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A Big Mistake Replacing Brunell


Is JC our man for the rest of the Season  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Is JC our man for the rest of the Season

    • JC to do the business on Sunday and take us all the way
    • Brunnell will be back at some point

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Have you ever considered that they reason the team made the switch was to AVOID being mathematically eliminated? Brunell is LOSING dude and coach Gibbs today said they made the switch in hopes to get more production from the QB position.

More production.

Think about that ****. They are hoping to get more production from an untested 2nd player. What does that say about what the coaching staff thinks of Mark's play thusfar?

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Do Not Replace Our Starting Qb Until We Are Mathematically Out Of The Playoff Picture...pulling Brunell Is Ridiculous....i Know Most Of You Extreme Skins Will Call Me A Damn Fool B/c Your So Stuck Up Jason Campbell's Ass, But I Honestly Could Care Less...

I Lost Respect For Gibbs Today As Well As The Washington Redskins Organization And Fans As A Whole...

Go Tampa Bay!!!

Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!

Brunell For 2007!!!! Hopefully He Can Go To A Team Where He Is Appreciated And The Fans Don't Call For His Head...

Thank You Mark Brunell...joe Gibbs Is A Damn Fool!!!!

3-7 After This Sunday...please Run Over Us Tampa Bay

you are ridiculous... the team makes one move to try to give a spark to this team, and suddenly you are rooting against them?? some fan you are. back your team up you bucket of fermented horse urine... back you team up.

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Do Not Replace Our Starting Qb Until We Are Mathematically Out Of The Playoff Picture...pulling Brunell Is Ridiculous....i Know Most Of You Extreme Skins Will Call Me A Damn Fool B/c Your So Stuck Up Jason Campbell's Ass, But I Honestly Could Care Less...

I Lost Respect For Gibbs Today As Well As The Washington Redskins Organization And Fans As A Whole...

Go Tampa Bay!!!

Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!

Brunell For 2007!!!! Hopefully He Can Go To A Team Where He Is Appreciated And The Fans Don't Call For His Head...

Thank You Mark Brunell...joe Gibbs Is A Damn Fool!!!!

3-7 After This Sunday...please Run Over Us Tampa Bay


Take your benching like a man!

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Shouldn't West Virginians stick to burning couches after university victories and saying how purty their cousins arr?

Easy now......we do that on Saturday nights.

And I'll bet my cousins are better lookin' that your's. :silly:

bty. I'm from WV. :cheers:

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Was I the only one that watched the preseason??? IF you'll remember, Campbell didn't look too good out there in August. IN FACT, he looked a lot like a rookie. I remember interceptions, hesitation, and awkwardness in general. And I remember losing too.

Maybe this will provide the spark we need, and maybe it'll help.

Maybe not.

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It's time we took a look at Jason. Why not. The season is too close to being lost... but maybe Jason can do something more for us. Maybe. You just never know, and that's why Gibbs has made the decision.

No, we aren't eliminated from the playoffs yet... but we really have such a small chance it's almost pointless to keep Brunell in there, only to have to call plays that get the ball out quickly cuz the Oline isn't playing as well as it should and Brunell can't get away or is afraid of getting hurt.

Too many things need to happen for us to go now. Last year, it was still prety much in our hands. 5-0 or we don't go. We had to win five straight and it was pretty much guaranteed. This time it's a little different. Even if we win all of the rest of our games... we still have a minimal chance.

I think it's good we're putting Jason in now. At least we can all see what he can do and maybe, just maybe, he can actually produce more than Brunell based off of sheer physical talent. Lets just hope he can handle the blitzes teams throw at him.

God knows the Tampa Bay defense is the last thing you want a QB to make his first start against...lol. We'll get to see just how far along he is, that's for sure.

I tell you what... if nothing else, this season has become so much more exciting for us now. Win or lose, we get to play with our new toy!! Hopefully it was worth the investment. :silly:

Maybe EA will update the damn rosters correctly so we can play with Campbell after next week with the stats he deserves(hopefully they're good ones). :laugh:

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"Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!"

I can honestly say this is the most pathetic excuse for a Redskins fan I have ever seen. Dont dare call yourself a Redskins fan. I dont care how much I hate certain decisions, or dislike certain players, I never, never want another team to beat us, much less "murder" us.

There are Redskins fans, and then there are retards like this guy.

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Do Not Replace Our Starting Qb Until We Are Mathematically Out Of The Playoff Picture...pulling Brunell Is Ridiculous....i Know Most Of You Extreme Skins Will Call Me A Damn Fool B/c Your So Stuck Up Jason Campbell's Ass, But I Honestly Could Care Less...

I Lost Respect For Gibbs Today As Well As The Washington Redskins Organization And Fans As A Whole...

Go Tampa Bay!!!

Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!

Brunell For 2007!!!! Hopefully He Can Go To A Team Where He Is Appreciated And The Fans Don't Call For His Head...

Thank You Mark Brunell...joe Gibbs Is A Damn Fool!!!!

3-7 After This Sunday...please Run Over Us Tampa Bay

This is classic. Is this a perfect case of the pot calling the kettle black or what?

And he says go TAMPA BAY! That just shows how irrational the Brunell Zombies have become.

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Was I the only one that watched the preseason??? IF you'll remember, Campbell didn't look too good out there in August. IN FACT, he looked a lot like a rookie. I remember interceptions, hesitation, and awkwardness in general. And I remember losing too.

Maybe this will provide the spark we need, and maybe it'll help.

Maybe not.

But at the same time, in Sept, Oct, Nov, Brunell has also looked like a rookie, interceptions, hesitation, awkwardness (in the pocket), and we can also add locking on to his target too early. Spark or not, at least its a change.

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WTF??? How could ANYONE lose respect for Gibbs? After all he is human, last time I checked anyway! He has done great things for Washington, and lets not forget him being a "HALL OF FAME" Coach!!! Is he not allowed to make mistakes? Oh, I guess you are perfect though! You think you can do better?? Go apply for the position!

Quarterbacks come and go, some stay around longer, but eventually, they fall off their peak and it's time to sit down. Brunell's main job now will be to mentor Campbell. He has done his job, a good job too! My hat is off to him!

Math has nothing to do with it. It all falls on stats...and oh, BTW, if you hadn't noticed, we seem to be at 3-6 now....I think that has something to do with it.

:2cents: You are obviuosly one of those 'seasonal fans'....go crawl back in that hole you came out of...as someone already told you, move on, don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you!!

Mark...a fan for over 30 years!!!:helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet:

Do Not Replace Our Starting Qb Until We Are Mathematically Out Of The Playoff Picture...pulling Brunell Is Ridiculous....i Know Most Of You Extreme Skins Will Call Me A Damn Fool B/c Your So Stuck Up Jason Campbell's Ass, But I Honestly Could Care Less...

I Lost Respect For Gibbs Today As Well As The Washington Redskins Organization And Fans As A Whole...

Go Tampa Bay!!!

Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!

Brunell For 2007!!!! Hopefully He Can Go To A Team Where He Is Appreciated And The Fans Don't Call For His Head...

Thank You Mark Brunell...joe Gibbs Is A Damn Fool!!!!

3-7 After This Sunday...please Run Over Us Tampa Bay

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Dude you need some help and I hope when Brunell leave,you go with him!!

Do Not Replace Our Starting Qb Until We Are Mathematically Out Of The Playoff Picture...pulling Brunell Is Ridiculous....i Know Most Of You Extreme Skins Will Call Me A Damn Fool B/c Your So Stuck Up Jason Campbell's Ass, But I Honestly Could Care Less...

I Lost Respect For Gibbs Today As Well As The Washington Redskins Organization And Fans As A Whole...

Go Tampa Bay!!!

Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!

Brunell For 2007!!!! Hopefully He Can Go To A Team Where He Is Appreciated And The Fans Don't Call For His Head...

Thank You Mark Brunell...joe Gibbs Is A Damn Fool!!!!

3-7 After This Sunday...please Run Over Us Tampa Bay

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THANK YOU....I couldn't have said it any better!!!

:logo: :logo: :logo:

"Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!"

I can honestly say this is the most pathetic excuse for a Redskins fan I have ever seen. Dont dare call yourself a Redskins fan. I dont care how much I hate certain decisions, or dislike certain players, I never, never want another team to beat us, much less "murder" us.

There are Redskins fans, and then there are retards like this guy.

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Was I the only one that watched the preseason??? IF you'll remember, Campbell didn't look too good out there in August. IN FACT, he looked a lot like a rookie. I remember interceptions, hesitation, and awkwardness in general. And I remember losing too.

Maybe this will provide the spark we need, and maybe it'll help.

Maybe not.

Let's say we leave Brunell in. At this point we need all seven wins to make the playoffs, and thankfully Gibbs has admitted to himself that that isn't going to happen. There won't be any miracles this year.

I don't expect Campbell to light up any scoreboards. In fact, I'll be quite happy if he goes 3-4. The important thing is that I'd much prefer he go 3-4 (or 0-7 if that's the case) now, and not at the beginning of next season, or the beginning of the 2008 season.

He'll go into the offseason with seven starts under his belt, and he'll have all spring and summer to practice with the first team.

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Mark, a lot of us watched, but you have to admit....he HAS potential. I have nothing but good to say about Brunell, but I think his time is expired. I only hope that he mentors Campbell to be the spark that we need. We'll see!!

Was I the only one that watched the preseason??? IF you'll remember, Campbell didn't look too good out there in August. IN FACT, he looked a lot like a rookie. I remember interceptions, hesitation, and awkwardness in general. And I remember losing too.

Maybe this will provide the spark we need, and maybe it'll help.

Maybe not.

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Do Not Replace Our Starting Qb Until We Are Mathematically Out Of The Playoff Picture...pulling Brunell Is Ridiculous....i Know Most Of You Extreme Skins Will Call Me A Damn Fool B/c Your So Stuck Up Jason Campbell's Ass, But I Honestly Could Care Less...

I Lost Respect For Gibbs Today As Well As The Washington Redskins Organization And Fans As A Whole...

Go Tampa Bay!!!

Please Murder Us This Sunday!!!!

Brunell For 2007!!!! Hopefully He Can Go To A Team Where He Is Appreciated And The Fans Don't Call For His Head...

Thank You Mark Brunell...joe Gibbs Is A Damn Fool!!!!

3-7 After This Sunday...please Run Over Us Tampa Bay

changing the QB is the kind of shake up this team needs, something had to change with what is going on

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The original post is really dumb. Brunell has been struggling this year, while his numbers may look decent, the best indicator of his struggles is watching the games. To wish for the Redskins to "get murdered" makes absolutely no sense. No fan wants their team to lose. EVER.

Also, learn how to use capitalization correctly.

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