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AP:New York Bans Trans Fats at Restaurants


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I don't understand.

There is a way for the food supplier to know. But no way for the consumer to know unless the food supplier tells them.

ya, Im pretty sure trans-fats are an additive. I will have to call my friend in AMD again, but Im pretty sure that stuff is added to food stuffs. I wouldnt be opposed to the FDA making trans-fat notation on food stuffs, the thing is the "experts" always flip flop on what foods kill us on this type of issue so rushing to bannings always seems to me like the vegans leading the blind.

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Lead in food will not give you a sudden death. Just slow brain damage over years.

As far as I know, there is no medically "safe" amount of trans fats, nor is there any need to use them in cooking except as a convenience, nor does the average person buying a quick lunch have any way of knowing whether it is in the food they just bought. There are no nutrition labels for prepared foods.

Nutrition labels are available on the web.

And it's not like it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that if you eat fast food all the time (or donuts, or fried chicken, or whatever) that you're not going to live long. That's just common, and truly common sense. This isn't about the ability to discern minescule differences that have far reaching ramifications in one's life. This about knowing that eating slop is bad. That's pretty hard not to understand (or know).

And if you act knowingly, then I have no sympathy.

At some point, people have to be self-reliant.

It's a good thing that they are disclosed. I'm behind that. It's another thing to ban them. I don't have as much of a problem with this per se, as much as for the precedent that it sets...

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ya, Im pretty sure trans-fats are an additive. I will have to call my friend in AMD again, but Im pretty sure that stuff is added to food stuffs. I wouldnt be opposed to the FDA making trans-fat notation on food stuffs, the thing is the "experts" always flip flop on what foods kill us on this type of issue so rushing to bannings always seems to me like the vegans leading the blind.

We have to go on the information available to us at the time, don't we?

By our most conservative estimate, replacement of partially hydrogenated fat in the U.S. diet with natural unhydrogenated vegetable oils would prevent approximately 30,000 premature coronary deaths per year, and epidemiologic evidence suggests this number is closer to 100,000 premature deaths annually.


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Nutrition labels are available on the web.

And it's not like it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that if you eat fast food all the time (or donuts, or fried chicken, or whatever) that you're not going to live long. That's just common, and truly common sense. This isn't about the ability to discern minescule differences that have far reaching ramifications in one's life. This about knowing that eating slop is bad. That's pretty hard not to understand (or know).

And if you act knowingly, then I have no sympathy.

At some point, people have to be self-reliant.

It's a good thing that they are disclosed. I'm behind that. It's another thing to ban them. I don't have as much of a problem with this per se, as much as for the precedent that it sets...

The problem isn't as simple as "fast food is bad for you." This stuff is not normal fat. It is specially processed artificial fat that is ten times worse than eating pure lard. It is poison.

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The problem isn't as simple as "fast food is bad for you." This stuff is not normal fat. It is specially processed artificial fat that is ten times worse than eating pure lard. It is poison.

So why hasn't the FDA declared it as poison?

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I think Predicto is right and that this is really is closer to removing lead from the water supply then anything else. Keep in mind that you can always buy bottled water so you can choose not to drink the crap coming out of your tap. Besides your grandparents used lead tubes for toothpaste and the like... and they are fine! Why did the mean old government deny the free market the right to use lead?

Because it's poison. Because medical science advanced to a point where we discovered this. Because when new information is available new decisions are made.

There will still be happy meals and late night runs to Wendy's after this ban. The only difference is that an ingredient thought to be a good idea previously was now discovered to be bad. Really damn bad. So now the happy hamburger makers and bakers of america will change to ingredients that don't have this poison in them and continue to make fast food for us. Just as tooth paste kept flowing to our brushes after lead was discovered to be bad. Nothing here changes other then the removal of a harmful product that was used before we knew the effects of it.

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water controll is another thing, something that you as a consumer dont have controll over (your in home water) is different than fats in a food that you can choose to eat or not.

Again, how do you know whether the food you eat at a restaurant was cooked with hydrogenated or non-hydrogenated oils?

I'd be just as happy with warning labels on the menus for any product made with trans fats, but I'll settle for a ban.

Maybe we should bring back red dye #2, and you can guess whether colored foods you eat are made with it or some other dye. Trans fats are far more deadly.

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Just one more reason why I have very little interest in visiting the Big Crapple. If people (like me) want to eat trans-fat, how the hell is the local government's place to tell me that I can't have it? Where did the concept of Personal Responsibility go in this country?

That sad part is Mass isn't the only one making this retarded argument. Transfat isn't a product people say "you know what honey, I feel like some transfat tonight!" This argument seems to work because people think the government is banning unhealthy food and that somehow some way you won't be able to super size it. That isn't the case. The articles all state that the big fast food companies are simply looking to change the oils they use. You can still go eat what you like.

Now if you are a person that says "if I want to eat poison I should be able to!" eat some cigarettes and call it a day.

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Just one more reason why I have very little interest in visiting the Big Crapple. If people (like me) want to eat trans-fat, how the hell is the local government's place to tell me that I can't have it? Where did the concept of Personal Responsibility go in this country?

What does transfat taste like?

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That sad part is Mass isn't the only one making this retarded argument. Transfat isn't a product people say "you know what honey, I feel like some transfat tonight!" This argument seems to work because people think the government is banning unhealthy food and that somehow some way you won't be able to super size it. That isn't the case. The articles all state that the big fast food companies are simply looking to change the oils they use. You can still go eat what you like.

The problem is that the other oils make the product taste different. Part of the reason that trans-fat has been so widely used is that people like the way it makes things taste. Whether it's french fries or other things, the change in the oil is going to change the way that the product tastes. I eat certain things at certain restaurants because I like the way they taste. I don't count calories or grams of fat/sugar/sodium/etc.... I never have and never will. I eat what I like, and ridiculous decisions like this one by NYC keep me from being able to do that.

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That sad part is Mass isn't the only one making this retarded argument. Transfat isn't a product people say "you know what honey, I feel like some transfat tonight!" This argument seems to work because people think the government is banning unhealthy food and that somehow some way you won't be able to super size it. That isn't the case. The articles all state that the big fast food companies are simply looking to change the oils they use. You can still go eat what you like.

Now if you are a person that says "if I want to eat poison I should be able to!" eat some cigarettes and call it a day.

A one of the retarded making a similar argument...thanks Des...

The concern isn't as much that the decision doesn't make sense (as it very well may, especially in light of some of the additional evidence given in this thread), but the extent to which health decisions are made by the government as opposed to the people, and at what point the decision is made with respect to what is healthy. In a case like this, there is likely a good argument that banning the trans fats makes sense (as has been stated by you and others in the thread).

However, the questions remains where does the line fall, and who makes the ultimate decision in respect to legality. In other instances, the health ramifications may not be as clear, and perhaps the enhancement (albeit taste or other things) far outweigh (in some eyes) the costs...and this is where this ruling could present a problematic precedent. That line isn't always clear cut. Maybe it is in this case, and maybe it's not. I'm just not 100% comfortable with the government making something per se illegal when there's an alternative means of accomplishing a similar result (increased fines, disclaimers, etc.)--it's in my eyes a capitulation to a lack of self-reliance on a broader scale.

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sock puppet A: saturated fats are bad, and you are an evil company for using them.

sock puppet B: What if I get rid of saturated fats and make something else?

sock puppet A: Ok

sock puppet C: I would like some foo...

sock puppet A: wait dont feed him that!

sock puppet B: what?!?

sock puppet A: trans-fats are no good for him now.

sock puppet B: so what is good for him?

sock puppet A: I dont know, but right now Im saying thats bad.

sock puppet C: Im hungry.

sock puppet A: have this tofu it will hold you over.

sock puppet C: Im glad I still can own fire arms.

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Left wing libs have no problem having the government tell us what we can and can''t eat. But, let the government try to protect our national security and they freak out.

Yes folks, here's another example of liberalism being a mental disease.

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