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Len Pasquerrelli: An Apology We Do Owe Ye


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I hate to say it because it's true. It's painful because the admission of truth is the concedance of a legend who once was but is no more...

Joe Gibbs, you're just ordinary Joe. Len was right. Where was the urgency in the second half? I don't care how badly Cambell played, why are we running down two scores with 5 minutes to play? Why wait until the crowd starts getting restless to go hurry up? You seemed incensed that we would pressure you for Cambell but yet you seem so willing to wait for our dictation in the game, or maybe you're just unaware until we start to make noise...

It's been what, 3 years? Yet, here in year three shades of year one:

Mark Brunell sputters and is inconsistent for most of the regular season, and with one last gasp the backup QB! Ramsey, no Cambell...no wait, they're all the same. INT at crucial moment...slim playoff hopes at 4-7..gone.

I look at this team and I don't see a team that has any idea what the hell they're doing. I see franetic and frenzied talent running around like a chicken with it's head cut off - they have no direction.

I see Gregg Williams defense witht the same faults as last year. Giving up big runs to the right side right when we needed a stop. And you think it'll be better next year? No. Sean Springs will be older if not gone. SS still a problem, Rogers still a question mark. Holdman is still at LB with no sign of Rocky. Marshall is inconsistent at middle linebacker and our pass rush leaves alot to be desired.

The team should be ashamed - you don't wait until you're 4-7 to start playing inspired. But maybe that's what happens when the person you're looking for for leadership is nowhere to be found in crucial situations.

I don't even know who would right this ship, but it is sadly clear who probably won't. His name is Joe Jackson Gibbs, and once a savior he was but now it appears his miracles are gone, his well has run dry, his wings are broken. Even he can't make this battered plane fly.

Joe Gibbs - Please hang it up now. Part of me feels you still have the ability in you, but maybe you're too old, too tired, too whatever. Stretched too thin...whatever the problem, you certainly aren't doing it now. So either die trying or hang up the cleats while you still have some semblence of dignity, some loyalty, some way to lay the blame at someone else so that your legacy won't be tarnished. Because at this rate Joe if you don't get your act together then one year from now, or maybe two, you'll be the ones with tears in your eyes - not the fans, telling us how sorry you were that you couldn't turn it around. And you'll leave again yes, just like 1992, leaving behind a shell of a team with so many holes and no one to lead.

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Joe Gibbs - Please hang it up now. Part of me feels you still have the ability in you, but maybe you're too old, too tired, too whatever. Stretched too thin...whatever the problem, you certainly aren't doing it now. So either die trying to hang up the cleats while you still have some semblence of dignity, some loyalty, some way to lay the blame at someone else so that your legacy won't be tarnished. Because at this rate Joe if you don't get your act together then one year from now, or maybe two, you'll be the ones with tears in your eyes - not the fans, telling us how sorry you were that you couldn't turn it around. And you'll leave again yes, just like 1992, leaving behind a shell of a team with so many holes and no one to lead.

i want Gibbs here one more year, one more chance.....

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I say "ouch" because there's a grain of truth in there...altho no way in hell I'll ever apologize to Len P for any reason whatsoever lol...

This will be the first time I've ever said this, but the Skins should hire a GM. Apparently one reason Gibbs hired Saunders was because he felt he was stretched too thin and the offense needed a boost...well I think Gibbs was stretched too thin, but not because he was the O-coordinator.

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This was Pasquarelli's infamous quote:

Maybe we'll be wrong about this but, for the heck of it, here's a bet: Three years from now, the guy who accepted the Redskins job as a Hall of Fame member will be viewed as just another ordinary Joe.

Pasquarelli was too kind. Gibbs' coaching hasn't been ordinary. It's been below average compared to NFL coaches across the league.

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We are waisting our time with Gibbs 2.0. Every year he is the head coach is just another year we are putting off an actually solution to this mess of an organzation.

Its time for new blood, a new idea, it was never time for a great coach from the 1980s.

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There were a couple of bad playcalls today, in my opinion, but Gibbs didn't coach Campbell to make that horrible toss to the D-line, and he didn't coach the safeties to fall down and miss tackles on the Norwood run.

Are you sure about that?...Because they sure played as if they were coached to do so lol... :laugh: :doh:

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We dont need to change the HC. Maybe the OC though.[/QUOTE]

what did everyone outside of washington say in the offseason? "It takes a year to get saunders system going"

yet, we skins fans were too ignorant to listen to any of this talk. Maybe its time to open your eyes and realize this. Instead of using saunders as a constant scapegoat for gibbs, maybe we should give saunders a second shot.

And if we dont, dont you think its a little hypocritical? Hell, we will give Gibbs numerous "get out of jail free" cards, why cant we give saunders even one?

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Are people on this message board making these emo /wrists posts really thinking about what they are saying? Seems like after every loss we get these overly emotion responses. Relax people. In case you weren't aware the 2006 Redskins team isn't good. There is no reason to react to a loss today like it's some crazy milestone - the team is bad, and when that is the case days like today are what you can expect.

The problem with this team IMO is almost entirely FO. I think the problem is a "win now" mentality that has created bad moves in regards to player and coaching changes. This team isn't built to be a winner "now" and until that changes the FO needs to concern itself with providing consistency in coaching and smart additions that don't shatter chemistry on the field.

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i want Gibbs here one more year, one more chance.....

Gibbs has as long as he wants. But the question is will it be this Gibbs? I hope not. This isn't the Gibbs I've grown up being told about. This guy is indecisive, soft, short on ideas and lets his underlings have too much control. I could almost stomach Gibbs failing if it was an obvious Gibbs failure, but this is just not Gibbs, so therefore I don't want this Gibbs coaching. Take control of the team Joe, or leave. I don't want Joe Gibbs CEO on the sidelines, I want Joe Gibbs coach - and if he doesn't have that anymore then maybe he should go to the front office as much as it pains me to say it.

you think maybe the media is smarter than we like to think?

No, the media is no smarter than the fan - they may have more information, but Lenny P is just a dumbass who got lucky.

Be prepared to be flamed like it's going out of style. :laugh:

I don't care. Everyone knows its true. The delegator Joe Gibbs isn't working. Fire whoever you want Joe, and start coaching like we know you can - and if you can't - leave while those who still have memories untarnished of you can enjoy them without this dubius run tainting that.

Joe Gibbs the HC is the best...

Joe Gibbs the GM...is questionable..

Wrong. Joe Gibbs the GM questionable, Joe Gibbs the HC - mediocre.

Bellicheck struggled. Now hes legend. Give it more than 3 years. 2 years out 1 year in as far as the playoffs go. People were calling fot Parcells head and now look at Dallas. We dont need to change the HC. Maybe the OC though.

True. Although diff- Belechick hadn't done it before. And he was canned and given a second chance, and he also wasn't 60 years old on NE. Let's be real, Gibbs hasn't done anything to demonstrate that he may still have his old magic. The Gibbs teams of old were EXCELLENT at second half adjustments. This time? Notta. Gibbs teams of old weren't just powerhouse smashmouth football but they tore you up through the air. This team? Notta. I'm sorry but Gibbs is supposed to be an offensive genius who doesnt' need Al Saunders, he's supposed to be able to adjust on the fly and be a quick thinker. I don't see that.

There were a couple of bad playcalls today, in my opinion, but Gibbs didn't coach Campbell to make that horrible toss to the D-line, and he didn't coach the safeties to fall down and miss tackles on the Norwood run.

The campbell INT probably cost us the game.

I urge you not to look at the microcosm but at the big picture. There is supposed be a progression, a plan, this is no better than year one. Is that what you want? No it's not.

Every year, SAME flaws - OL underperforming. QB underperforming. Backup QB needs time. Which side of the defense is getting gashed? What Corner is getting burned? What offensive philosophy is predictable? What defensive philosophy is figured out?

I'm sorry but players reflect the gameplans, preparation, and leadership of their coaches.

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TheSteve, I disagree with everything you said. Joe Gibbs legendary status is etched in the bowels of NFL history. You can't strip him of that. Also, he was responsible for leading us to 5 straight wins and a 1st round playoff victory last season, which was as close to a miracle as you can get in the NFL considering our QB and inury situations.

With that being said, Gibbs has not been perfect. He has shown the propensity to stick with struggling veteran players too long and he brought in Al Saunders which drastically changed our offensive philosophy when it was not a really good fit for our existing players... but overall he brings too much experience, professionalism and accountability to the table to say that he should be fired.

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Gibbs took us to the playoffs last year. This year has turned into a transition year (Brunell to Campbell), and some of our free agent pickups look like mistakes (even though Carter did play well today).

Losses hurt, but I'd rather have our franchise in the hands of Gibbs than many, many others. I just think we need to take a deeper look at our method of player acquisition.

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Are people on this message board making these emo /wrists posts really thinking about what they are saying? Seems like after every loss we get these overly emotion responses. Relax people. In case you weren't aware the 2006 Redskins team isn't good. There is no reason to react to a loss today like it's some crazy milestone - the team is bad, and when that is the case days like today are what you can expect.

The problem with this team IMO is almost entirely FO. I think the problem is a "win now" mentality that has created bad moves in regards to player and coaching changes. This team isn't built to be a winner "now" and until that changes the FO needs to concern itself with providing consistency in coaching and smart additions that don't shatter chemistry on the field.

Who is FO Destino? Joe Gibbs. He makes the final decisions or lets his staff have them. He is solely responsible for the talent on the field. This isn't an emo post from a game whose loss meant no playoffs, it's a budding frustration I've been having ever since Gibbs has first came back. We didn't even need Saunders this year, we got to the playoffs last year but Gibbs set us back because he wanted to take a larger role - well that backfired. And guess what? We're stuck with Saunders because going BACK will set us back again. TERRIBLE planning.

And you think some GM who's going to mess up the FO infastructure will fix things? As if Snyder will allow a GM to come in? As if Gibbs WANTS a GM?

No, you know most of my points are true Destino, both on the field and in the office Gibbs has been questionable. But Gibbs isn't just your parents idol, he's mine and yours too - so you don't want to admit anything I've said can be true. That's alright. Maybe Gibbs will turn it around next year and egg will be on my face - because at this point that's all the hope there is. But don't you get tired of the predictable 'hope for next year' Destino? I'm sure you do. :doh:

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TheSteve, I disagree with everything you said. Joe Gibbs legendary status is etched in the bowels of NFL history. You can't strip him of that. Also, he was responsible for leading us to 5 straight wins and a 1st round playoff victory last season, which was as close to a miracle as you can get in the NFL considering our QB and inury situations.

With that being said, Gibbs has not been perfect. He has shown the propensity to stick with struggling veteran players too long and he brought in Al Saunders which drastically changed our offensive philosophy when it was not a really good fit for our existing players... but overall he brings too much experience, professionalism and accountability to the table to say that he should be fired.

I didn't say he should be fired. I said he should leave. There's a difference. Gibbs will never be fired unless he screws up so badly with Snyder that their relationship is fractured. The worst that could ever happen is an 'agreement to resign'. People like Gibbs are not fired except in extreme circumstances.

And no, I cannot strip Gibbs of what he has done, but Gibbs is certainly capable of making us all forget. Every mediocre year is another inch he himself allows the door to be opened that maybe he doesn't have it. Yes you never lose the organziational skills maybe, but winning in football is about more than being a ceo. If he wants to be CEO and lead by that example then he doesn't need to be coaching. Snyder would let him(because he has no choice) stick around in the front office.

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We dont need to change the HC. Maybe the OC though.[/QUOTE]

what did everyone outside of washington say in the offseason? "It takes a year to get saunders system going"

yet, we skins fans were too ignorant to listen to any of this talk. Maybe its time to open your eyes and realize this. Instead of using saunders as a constant scapegoat for gibbs, maybe we should give saunders a second shot.

And if we dont, dont you think its a little hypocritical? Hell, we will give Gibbs numerous "get out of jail free" cards, why cant we give saunders even one?

Yea, I didnt want to listen to it as well. I learn one thing expectation is overrated. I wish now Redskins fans stop with the high expectations. I dont care if we got Carson Palmer or another big offseason moves, blockbuster trades, I dont want to hear about playoffs, or SuperBowl.

I had high expectations for the offense and defense and the Skins are not living up to it, so forget it. We arent doing nothing but making fools out of ourselfs "We got Lloyd, and Randle El, to add on our offense, and we got the OC from KC we going to the SuperBowl" For now on lets just let the universe unfolds.

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i want Gibbs here one more year, one more chance.....

This was/is a painful season to watch as a Skin fan however I want to see Gibbs coach for another year. We all know that the Danny will not fire Gibbs anyway. I am not saying keep Gibbs and this staff around because of his history, I still believe that Gibbs can win. If the Skins stink outloud again next year then I would say a change needs to be made, but this franchise needs some stability. Lets see what Gibbs can do with JC and the rest of these players next year, maybe it will finally all come together. :2cents:

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Play calling was terrible, time management was terrible, alot of things were terrible.

I trust Saunders and GW though. I think perhaps Gibbs needs to step down and GW needs to step up, and I'd step up by cutting Shawn Springs' ass who doesn't play at the last minute with a "sore hammy" and calls him out behind his back.

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