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Boycott on all Redskins Merchandise until further notice


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Are the people who honestly think Dan Snyder is a terrible owner for this team ignorant, or just stupid? If they're just stupid, that's forgivable. We can just pat them on the head and have them run along and play with their Legos. If they're ignorant, they need to stop and think about the actual impact Snyder has on the team. Look at the reasons we are where we are and what, if any, can be attributed to Snyder. If you belong in this second category, seriously think about it.

Then run along and play with your Legos.

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Are the people who honestly think Dan Snyder is a terrible owner for this team ignorant, or just stupid? If they're just stupid, that's forgivable. We can just pat them on the head and have them run along and play with their Legos. If they're ignorant, they need to stop and think about the actual impact Snyder has on the team. Look at the reasons we are where we are and what, if any, can be attributed to Snyder. If you belong in this second category, seriously think about it.

Then run along and play with your Legos.

That might be the dumbest post I've ever read...congratulations!

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The boycott of buying Redskins stuff in protest only makes sense if you refuse to buy stuff from the Redskins store.

Boycotting regular retailers is just costing them money, not the Skins. The retailer has already bought the merch in the spirit of filling a demand.

I'm pretty sure the NFl shares all that revenue with their Reebok deal, anyway.

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Are the people who honestly think Dan Snyder is a terrible owner for this team ignorant, or just stupid? If they're just stupid, that's forgivable. We can just pat them on the head and have them run along and play with their Legos. If they're ignorant, they need to stop and think about the actual impact Snyder has on the team. Look at the reasons we are where we are and what, if any, can be attributed to Snyder. If you belong in this second category, seriously think about it.

Then run along and play with your Legos.

here here!

And Ken Lay... WRONGED I TELL YOU!!!! He had nothing to do with Enron's collapse! It was the guys underneath him that technically did it!!!!!

No responsibility for the guy on top!!! I'm with you! :thumbsup:


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That might be the dumbest post I've ever read...congratulations!

No, you're mistaken. That was what people around here like to refer to as a non-mentally-scathing-soul-destroying-baby-strangling failure of a post, the exact opposite of the kind that you seem to be so fond of making. When I read what you write, it makes me have serious doubts in the credibility of Darwin. I'm not sure how someone so ridiculously unintelligent could have made it to the age of 26. It's like Snyder has become your scapegoat for anything and everything that has been wrong with the Redskins. You blame him for things he had nothing to do with. And you propose a boycott on Redskins merchandise...because you think it will actually send a message to him. Fair enough, I guess. Completely retarded logic, but hey, roll with it. It suits you. My question is, what exactly, do you hope your boycott will acheive? Even if all of Redskins nation were to boycott. What would you want to see change. Don't give an idiotic answer like "win more games" or "stop making free agency busts" and other things that have absolutely nothing. to. do. with. Dan. Snyder.

So seriously. What do you hope to accomplish?

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But to bad mouth a guy who has done nothing but shell out millions after millions every year just trying to win? It might not have worked, but it doesn't mean he hasn't tried!

Sorry, I can't follow with this one and quite honestly am suprised that I see so much of it. Snider has tried hard. Gibbs has tried hard. Everyone has tried hard. That "tries hard" stuff works in little league baseball, but this isn't the little league. In the real world people try and fail every day, but no matter how hard they tried it doesn't change the fact that they failed.

I don't like what Snyder has done with this team so far. I don't think that he had anything but the best of intentions, but I still don't like the way things have gone. If he can't get this organization where it needs to be then it is his job as the owner to evaulate the situation and put together a team of people who can. Those should be his two jobs:

1) Write the checks

2) Keep the ship moving in the right direction, but only by ensuring that you have the right people in the right places.

Clearly he is more than capable of #1. Now we need him to step up and make sure that #2 is taken care of. In my opinion this starts in the front office. Clearly we have more than enough coaches already :silly:

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No, you're mistaken. That was what people around here like to refer to as a non-mentally-scathing-soul-destroying-baby-strangling failure of a post, the exact opposite of the kind that you seem to be so fond of making. When I read what you write, it makes me have serious doubts in the credibility of Darwin. I'm not sure how someone so ridiculously unintelligent could have made it to the age of 26. It's like Snyder has become your scapegoat for anything and everything that has been wrong with the Redskins. You blame him for things he had nothing to do with. And you propose a boycott on Redskins merchandise...because you think it will actually send a message to him. Fair enough, I guess. Completely retarded logic, but hey, roll with it. It suits you. My question is, what exactly, do you hope your boycott will acheive? Even if all of Redskins nation were to boycott. What would you want to see change. Don't give an idiotic answer like "win more games" or "stop making free agency busts" and other things that have absolutely nothing. to. do. with. Dan. Snyder.

So seriously. What do you hope to accomplish?

You might want to lay off the highlighted portions above and act like you're 19 instead of 9

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You might want to lay off the highlighted portions above and act like you're 19 instead of 9

Sarge, I've got a lot of respect for you based on what I've seen you write here on the boards, and I know I'm pretty new here, but if someone fires at me, I'm gonna fire right back.

That being said, I may have come off a little harsher than I truly meant. Allow me to rephrase my previous post:

My post was illustrating that many people don't think before blaming Dan Snyder, they just like to blame the guy with the money. It's like Snyder has become your scapegoat for anything and everything that has been wrong with the Redskins. You blame him for things he had nothing to do with. And you propose a boycott on Redskins merchandise...because you think it will actually send a message to him. Fair enough, I guess. I don't understand where that logic comes from, so my question is, what exactly, do you hope your boycott will acheive? Even if all of Redskins nation were to boycott. What would you want to see change. Don't give an idiotic answer like "win more games" or "stop making free agency busts" and other things that have absolutely nothing. to. do. with. Dan. Snyder.

So seriously. What do you hope to accomplish?

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Sarge, I've got a lot of respect for you based on what I've seen you write here on the boards, and I know I'm pretty new here, but if someone fires at me, I'm gonna fire right back.

No need to "fire back". Just make your point

I'm a danny basher from waaaaay back. Unfortunately, it's going to take a lot more than a merchandise boycott to get him to go away, but it might be a start

The problem is..........we're screwed until the danny sells the team. Even boycotting games isn't going to bother him, because the Redskins as a business is going to keep him in dough from advertising alone

And the thing is, do we REALLY want him forced into a position to make a football change of some kind? I sure as hell don't.

I mean really, what decision of his has benifitted the team lately?

Another problem with the danny, and this is weird to say, is that he has TOO much money. An open checkbook is a good thing, used judiciously. But an open checkbook is what can lead to signings like the Arch

Coaches get enamoured, and instead of looking at someone really well and asking, "Is he worth the money?" they just go out and sign away. :2cents:

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I mean really, what decision of his has benifitted the team lately?

I can see this being a point before he brought Gibbs back, when he was WAY more involved with the running of the team than any owner should be. Now that Gibbs is back again, though, Snyder has pretty much handed the reigns over and just given the coaches what they want. He's let them make all the decisions, and has given them anything they ask for. Want the best receiver corps in the league? Done. We'll get Lloyd and Randle El to compliment Moss and Patten. Want Archuleta? We'll pay him whatever it takes. Carter, too? Done. The success of the Redskins on the field certainly hasn't been any fault of Snyder's. He's done anything and everything to get the coaches what they 'need'.

Another problem with the danny, and this is weird to say, is that he has TOO much money. An open checkbook is a good thing, used judiciously. But an open checkbook is what can lead to signings like the Arch

This is where I agree. But again, I can't really blame him for it. Everyone knows he's a diehard 'Skins fan and that Gibbs was his childhood hero like a lot of people who rep the burgandy and gold. I can't imagine being in his position: having a 3-time Super Bowl winning coach tell you that these are the things that will improve your favorite team, and having the resources to do it. There's no way I would be able to tell Joe Gibbs that he can't have what he tells you is going to make the team one of the elite in the league.

I think Snyder really is doing what he can to improve the team, but having Cerrato in the front office and not having a true GM has been a downfall.

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No, you're mistaken. That was what people around here like to refer to as a non-mentally-scathing-soul-destroying-baby-strangling failure of a post, the exact opposite of the kind that you seem to be so fond of making. When I read what you write, it makes me have serious doubts in the credibility of Darwin. I'm not sure how someone so ridiculously unintelligent could have made it to the age of 26. It's like Snyder has become your scapegoat for anything and everything that has been wrong with the Redskins. You blame him for things he had nothing to do with. And you propose a boycott on Redskins merchandise...because you think it will actually send a message to him. Fair enough, I guess. Completely retarded logic, but hey, roll with it. It suits you. My question is, what exactly, do you hope your boycott will acheive? Even if all of Redskins nation were to boycott. What would you want to see change. Don't give an idiotic answer like "win more games" or "stop making free agency busts" and other things that have absolutely nothing. to. do. with. Dan. Snyder.

So seriously. What do you hope to accomplish?

Sticks and stones my man. I somtimes get up in the morning and wonder how a guy as unintelligent as myself could have made it to 26...luck, I guess. I'm glad that I serve as evidence of the fallacies of darwinian evolutionary theory. But, just a piece of advice...you might want to think before you write.

Snyder isn't my scapegoat for anything. He is a horrendous owner--it's that simple. He's the CEO of this franchise and he is a complete failure, and in turn, this franchise has become a complete failure. It's really not that complicated, even a 26 year as unintelligent as myself can comprehend that simple linear reasoning.

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Sarge, I've got a lot of respect for you based on what I've seen you write here on the boards, and I know I'm pretty new here, but if someone fires at me, I'm gonna fire right back.

That being said, I may have come off a little harsher than I truly meant. Allow me to rephrase my previous post:

My post was illustrating that many people don't think before blaming Dan Snyder, they just like to blame the guy with the money. It's like Snyder has become your scapegoat for anything and everything that has been wrong with the Redskins. You blame him for things he had nothing to do with. And you propose a boycott on Redskins merchandise...because you think it will actually send a message to him. Fair enough, I guess. I don't understand where that logic comes from, so my question is, what exactly, do you hope your boycott will acheive? Even if all of Redskins nation were to boycott. What would you want to see change. Don't give an idiotic answer like "win more games" or "stop making free agency busts" and other things that have absolutely nothing. to. do. with. Dan. Snyder.

So seriously. What do you hope to accomplish?

I'm sure Sarge will stay up at night lamenting that fact that you've lost a lot of respect for him.

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Sticks and stones my man. I somtimes get up in the morning and wonder how a guy as unintelligent as myself could have made it to 26...luck, I guess. I'm glad that I serve as evidence of the fallacies of darwinian evolutionary theory. But, just a piece of advice...you might want to think before you write.

Snyder isn't my scapegoat for anything. He is a horrendous owner--it's that simple. He's the CEO of this franchise and he is a complete failure, and in turn, this franchise has become a complete failure. It's really not that complicated, even a 26 year as unintelligent as myself can comprehend that simple linear reasoning.

You're about 45 minutes too late to correct the tone of my post. Sarge did it for you, and I toned it down and reposted. All you've done is harp on that. I'm seriously interested in what you hope to accomplish with a boycott. I don't understand what you want Snyder to change. You say he's a horrendous owner, a complete failure. Why? Give some specifics. How can he change to make the team perform better on the field, and in turn have winning records/playoff appearances/Super Bowl appearances? What do you, specifically, want him to change?

EDIT: Read before you post. I said I've GOT a lot of respect for Sarge, not that I've LOST a lot of respect for him.

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Some of us have things like a commute from work, where unintelligent people are employed...

But, let me answer your questions.

I say Snyder is a terrible owner...you ask why...If you've been watching redskins games for the past decade, I hardly believe I have to explain this to you...but since you're 19, you may not remember the 99, 2000 seasons all that well. First of all, we've won nothing since Snyder got here: no super bowls, no conference championships...2 playoff games. 2 playoff games in the last decade.

Snyder has continuously failed to implement a consistent, team-building, chemistry building strategy. I would like him to remove himself completely from all management activity. I love how some people think just because he doesn't speak with the media that means he must not be involved. My friend, go back and read Jason La Canfora's blog today about the Ryan Clark contract situation...Snyder is DIRECTLY involved in every single contractual situation, every single player acquisition that this team makes.

Snyder has consistently alienated every single person he's worked with. Turner, Casserley, Marty, Spurrier, and coming soon to a redskins park near you, beloved Joe Gibbs. That list doesn't even include the player he come and go from this team on a yearly basis. Each and every one of them leaves holding a grudge and leaves with an absolute disgust for Snyder...Champ, Brad Johnson, Smoot, Pierce, Lavar, Clark, Coles, etc.

Snyder refuses to learn from his mistakes. He still refuses to build a team by scouting well and building in a cost effective manner through the draft and putting together a real "team" not a collection of misplaced, overpaid free agents. It may not be flashy, and it may not sell a ton of new jerseys every year, but it's a proven formula for success...and before you were born, many super bowls were won that way.

I mean, we coming up on a decade and it's stil the same old crap with this team. Look at what Marty and a good GM have done in San Diego---you still want to ask why Snyder sucks???

Snyder refuses to acknowledge that what "he does" doesn't work and has proven to be an absolute failure. He still keeps Vinny Cerrato on and he thinks that his checkbook will solve everything...this to me, is really underscores his immaturity and lack of intelligence. Every single owner in the NFL is either a billionaire or close to being one...they all have a ton of money...why don't they open their checkbooks the way Snyder does??? Because they realize, or they have football people who tell them that football is about consistency, continuity and patience. That's how you build successful franchises.

Snyder is one of the worst owners in the league because he's blinded by his own success, so much so that he is unable or unwilling to step back and do some introspective self-evaluation. If he did he would realize that by relinquishing control he would have great success for the team and the franchise. But just like Redskins One, this franchise is Snyder's little toy...his playground to exercise all his master-of-the-universe, Tom Wolfian fantasies.

Meanwhile, the fans suffer and continue to suffer with no end in sight. I'm not hoping to accomplish anything with this really...I just did it to make a point--I've got a job, bills to pay, and a fiance who nags me constantly (sometimes in a good way) I really don't care too much about Snyder's bottom line, but I refuse to contribute to it any longer until I see wholesale changes at Redskins park.

Maybe some other people feel the same way, maybe they don't. It's just an idea to send a message, if nothing else about the level of discontent among the fans. We deserve better than what Snyder is giving us. But, he's laughing all the way to the bank.

In my heart of hearts, though, I agree with Sarge--I think we're screwed until he sells the team.

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Man, did you even read past my first sentence? I know you have to read all the way to sentence four, but I'm trying to get across that I'm actually interested in hearing your side of the argument. I don't see where you're coming from with the whole Snyder is a terrible owner thing, so I've tried to get you - three times - to throw out some reasons WHY you think he's bad for the team. You've just thrown out blanket statements about his effectiveness as owner of the team, without giving any reasoning. I get that you don't think he's the right person to be the owner of the Redskins. Now I'm trying to figure out why you think that way.

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