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Boycott on all Redskins Merchandise until further notice


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Redskins Nation—

Drastic times call for drastic measures. Let’s take a look at some facts:

2006 NFL Washington Redskins 3-7-0 Gibbs Brunell Portis Moss

2005 NFL Washington Redskins 10-6-0 Gibbs Brunell Portis Moss

2004 NFL Washington Redskins 6-10-0 Gibbs Ramsey Portis Coles

2003 NFL Washington Redskins 5-11-0 Spurrier Ramsey Canidate Coles

2002 NFL Washington Redskins 7-9-0 Spurrier Ramsey Davis Gardner

2001 NFL Washington Redskins 8-8-0 Schottenheimer Banks Davis Gardner

2000 NFL Washington Redskins 8-8-0 Turner, Robiskie Johnson Davis Connell

1999 NFL Washington Redskins 10-6-0 Turner Johnson Davis Westbrook

1998 NFL Washington Redskins 6-10-0 Turner Green Allen Westbrook

Since Danny Boy Snyder took control of this team, we’ve had 5 different head coaches, 5 different QB’s and absolutely no consistency, direction or continuity. Enough is enough. I’m sick of tired of the team we loved being hijacked and destroyed by the midget with the big ego. I will support the Skins as long as I love—root for them hard every week—but I will not give another penny to this franchise until Snyder removes himself from all football operations—and that includes any and all contract negotiations, and it also includes firing Racketball Cerrato.

If this were a public company, the stock would have plummeted, the board would have replaced the CEO and the shareholders would be filing derivative suits. But, it’s not. Therefore, we must send the message some other way. To those of you with season tickets—I implore you not to buy concessions…bring your own food, drink your own beer before the game, etc. To those of you who purchase new jerseys every year—STOP! We need to stop lining Snyder’s pockets year after year, despite this team’s performance year after year.

I am not purchasing a single redskins related item until the **** gets this organization straight and fires himself. His only job is to write checks---nothing else. We need to start hitting the danny in his pocketbook, where he might actually notice it. It starts now—Boycott Danny Boy Snyder!!!!

Who’s with me???

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You should change your name from skins4eva to skins4eva-or-until-the-going-gets-tough.

Go back and read the post again...you see the part about always rooting hard for the team forever???? I'm just done paying off Snyder. Sorry that you have such a problem with that...you do not deserve the name socrates--it implies intelligence, something which you are obviously lacking.

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Go back and read the post again...you see the part about always rooting hard for the team forever???? I'm just done paying off Snyder. Sorry that you have such a problem with that...you do not deserve the name socrates--it implies intelligence, something which you are obviously lacking.
Please let me clarify what I mean.

The way I understand boycotting, boycotting the team would entail not watching them on TV (i.e. giving them advertising and TV revenue), not listening to them on the radio (ditto), not buying tickets, not buying merchandise, and not promoting them in any way (i.e. advertising for them by wearing a hat or t-shirt you already own). If you do all that, you aren't really supporting them, and the monker "skins4eva" does not seem appropriate for you. If you do not do all that, then you aren't really boycotting them.

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Please let me clarify what I mean.

The way I understand boycotting, boycotting the team would entail not watching them on TV, not buying tickets, not buying merchandise, and not promoting them in any way (i.e. advertising for them by wearing a hat or t-shirt you already own). If you do all that, you aren't really supporting them, and the monker "skins4eva" does not seem appropriate for you. If you aren't doing all that, then you aren't really boycotting them.

Seriously, work on the reading comprehension...read the TITLE of this thread...do you see anything about not buying tickets, not watching them on tv or not promoting them by wearing the gear you already own??? This is a boycott on future purchases of merchandise, not tickets, merchandise. If you don't like it, don't do it.

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Please let me clarify what I mean.

The way I understand boycotting, boycotting the team would entail not watching them on TV (i.e. giving them advertising and TV revenue), not listening to them on the radio (ditto), not buying tickets, not buying merchandise, and not promoting them in any way (i.e. advertising for them by wearing a hat or t-shirt you already own). If you do all that, you aren't really supporting them, and the monker "skins4eva" does not seem appropriate for you. If you do not do all that, then you aren't really boycotting them.

They get the same amount of money whether anyone chooses to watch them on TV or not. It is entirely possible to boycott them by not purchasing any of the Danny's crap.

Oh, and by the way.....You don't want Brunell to go to the Pro Bowl anymore? What happened to your sig?

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I think Dan has no idea why most of us are fans of the Washington Redskins.

It's not even all about winning. This team has a great tradition of fandom going well back to the times when we didn't win jack ****. Winning helps, don't get me wrong.

The Washington Redskins were the hometown team. The folksy, blue collar franchise with a marching band and the most intimate venue in all of sports (RFK). We never made the big splashes in football news. We were never the focus of national media attention, one way or the other.

Redskin teams were built from the ground up with blue collar guys... guys with character. If you wanted to watch a glam-team with 22 high priced ass holes, you watched the Dallas Cowboys.

Dan is completely unaware of this. Look at his moves since taking over this franchise. Charging for training camp, signing Deion, selling obstructed view seats, selling the naming rights to the stadium, the revolving door at HC, and the free-pass given to the suck-ups in the FO... basically making this proud franchise the $20 whore of the NFL.

Dan Snyder's tenurs has been a slap in the face to everything this franchise has stood for over the years, yet some continue to insist we thank him every day for Redskins TV :rolleyes:

We as fans should demand better. And Snyder, self-proclaimed "Marketing Genius", should KNOW better. Dan, I'm sure you know this, but the first step in marketing anything is finding out what your customer wants. You still haven't even asked the question.


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Quit ****ing, if you have this attitude dont join extremeskins. especially with a name like skins4ever. Snyder sucks, but we cant do anything about it, unless any of us has over a billion dollars. So just shut up and support the skins, times are tough but you got to support your team and rep the colors.

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Please let me clarify what I mean.

The way I understand boycotting, boycotting the team would entail not watching them on TV (i.e. giving them advertising and TV revenue), not listening to them on the radio (ditto), not buying tickets, not buying merchandise, and not promoting them in any way (i.e. advertising for them by wearing a hat or t-shirt you already own). If you do all that, you aren't really supporting them, and the monker "skins4eva" does not seem appropriate for you. If you do not do all that, then you aren't really boycotting them.

This would have no effect on Dan, as the NFL shares revenue from ticket sales, TV contracts, etc.

Not buying concessions WOULD have an effect on him.

I'm not sure about merchandise, although I think the Redskins do get the $$'s from that.

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If you hate him so much, become a cowboys fan, you farking tool. My :2cents:

Way to hurl insults at the thread starter. :thumbsup:

****ty argument too, btw. Why would skins4eva abandon the team he loves because he doesn't like the owner? Is that something you would do?

If so, you aren't a fan. :2cents:

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This is where we separate the men from the boys...the homers from the realists. I love this team, and I'm not going to even respond to the posters on this site who question anyone's devotion to this team. It's an insult and merely a way for people with no intellectual capacity to respond.

Dan Snyder is an anathema to this team, a cancer...we as fans need to kick back and show him our displeasure. He takes this fanbase for granted because we are a money-tree and he treds on our good will year after year...and I've had it.

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