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Keeping Duckett?


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Will we be keeping Duckett for the 2007-2008 season? I know we got him for a backup to Portis while we werent sure about Portis's shoulder, but at the same time, I think Duckett is better than Portis at times. Now yes, he isnt as quick as portis, but he is a lot stronger, and will be able to run people over, probably the closet thing to a John Riggins. I also heard that we only got him to trade him, so im not so sure whats going to happen there. But in my opinion, I think we need to keep Duckett, and possibly get rid of Sellers. That way we have Portis on the 1st-2nd downs, Betts for our 2nd-3rd's, and then bring in Duckett for are short 3rd and 4th downs. I dont believe we've used Sellers as much as we have in the past, unless I just cant seem to remember any plays that well. I believe Duckett could do a lot for our team, as long as we give him a shot. During the Eagles game this past Sunday I was very impressed with him, and how he played, he was quick, and very powerful. I forget what the play was, I believe it was a 3rd and 2, where he ran the defense over, almost if not getting 12 yards or more.

I was just wondering what the rest of you thought, should we keep him, or do the trade like they talked about?

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If you get rid of Sellers you do not have a FB. Duckett is not an FB. Name the team that has successfully rotated three RBs.


You can not get them all the necessary reps with the 1st team offense to be in sync and effective.

See the other thread for all of the reasons why Duckett is over rated.

I will say he will play well the next 7 games because defenses are worn down, and he is fresh, but do not use that as an indicator of his real ability.

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Betts and Duckett compliment each other better than Portis and Duckett. :2cents:

Excellent point, but Portis is not the odd man out, so who do we keep(as the original poster brought up with this thread)

Duckett with Portis

Or Betts with Portis,

Or get rid of Portis :shot:

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Do not fool yourself into thinking Betts is a number 1. He is good at coming in and giving breathers but he is not a number 1. Heck he was here before Portis and could not break into the number 1 job. As for Duckett, I do not know much about him but I would think he is not a number 1 either if all Atlanta wanted in return was a number 2 receiver.

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Ladell Betts will be gone next year. On the radio the other day, he said that they hadn't even really looked at a new contract. He also kept repeating that Portis's injury is giving him a chance to "showcase" himself. He must've said that three times.

This means he's looking to probably sign with another team next year. :2cents:

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We certainly do not get rid of Sellers. He's valuabke in many ways on "O" and special teams. Betts is gone for sure. It would be nice to resign Duckett, and I think the remaining games will tell the tale. Personally I would like to keep TJ.

Getting rid of Sellers would be akin to repeating the Antonio Pierce mistake. Sellers is a blue-collar worker who doesn't care about stats - only winning. Well that and punching someone in the mouth. We need more players like Sellers.

The scenario I forsee is Betts going to someone like Cleveland where he can compete for the starting spot - something he can't get here. And then, we'd resign Duckett - who I really think compliment Portis nicely.

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TJ will RUN FOR THE HILLS the second this season is over...after the way the 'Skins brought him here for a 3rd round pick in a CONTRACT YEAR for TJ...and then didn't play him all season...until now.


The kid will RUN away and find a team that wants a BEAST at running back.

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He said Portis, Duckett, and Sellers. My question was who is going to play on thrid and 8.

Uh, Portis.

Here's the real question- do you want Portis carrying on 3rd and short and 4th and short (ha, like we'd ever go for it on 4th and short) with a surgically repaired shoulder?

Because we know Betts can't get that done.

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