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Len Pasquerrelli: An Apology We Do Owe Ye


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Who is FO Destino? Joe Gibbs. He makes the final decisions or lets his staff have them. He is solely responsible for the talent on the field. This isn't an emo post from a game whose loss meant no playoffs, it's a budding frustration I've been having ever since Gibbs has first came back. We didn't even need Saunders this year, we got to the playoffs last year but Gibbs set us back because he wanted to take a larger role - well that backfired. And guess what? We're stuck with Saunders because going BACK will set us back again. TERRIBLE planning.

And you think some GM who's going to mess up the FO infastructure will fix things? As if Snyder will allow a GM to come in? As if Gibbs WANTS a GM?

No, you know most of my points are true Destino, both on the field and in the office Gibbs has been questionable. But Gibbs isn't just your parents idol, he's mine and yours too - so you don't want to admit anything I've said can be true. That's alright. Maybe Gibbs will turn it around next year and egg will be on my face - because at this point that's all the hope there is. But don't you get tired of the predictable 'hope for next year' Destino? I'm sure you do. :doh:

I've never argued that Gibbs is a good GM. Gibbs is however a good head coach. The problem is as I stated previously, the lack of a good GM is hurting this team.

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TheSteve, I disagree with everything you said. Joe Gibbs legendary status is etched in the bowels of NFL history. You can't strip him of that. Also, he was responsible for leading us to 5 straight wins and a 1st round playoff victory last season, which was as close to a miracle as you can get in the NFL considering our QB and inury situations.

With that being said, Gibbs has not been perfect. He has shown the propensity to stick with struggling veteran players too long and he brought in Al Saunders which drastically changed our offensive philosophy when it was not a really good fit for our existing players... but overall he brings too much experience, professionalism and accountability to the table to say that he should be fired.

I love you guys that talk about the 5 game winning streak.

So he gets all the praise for the 5 game winning streak, which when you look at objectiviely was an absolute fluke.

But he gets none of the blame for the team being 5-6 and needing a 5 game winning streak to make they playoffs.

Typical Gibbs 2.0 kool-aid drinking fans. Something good happens its all Gibbs! Something bad happens, its not Gibbs fault.

Everything that happens with the Redskins is Gibbs. 4-8 this year is all Gibbs. Deal with it. This isn't the 1980s and this Gibbs is never going to lead this team to anything.

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Okay he's hedging a bet that Joe Gibbs is nothing but ordinary but he isn't going out in the limb doing that. Even with all of Joe Gibbs success the odds are after three years he will have somewhat average numbers. Even Parcells has been up and down with Dallas until this year. It's the NFL and everybody gravitates towards the middle. Len isn't going out on the limb saying Joe will be average. Odds are he will be right making a statement like that about any coach. Big deal.

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Joe Gibbs the HC is the best...

Joe Gibbs the GM...is questionable..

He was the best as HC.

I remember in his first run the Skins would tear up the other team in the 2nd half because Gibbs saw what they were doing and knew how to gameplan around it. Now it is the opposite. The other teams figure us out at halftime and tears us up in 3rd and 4th Qtrs.... Oh well. I will still always admire and respect the man. I just hope it ends gracefully and dignified as is befitting a man of his stature...

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The problem with this team IMO is almost entirely FO. I think the problem is a "win now" mentality that has created bad moves in regards to player and coaching changes. This team isn't built to be a winner "now" and until that changes the FO needs to concern itself with providing consistency in coaching and smart additions that don't shatter chemistry on the field.

very true.

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I didn't say he should be fired. I said he should leave. There's a difference. Gibbs will never be fired unless he screws up so badly with Snyder that their relationship is fractured. The worst that could ever happen is an 'agreement to resign'. People like Gibbs are not fired except in extreme circumstances.

And no, I cannot strip Gibbs of what he has done, but Gibbs is certainly capable of making us all forget. Every mediocre year is another inch he himself allows the door to be opened that maybe he doesn't have it. Yes you never lose the organziational skills maybe, but winning in football is about more than being a ceo. If he wants to be CEO and lead by that example then he doesn't need to be coaching. Snyder would let him(because he has no choice) stick around in the front office.

Fair enough. However, I do not feel that it is warranted for fans to want him to resign either. Last season was the only legit Redskins team in over a decade. Over that period we have had no stability at the QB position, no stability on the coaching staff and no stability in player personnel. Wanting him to leave would be totally counter-productive to gaining some of that much needed stability.

The main pieces are in place for this team to be successful... we just need to fill in the gaps player wise (CB, MLB, OLB(maybe depending on McIntosh), DE, and OL depth) and get on the same page scheme-wise. We need to design our schemes according to the strengths of our players and not try to force square pegs in round holes. I think that we saw how successful that can be today early in the game when we committed to smashmouth football in the running game. We are not a finesse team. I like trick plays but I feel that we get too cute too often when we don't need to.

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I love you guys that talk about the 5 game winning streak.

So he gets all the praise for the 5 game winning streak, which when you look at objectiviely was an absolute fluke.

But he gets none of the blame for the team being 5-6 and needing a 5 game winning streak to make they playoffs.

Typical Gibbs 2.0 kool-aid drinking fans. Something good happens its all Gibbs! Something bad happens, its not Gibbs fault.

Everything that happens with the Redskins is Gibbs. 4-8 this year is all Gibbs. Deal with it. This isn't the 1980s and this Gibbs is never going to lead this team to anything.

Make no mistake about it....winning your last 5 games in a row then proceeding to win the first playoff game after starting off 5-6 was no fluke.

Of course Gibbs deserves a lot of the blame for our being 4-8. I never said that he didn't. I just don't think that we should ditch him right now just because we have struggled this season.

Mark Brunell was our starting QB and our defense has plummeted to the depths of the NFL trash heap.

Gibbs leaving now would be a horrible mistake IMO for reasons I outlined in my last post.

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gibbs coaching is a problem. But imo it would be a MUCH bigger problem to try and start this team with a new coach all over again, and then expect them to win right away. Lets give him one more chance, one more season under the new saunders system. If he cant bring it together by the end of next season. THEN his time is up.

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Joe Gibbs the HC is the best...

Joe Gibbs the GM...is questionable..

Hit the nail on the head. We're determined to shoot ourselevs in the foot with our offseason additions. I've been unhappy with a lot of things that the Gibbs II era has brought, and I've refused to drink the kool-aid, but at the same time, I'm not totally despondent about the future. We are better off than before Gibbs returned. Unfortunately, Gibbs has had to learn the lessons of Snyder in 1999 all over again for himself.

I'm for taking a realistic approach, and if we are no good, then I'd rather we not finish strong so that we know what is broken and we can act appropriately to address it. No more lavish spending on big name free agents that don't fit our scheeme. Time to start building around Campbell through the draft. Instead of squeezing every last inch of cap space to fit new aquisitions, its time to work on keeping our existing talent, while developing our draft picks, not cutting them.

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This was Pasquarelli's infamous quote:

Pasquarelli was too kind. Gibbs' coaching hasn't been ordinary. It's been below average compared to NFL coaches across the league.


I can't believe you even have the balls to show your face around here. Your Jets suck and you're gone in a flash. All of a sudden they're contenders, and you're back like you own the place.


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I agree, great article. Look at the Packers and Titans...even the 49ers. They have ALOT less big names and they are being very,very competative. Their fans have something to really look forward to. What do we have?? A bunch of overpaid, underachieving, gutless millionares.

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