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What lifestyle is easier and more fun? Jesus's way, or your way?And why?


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How about the not fighting back and letting themselves be burnt alive or eaten by lions in the Colluseum? Wasn't that the example of the disciples and the followers. That the pettiness and violence of this world was unimportant. Isn't that the example that Jesus and his followers set?

Jesus was the one and only sacrifice. He had a job to do, and He did it.

And with all but one example that I can think of, all of those men and women were forced into those horrible situations.

Paul didn't want to get stoned, but he didn't let the fear of being stoned stop him from telling the truth.

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Nope, not an orthodox Christian, though I have worked as a TD for them. My faith isn't all that important to this thread, though I've named it in several others.

This thread never found footing did it? Is it because there are few out there who would admit to leading lives outside of Jesus' way? Folks who would outright shun the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus? Is the question worthy or one just designed to start a fight?

I think the gist of this thread is that none of us are omnicient enough to truly understand God's way. Following the teachings or examples isn't necessarily supposed to lead you to an easy or fun life anyway. That's not the point of living. The point of living is...

I understand God's way.

And I understand that God's way does lead to an easier and more fun life.

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I think some people have more fun "the Jesus way" and others have fun "their way".

I, for example, like my way because I've had copious amounts of sex with many anonymous women out of wedlock. It is awesome.

I also like to throw down on Saturday night and going to church hungover as a little tacky.

But those are things I find fun. Some of you may not.

Those activitys are fun, no doubt.

But it's like a credit card, you buy now, pay later.

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Jesus was the one and only sacrifice. He had a job to do, and He did it.

I think this sentence diminishes the memory of the faith and courage of many followers of Jesus who were killed and tortured for their beliefs. Many have sacrificed in the name of God and their beliefs.

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I think this sentence diminishes the memory of the faith and courage of many followers of Jesus who were killed and tortured for their beliefs. Many have sacrificed in the name of God and their beliefs.

I'm sure they are all bent out of shape over it in heaven.

Now then, what kind of lifestyle do you live and do you think it's easier and or more fun than what Jesus showed us in the bible?

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Let's see, my choices are walking hundreds, maybe thousands of miles over my lifetime trying to spread the Word, all the while being ridiculed, persecuted and eventually tortured and killed....


I can have the "stress" of trying to provide a good life for my family. Thanks, I needed this thread. I was starting to think my life was actually difficult.

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I'm sure they are all bent out of shape over it in heaven.

Now then, what kind of lifestyle do you live and do you think it's easier and or more fun than what Jesus showed us in the bible?

Okay, I tried to do this and wound up with two pages and barely got started.

No one wants to read that or if they do, they ought to pay a reasonable rate for it :laugh:

let's try a real abbreviated version:

lifestyle also life-style or life style ( ) n. A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group

Every week I engage in helping others. I volunteer to help the wounded and their families as they convalesce in military hospitals. I also, once a week, lead a sing-a-long for seniors in a nursing home. I also believe in the small courtesies, helping whenever I see an opportunity. When I work, I always do my best, because I believe that you don't take something on if you are unwilling to do so. I am a Please/Thank you person and believe respect is something everyone deserves until they prove they don't. I forgive easily, but I have an elephant's memory. I try to remember that every day is different and unique and to cherish that. I believe that Family is first, friends are second, and I'm last, though I've also learned that always giving can lead to a hard crash and have tried to build in selfish moments.

My life is neither easy nor fun, but it is worthwhile. I believe that without adversity, there can be no accomplishment, without misfortune, no good luck. So, a hard life is not a bad thing and though complaining is fun, my life has far more blessings than curses.

Oh and clearly, I'm an over-writer :D

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Let's see, my choices are walking hundreds, maybe thousands of miles over my lifetime trying to spread the Word, all the while being ridiculed, persecuted and eventually tortured and killed....


I can have the "stress" of trying to provide a good life for my family. Thanks, I needed this thread. I was starting to think my life was actually difficult.

You point out some bad things in Christianity, and then point out what you believe is the one good thing you do in life.

Which that last part reminds me of Chris Rock.

Rock: I take care of my children!

So! What do you want? A cookie? You're suppose to take care of your children! :mad:

lmao, that was hands down the funniest stand up show I have ever seen.

Now come on, tell us what you do day in and day out.

Do you usually sit around at night watching sports center drinking a few beers, while trying not to over eat, but you still do?

Do you get together with friends on weekends drinking watching sports, perhaps fishing?

That's just a guess on my part, but you get the idea. I'm trying to get to the center of what you do day in and day out, and what your thoughts and feelings on it.

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Okay, I tried to do this and wound up with two pages and barely got started.

No one wants to read that or if they do, they ought to pay a reasonable rate for it :laugh:

let's try a real abbreviated version:

lifestyle also life-style or life style ( ) n. A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group

Every week I engage in helping others. I volunteer to help the wounded and their families as they convalesce in military hospitals. I also, once a week, lead a sing-a-long for seniors in a nursing home. I also believe in the small courtesies, helping whenever I see an opportunity. When I work, I always do my best, because I believe that you don't take something on if you are unwilling to do so. I am a Please/Thank you person and believe respect is something everyone deserves until they prove they don't. I forgive easily, but I have an elephant's memory. I try to remember that every day is different and unique and to cherish that. I believe that Family is first, friends are second, and I'm last, though I've also learned that always giving can lead to a hard crash and have tried to build in selfish moments.

My life is neither easy nor fun, but it is worthwhile. I believe that without adversity, there can be no accomplishment, without misfortune, no good luck. So, a hard life is not a bad thing and though complaining is fun, my life has far more blessings than curses.

Oh and clearly, I'm an over-writer :D

Those are some noble things.

I talked about going to hospitals, visiting the elderly in retirement homes, and even going to jail to visit people, in a youtube video I made titled "How to change the world".

You say that your life isn't fun.

What is it that you do day in and day out?

Drink? Smoke? Workout? Are you over weight?

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Nope. Don't drink or smoke. Maybe that's why life ain't always fun. :laugh:

BTW, in your other post... was that Braile, Morse Code, or were you talking in tongues? ;)

Those are some noble things.

I talked about going to hospitals, visiting the elderly in retirement homes, and even going to jail to visit people, in a youtube video I made titled "How to change the world".

You say that your life isn't fun.

What is it that you do day in and day out?

Drink? Smoke? Workout? Are you over weight?

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Nope. Don't drink or smoke. Maybe that's why life ain't always fun. :laugh:

BTW, in your other post... was that Braile, Morse Code, or were you talking in tongues? ;)

Ok, so you don't drink and you don't smoke.

How about the other questions?

Are you over wieght? Do you work out?

What do you eat usually?

What about social activitys?

How much TV do you watch?

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Fine. Look at Jesus himself. Did he try to raise an army to beat back the Romans? Did he think that the kingdoms of Earth were all that important? Did he fight back when he was captured? Did he bring down holy vengence upon any who would dare touch him or do harm to him? His message was one of anti-war, anti-violence.


Not then, but He will soon. .:( for some ;) for others

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First tell us what is "your way".

And then break it down from there, wether you think your way is easier and or more fun and why.

Are there some things you do that make life harder?

This should be interesting. :munchout:

I've seen some replies and I've seen your reaction to them. But if you're going to ask other people to put their lives out here in that kind of way, don't you think you might do so yourself?

Or are you just fishing?

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Eh...I dont like religion

My only "beef" with the three main monotheistic religions is the hypocrisy of some people that follow them. (not everybody)


Quite a few of my friends are Christians, I don't doubt that. They accept Jesus Christ into their heart and believe he is their savior. Well, that's all well and good, but damn if they don't drink to gluttony, have sexual relations out of wedlock, judge people for who they are (what happened to hate the sin, not the sinner?). But it's okay, because they have their spot in heaven. Then they turn around on me and look at me like some heathen. I don't drink, don't sleep around, am pretty selfless, very open minded, make positive choices, helped out so many people in need, and have a clear spiritual outlook on life, but that doesn't matter, because I'm going to hell.

Point in case, I feel my lifestyle and the choices I make are morally positive and good.

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My only "beef" with the three main monotheistic religions is the hypocrisy of some people that follow them. (not everybody)


Quite a few of my friends are Christians, I don't doubt that. They accept Jesus Christ into their heart and believe he is their savior. Well, that's all well and good, but damn if they don't drink to gluttony, have sexual relations out of wedlock, judge people for who they are (what happened to hate the sin, not the sinner?). But it's okay, because they have their spot in heaven. Then they turn around on me and look at me like some heathen. I don't drink, don't sleep around, am pretty selfless, very open minded, make positive choices, helped out so many people in need, and have a clear spiritual outlook on life, but that doesn't matter, because I'm going to hell.

Point in case, I feel my lifestyle and the choices I make are morally positive and good.

don't worry, i'll save you a seat at the my poker table. :evil:

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I've seen some replies and I've seen your reaction to them. But if you're going to ask other people to put their lives out here in that kind of way, don't you think you might do so yourself?

Or are you just fishing?

My goal is to try and show people that there is a better way, by having them examine their own lives.

I'm on a journy for a much better life, but I'm not there yet, but thank God I have left.

I've come out of a world that was heavy with drugs, drink, sex, and just everything centered around me and my emotions.

Those activitys were fun no doubt, but at the same time, they started to get old, and I could see the road those activitys led to. And I wasn't happy with where they led.

I have a lot more I can say on this, but that will come in due time.

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I'm going to do you all a favor here and definitively answer the question posed in a manner that no one can really disagree with. Obviously it's entirely up to your perception, but there's no denying that...


If you posted this, then you aren't entirely ignorant.

The problem with going down certian paths, is the fact that they involve a lot of pain and regret at the end of them.

Jesus described hell as a place where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth".

Isn't that what "pain and regret" is? Weeping(pain) and gnashing of teeth(regret).

I don't know anything about hell in the after life, but I do know you don't have to be there to suffer the experience of "weeping and gnashing of teeth"

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