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Boycott on all Redskins Merchandise until further notice


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If you don't agree, continue to buy Skins merchandise and suckle at the teet of Dan "the ****'s" cash cow. I'm just not goint to anymore. Snyder is straight out of central casting as the greedy idiotic owner with a heart of stone...he has made this franchise a mockery...he treds on the success of the past and then parades around our three super bowl trophies like he had anything to do with the success of the past. He can't even create his own legacy, he must use the legacy of another.

The guy is a flat-out loser. From his stupid cuff links, to his insistance that people, even his elders refer to him as Mr. Snyder--he thinks his money equals respect, but he has no idea what respect means, and he will never get it because he's such an immature loser. Money can get you many many things, but it can't buy principle, conviction or intelligence.

Hmm you started this thread, do you honestly feel that no one was going to disagree with you? And now you dont want to argue about it anymore?

Hahaha, your a clown

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Hmm you started this thread, do you honestly feel that no one was going to disagree with you? And now you dont want to argue about it anymore?

Hahaha, your a clown

It's "you're" a clown...and I'll argue you under the table all day long butz--but it's like arguing with a first-grader because all you seem to do is resort to name calling. I'm done with you...carry on.

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I love how Synder owns this board where everyone can go around saying he's a ****. You know, he might get advertising revenue every time we log in, might want to boycott ES while you're at it.

He makes a lot of mistakes but I know he makes them all with good intentions. There are some things he needs to step back from but he is hardly the sole cause of our woes.

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Dan Snyder is a good owner, I think perhaps he just goes at it from a business standpoint too much.

He's has spent tons of money to try and buy a championship, his intentions were good but he just went about it the wrong way, he will learn eventually.

Learn eventually????????????????? IT's been 10 years....an entire decade and nothing has seemingly changed.

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I think Dan has no idea why most of us are fans of the Washington Redskins.

It's not even all about winning. This team has a great tradition of fandom going well back to the times when we didn't win jack ****. Winning helps, don't get me wrong.

The Washington Redskins were the hometown team. The folksy, blue collar franchise with a marching band and the most intimate venue in all of sports (RFK). We never made the big splashes in football news. We were never the focus of national media attention, one way or the other.

Redskin teams were built from the ground up with blue collar guys... guys with character. If you wanted to watch a glam-team with 22 high priced ass holes, you watched the Dallas Cowboys.

Dan is completely unaware of this. Look at his moves since taking over this franchise. Charging for training camp, signing Deion, selling obstructed view seats, selling the naming rights to the stadium, the revolving door at HC, and the free-pass given to the suck-ups in the FO... basically making this proud franchise the $20 whore of the NFL.

Dan Snyder's tenurs has been a slap in the face to everything this franchise has stood for over the years, yet some continue to insist we thank him every day for Redskins TV :rolleyes:

We as fans should demand better. And Snyder, self-proclaimed "Marketing Genius", should KNOW better. Dan, I'm sure you know this, but the first step in marketing anything is finding out what your customer wants. You still haven't even asked the question.


This is a great post. I agree 100% with everything said here.

I never had the privilege of attending a game at RFK. I was watching an NFL Films presents yesterday, and it was about crowd noise. The showed the RFK stands literally jumping during a "We Want Dallas" chant. Herman Edwards said he absolutely hated playing there. You dont really get that same feeling with FedEx.

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Look - Dan is getting a bad rep.

1st - To say he doesn't understand is a joke. He is one of us. He grew up a die hard skins fan since he was a little kid. This was his dream.

Also - Start withteh first post - he didn't own the team in 1998, he bought it in 1999, just prior to the season. Told Norv to win or get out. Norv won (10-6). In 2000 every one of us loved the names he was bringing in. We loved it, and rooted for it. That team started off 6-2 and lost 4 games by a field goal or less.

Hindsight is 20/20.

When he got rid of Norv Turner we all applauded. When he went for Steve S - Many thought it was the best move. Getting Gibbs back was nothing less then great.

This year - Once again - We thought we was doing the right thing. Sure - we were worried, but he seemed to learn from the mistakes. He wasn't signing big name players past their prime, he asked the coaches who they wanted, then spent whatever it took to get them. His only requirment were that they were young free agents.

I have friends that are fans of other teams, they all say the same thing, they would LOVE To have Danny as the owner.

The only thing the man has done is pay whatever it took to win. It hasn't worked out, but it's not his fault.

Sure - He has done a bunch of things to make money from this team, that's his job! Not sure anyone would accuse him of not putting that money right back in the team. It's not like he's known for underspending!

When I go to vegas, I put money on the skins. When I win, does that make me a bad guy? Less of a fan?

People should question things. Everything. Doesn't make you less of fan, makes you more of a fan. Only a fan can debate for hours about if the offense should run more or pass more. That's what being a fan is about.

But to bad mouth a guy who has done nothing but shell out millions after millions every year just trying to win? It might not have worked, but it doesn't mean he hasn't tried!

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I've had a personal boycott on redskins merchandise instituted for most of the season now. This isn't about not rooting for the skins, or not watching them. I will watch every game, and I will root hard for them each week in the hopes that they win. This is about sending a message to the organization that owns this team, and making them realize that their poor management of the team, its personnel, and its future, has doomed us as perennial cellar-dwellers. This team will not get good in one offseason, we need to build right, and until we do that, and get people in here making decisions that KNOW how to do that, this will never be a great football team.

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I've had a personal boycott on redskins merchandise instituted for most of the season now. This isn't about not rooting for the skins, or not watching them. I will watch every game, and I will root hard for them each week in the hopes that they win. This is about sending a message to the organization that owns this team, and making them realize that their poor management of the team, its personnel, and its future, has doomed us as perennial cellar-dwellers. This team will not get good in one offseason, we need to build right, and until we do that, and get people in here making decisions that KNOW how to do that, this will never be a great football team.

Exactly--that's all I'm asking for.

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The Washington Redskins were the hometown team. The folksy, blue collar franchise with a marching band and the most intimate venue in all of sports (RFK).

Yet he has kept the marching band and isn't the one who moved the team out of RFK.
We never made the big splashes in football news. We were never the focus of national media attention, one way or the other.

you mean like trading away draft picks for years to come to get George Allen his Over the Hill Gang in the early '70's? or hiring Otto Graham as coach in the '60's or hiring Vince Lombardi, etc, etc?

Dan is completely unaware of this. Look at his moves since taking over this franchise. Charging for training camp, signing Deion, selling obstructed view seats, selling the naming rights to the stadium, the revolving door at HC, and the free-pass given to the suck-ups in the FO... basically making this proud franchise the $20 whore of the NFL.

Mistakes he made all in 2000 keep getting brought up over and over, even though he admits they were mistakes.

Obstructed View seats are called "Obstructed View Seats" - your view is obviously going to be obstrcuted. - The ticket office even allowed you to go to the stadium and see the view from the seats before you bought them. - You make it sound as though random people were being given these seats.

Head Coaches? - Did you enjoy the Norv years cause I sure didn't. Marty was given the opportunity to stay, but didn't want to compromise for the good of the team. - That was Marty's choice.

Spurrier was a risk that several other teams were willing to make, the difference is Snyder put his money where his mouth is to make it happen.

Naming Rights - Jack Kent Cooke was working with Pepsi to sell the naming rights to the stadium, so what's different?

It's kind of funny when the team does well, the coaches get all the credit. When something goes wrong, the conspiricy theories start that Snyder is involved with every small detail.

Snyder does what a good owner should do - he hires a coach and lets them get the players and coaches they ask for, and uses his money to do it.

You can complain about high prices, but guess what - every team is expensive. The Washington area more so then everyone else because everything in this whole area is more expensive.

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This is a great post. I agree 100% with everything said here.

I never had the privilege of attending a game at RFK. I was watching an NFL Films presents yesterday, and it was about crowd noise. The showed the RFK stands literally jumping during a "We Want Dallas" chant. Herman Edwards said he absolutely hated playing there. You dont really get that same feeling with FedEx.

BTW - FedEx field was bought by the late great Jack Kent Cook... Not Dan Synder...Dan Synder added shuttles, removed the bars in the upper deck and added glass instead, and removed the cash parking (Which, if anyone remembers, use to create a 1 hour line to get into the parking lot.

Anyone want to start telling me what a bad owner Jack Kent Cook was?

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If you don't agree, continue to buy Skins merchandise and suckle at the teet of Dan "the ****'s" cash cow. I'm just not goint to anymore. Snyder is straight out of central casting as the greedy idiotic owner with a heart of stone...he has made this franchise a mockery...he treds on the success of the past and then parades around our three super bowl trophies like he had anything to do with the success of the past. He can't even create his own legacy, he must use the legacy of another.

The guy is a flat-out loser. From his stupid cuff links, to his insistance that people, even his elders refer to him as Mr. Snyder--he thinks his money equals respect, but he has no idea what respect means, and he will never get it because he's such an immature loser. Money can get you many many things, but it can't buy principle, conviction or intelligence.

A scathing indictment, and much of it true. Especially how he insists everyone call him "Mr. Snyder". If that doesn't make you go hmmmm, what would?

However, I would hold off from calling him a ****, etc... that just reflects poorly on you S4E. And this should ultimately be about him.

Just sayin. :)

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A scathing indictment, and much of it true. Especially how he insists everyone call him "Mr. Snyder". If that doesn't make you go hmmmm, what would?

However, I would hold off from calling him a ****, etc... that just reflects poorly on you S4E. And this should ultimately be about him.

Just sayin. :)

I know it does--I just can't contain my disgust for him. Calling him "the ****" is uncalled for, I guess I'll just call him "the danny"...

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Yet he has kept the marching band and isn't the one who moved the team out of RFK.

Meanwhile, the marching band sits on their hands while Christina Aguillera is piped thru the PA system. :rolleyes:

Also, I remember being moved out of RFK to The Jack. What's the stadium called now? Nice way to preserve the legacy Dan. Yet when its his own family, he has the entire football team sew patches with his father's initials onto their uniforms.

Telling, dontcha think?

Obstructed View seats are called "Obstructed View Seats" - your view is obviously going to be obstrcuted. - The ticket office even allowed you to go to the stadium and see the view from the seats before you bought them. - You make it sound as though random people were being given these seats.

This is MKTG 101. Should Sony have released the Playstation 3 last March even though BluRay was not functional? After all, there was high demand, and they certainly would have sold millions of them.

But no, they didn't. It's not good business.

Head Coaches? - Did you enjoy the Norv years cause I sure didn't. Marty was given the opportunity to stay, but didn't want to compromise for the good of the team. - That was Marty's choice.

Correction. Dan wanted his toy back. Dan wasn't satisfied with the hands-off approach, despite our winning 8/11 games to finish the season. He approached Marty about re-working his deal to allow Dan say in personnel moves.

Marty walked.

Look what he's built in SD.

Spurrier was a risk that several other teams were willing to make, the difference is Snyder put his money where his mouth is to make it happen.

:laugh: this is perhaps the most tired argument you'll ever read concerning Spurrier being brought to Washington.

Those other organizations willing to bring Spurrier in... they all had a FO in place. STRONG FO's, who would have brought Spurrier into a rigid structure where the likes of Shane Matthews, Danny Wuerful, Trung Canidate would not have been brought in at the Ol Ball Coach's request.

Ya see, most organizations were enamored with Spurrier, but realized very clearly that he had not proven anything in the NFL, and should not have been given free reign to come in and put his stamp on the franchise.

Danny? He didn't care, as long as he and Vinny could keep their raquetball dates and he could wine and dine free agents and rub elbows with the NFL's elite. "Come on down Steve, put your stamp on this franchise." :doh:

Naming Rights - Jack Kent Cooke was working with Pepsi to sell the naming rights to the stadium, so what's different?

Never heard that, but as JKC used his own $, I'd say he was well within his rights.

But Snyder stripping the stadium he inherited of the dead owner's name? That's just disrespectful.

It's kind of funny when the team does well, the coaches get all the credit. When something goes wrong, the conspiricy theories start that Snyder is involved with every small detail.

You missed my first post. It isn't just about winning.

Snyder does what a good owner should do - he hires a coach and lets them get the players and coaches they ask for, and uses his money to do it.

drink up :koolaid:

You can complain about high prices, .

I'm not complaining about high prices. Have you read my posts in this thread, or are you simply projecting onto me what you think my position must be? :whoknows:


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Also, I remember being moved out of RFK to The Jack. What's the stadium called now? Nice way to preserve the legacy Dan. Yet when its his own family, he has the entire football team sew patches with his father's initials onto their uniforms.

Never heard that, but as JKC used his own $, I'd say he was well within his rights.

But Snyder stripping the stadium he inherited of the dead owner's name? That's just disrespectful.

JKC had planned to name the Stadium "Ral-John" on an interm basis while it was under construction after his 2 sons until he found a naming rights buyer. He passed away before it opened and John Cooke named it after his father.

Before he died, Jack Kent Cooke had spoken with several corporations, including Pepsi and Marriott, about the naming rights.


His money? Snyder used "his money" on the stadium also, so yeah, it is his right. There have been many other stadiums to take memorial type names off and replace them with purchased names.

This is MKTG 101. Should Sony have released the Playstation 3 last March even though BluRay was not functional? After all, there was high demand, and they certainly would have sold millions of them.

But no, they didn't. It's not good business.

He gave people a choice to buy tickets and go to games that wouldn't have previously have had the opportunity. - There are some people here that feel very fortunaute to get to go to the games that sit in those seats.

Correction. Dan wanted his toy back. Dan wasn't satisfied with the hands-off approach, despite our winning 8/11 games to finish the season. He approached Marty about re-working his deal to allow Dan say in personnel moves.

Marty walked.

Look what he's built in SD.

This one kinda proves the point. - Marty won 8 of the last 11 games in the softest part of our schedule that year, yet still lost to the Dave Campo coached, 5-11 Dallas Cowboys - twice .Snyder wanted Marty to fire Jimmy Raye and hire a new offensive coordinator and hire a seperate GM (rumor at the time was Ron Wolf). - Marty refused, yet in San Diego he has a different, non-Martyball OC and a GM. Marty walked into San Diego and took over an 8-8 team and made them 4-12 and managed to get them the first overall pick in the draft, which he took a QB when he had a good one already on the team in Drew Brees. The success he's having now is due more to a good GM (that isn't Marty, BTW), inheriting one of the best RB's of this generation, and a good defensive coordinator.

:laugh: this is perhaps the most tired argument you'll ever read concerning Spurrier being brought to Washington.

Those other organizations willing to bring Spurrier in... they all had a FO in place. STRONG FO's, who would have brought Spurrier into a rigid structure where the likes of Shane Matthews, Danny Wuerful, Trung Canidate would not have been brought in at the Ol Ball Coach's request.

Your opinion, but this also proves that Snyder allows the coach to get the players the coach wants, which proves my point.

You missed my first post. It isn't just about winning.

drink up :koolaid:

- I wouldn't say I'm a koolaid drinker, but I don't look to blame one person when something doesn't go right. This team was in bad shape for many years before Snyder bought the team. Snyder at least puts forth an effort to make improvements. There aren't many owners who would pay assistant coaches what he does because his head coach tells him they would help the team, not to mention paying players.

When something goes wrong, the responsibility needs to be distributed to everyone. - Our Head Coach has made these decisions that aren't bearing fruit right now, not Snyder. Snyder supported him.

Toddk73 made some good points in his post as well.

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