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when will the coaching staff swallow their egos and give Betts goal line carries?

Fifty Gut

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I'm tired of seeing our 3rd round bust, TJ Duckett, getting happy feet and dancing around at the goal line

I'm looking forward to seeing him get cut (not re-signed) as much as I am Archuleta

Betts runs for career yardage, and just to justify the trade for Duckett, the coaching staff finds it necessary to take him out at the goal line


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Get used to it. These fans damn the team if they do, damn them if they dont.

Betts is NOT a short yardage back. PERIOD. He is a smart runner, NOT a tough runner. He has patience, he is not a bruising back.

We are better off with CP at the goal line than Betts or Duckett. Portis hits the hole harder and can push the pile farther than Betts.

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Get used to it. These fans damn the team if they do, damn them if they dont.

Betts is NOT a short yardage back. PERIOD. He is a smart runner, NOT a tough runner. He has patience, he is not a bruising back.

We are better off with CP at the goal line than Betts or Duckett. Portis hits the hole harder and can push the pile farther than Betts.

I dont know. Recently I have been noticing Betts falls forward more times then not. That North/South running style builds him a head of steam when hitting the hole. Didnt Betts fumble on the goalline last season, or was that Rock?

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Ducketts only real value as a RB is as a short yardage runner.

The Redskins are hoping to showcase that in the event that they might be able to recoup something for him after the season. Unfortunately he sucks at that too so its not working.

he's a free agent after this season so I don't see how they could recoup something

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Funny how a couple weeks ago we were all ready to cut Betts, and foaming at the mouth for Gibbs to give Duckett 3rd and short opportunities.

Ill admit it. At first, I wanted to see Duckett here more then Betts. But he has played well as of late, no fumbles. In the past two weeks I have warmed up to Betts some... more then I thought I would. I know he has been here since being drafted, and he is a 'core" Redskin, but I was never sold on him. Well, he is doing a good job of making a believer out of me, but part of that is just because im a homer. Im not sure if he is the caliber of Portis, but maybe Saunders can mold him into something more then he is right now.

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Funny how a couple weeks ago we were all ready to cut Betts, and foaming at the mouth for Gibbs to give Duckett 3rd and short opportunities.

i was the only one that kept saying duckett sucks

but no everyone wanted duckett in betts out

now betts is loved by everyone and they want to cut portis

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he's a free agent after this season so I don't see how they could recoup something

AMEN...take a look at the rest of the league. It seems our fans have become set on the fact that trades are common in the NFL...we are the only team that trades, other teams that just look to rip us off. We aren't going to rip ourselves off...so we shouldn't root for any trade. Look at the results we've gotten from them!

The Bailey - Portis deal was smart (b/c Champ was gone anyways, he committed to leaving DC), so at least we got something in return...but we have overpaid Portis too...all other trades have cost us picks for acquiring busts.

No more trades, let's get a GM, be patient and slowly build something!


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As soon as our O-line can actually get a push. That's the primary problem! Backs should still be able to break tackles. But, as Portis found out vs dallass, not much you can do when you're hit in the legs as soon as you get the ball.

our o-line does get push but Duckett doesn't hit the hole like Betts does

he dances around behind the LOS before choosing where to go which in turn allows defenders to get off blocks and tackle him quicker

and I still don't get why we run Duckett outside the tackles when he should be a one cut and go player between the tackles

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our o-line does get push but Duckett doesn't hit the hole like Betts does

he dances around behind the LOS before choosing where to go which in turn allows defenders to get off blocks and tackle him quicker

and I still don't get why we run Duckett outside the tackles when he should be a one cut and go player between the tackles

Exactly. Firstly, whose idea is it to have Duckett run those retarded stretch and toss plays EVERYTIME? He isn't exactly Barry Sanders when it comes to changing direction and getting upfield.

Second, he just flat out does not run hard 99% of the time. It looks like he sees somebody comign and just falls down or runs into his own offensive lineman. Giving it to him on the goal line would seem like the right call, but after awhile, can't the coaches see that he isn't running downhill?

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Yeah, Betts was awesome in that 1st quarter goal line situation in the last game against Dallas! Oh, wait...

Face it, we don't have ANY good short yardage backs. We're awful on 3rd & short with Portis, Betts, and Duckett.

Remember how reliable Stephen Davis was in short yardage situations? Sigh...

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Yeah, Betts was awesome in that 1st quarter goal line situation in the last game against Dallas! Oh, wait...

Face it, we don't have ANY good short yardage backs. We're awful on 3rd & short with Portis, Betts, and Duckett.

Remember how reliable Stephen Davis was in short yardage situations? Sigh...

mike sellers?

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