of tendencies, down and distance based on situations. Safety is a tough position and Clark did add consistency, so Sean almost knew where Ryan would be 90% of the time. Well I kind of went off on a tangen. How I feel about this year well, it's a little more complex than just the QB, who I think we have a jewel in. But obviously the ability to play action with effectiveness is crucial and you can't do that if you can't run. Must find a way to shore up our running game. Need to find a thumper of a TE. You, know the Donnnie Warren type, or Doc. I thought we were a lot better off with Royal, IMO. But I don't know the behind the scene activity that goes into who we can and can't keep. Fans also aren't as close enough to give anything more than a humble opinion. Consistency on the OL will make us a lot better. With winning teams it's not a whole lot of penalties on the OL--especially not at the crucial moment. We also aren't getting at the opponents LBs and the second level is causing us problems in the running game. We also don't have an identity where we like to run for pay dirt. It looks like CP likes his left side between the 1 and 3 hole, but that's not constant.

The center has to be able to at least get to the LB and right now there roaming from sideline to side line. Example the player that tackled CP on the sideline was a relatively not well known. But the second level is casusing huge problems against our running game.

DL? Must fine a DE to compliment Griff, Daniels, Wynn, Salavea, and rotate with Carter. DL is not doing a good job of occupying opponents OL and as a result our LB are getting caught in the wash. Which causes problems in the secondary, becasue now you have run support coming up from the 3d level because the second level (our LBs) are in the wash. Factor in play action and our defence has its hands full. So must fix up front first which side? Both, the only problem is that it's hard to find a Defensive linemen and when you do there very expensive.

I would also take a look at Campbell's (Jason) angle of release; we have too many batted balls. And I'm glad Brunnel is still around, he adds stability

Go Skins Win!

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So, what exactly are the particulars of this "purge"?

How about if you havent even looked at this thread?...we could start there! :silly:

(Notice I didnt put "post" in this thread...could you imagine the number of these we would see!) -----> :applause:


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Actually, I think everyone needs to pick up their game :)

I've never been a fan of giving people humiliating avatars, even if they deserve it. The staff should be above mocking people - I know some argue it 'makes an example' of someone for the better good, but the truth is (I believe anyway) we just do it because we can and its funny. I can't see how it promotes civility though, it represents the opposite viewpoint.

Exactly - do as I instruct, no as I do...

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I saw ya join the thread and I was wondering just what you'd add to this topic. But me being me and all, I sorta knew. :)

I read your history and your log. You certainly earned the asshat. A few members over time have had similar adornments for awhile. They can come from any moderator, BTW, not just TK. Others have lost theirs in time, and are still here as long-time members. Maybe you will be too, if you stop being an ass long enough.

And those Ivory Towers you refer to are plain desks where TK and his fellows do a lot of unpaid often-thankless-frequently-hassled work to make this site the best there is, with fantastic lay-outs and exclusive features and try to keep asshats on the board to a minimum. If TK were to take it off I’d put it right back on. So relax, post in non-asshat fashion and abide by the intent (and the actual rules) of the board and it will go away on its own. :)

Yeah -- this is real great. Lets see...I want others to act civil and respectful to one another. Therefore, in order to bring this about, I will be uncivil and dispectful to others. How bout setting the example. You want civility, then the mods on the Board should set the example???

Funny as it is, I have kids and they are asking about this. So please set a good example and change this.

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but fight3olddc, your reputation made you earn the avatar.. ask alot of posters here.. it wasn't done by the mods to poke fun at you

Again, so changing the Avatar to an inappropropraite public display is a sign of civility? Please - it just shows what people who have a shroud of secrecy over them can do to someone when they can hit a button and dont have to face them. Its what is wrong with email and censorship like this.

Sad thing is, I have season tickets for 30 years. I just told it like it is (and was right) and now having hypocrites try to attack me.

We want to stop personal attacks? So why isn this now a personal attack???

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First 8 page thread in the stadium that I've read from one end to the other in quite some time. There are many valid points; none more persuasive as this place needs a real good cleaning.


If you guys are looking for part-time volunteers to help, please PM me; I'll do whatever I can to assist you guys.

Thanks for making this place so great!!!!

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Heres a reply - go f*** yourself. And the mods too.

Get a fu*kin life and real job.

Ban me mother f-ers. You are uneducated losers and this board sucks because of you all.

Ill find another way on I assure you.

Kiss my a**


He was an asshat if I ever saw one!

The mods do a kickass job here, they ****ing volunteer dude. Go do something positive with your life now that you will have the time....

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