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A Loss and We Unravel


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If we Lose to the 'Girls I am afraid that it will turn ugly. Players will start attacking each other, the coaches, the fans. The media is just waiting for someone to explode; Moss to complain about being open and no throws. Portis is chomping at the bit; he wants the ball. This is just a few examples. JC will want to be traded and eveni fhe plays will not reach potential because the team will have unraveled.

How about a boycott of Fed Ex to wake them up.

Just kidding of course. The 12th man needs to be player of the game.:dallasuck

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I don't see this team unraveling. Maybe under another coach and a different group of guys but not a Gibbs team. Time will tell but I will be chocked if that happens.

I look at the glass as half full rather than half empty so if you ask me we will stay the course whether its win or lose. If there is any back biting or players blaming one another I don't see them around here for very long afterwards. As Gibbs says, you learn a lot about people when you go through tough times like this.

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As Gibbs says, you learn a lot about people when you go through tough times like this.

Learning about people's a lot more fun at the end of a 6 game win streak.

We've all learned a lot about this team so far. Learning isn't neccesarily good.

That said, we don't implode if we lose. Losing to the Titans at home is a low point that won't be outdone in any single game.

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Learning about people's a lot more fun at the end of a 6 game win streak.

We've all learned a lot about this team so far. Learning isn't neccesarily good.

That said, we don't implode if we lose. Losing to the Titans at home is a low point that won't be outdone in any single game.

You made part of my point there. To get to the "fun part" we must start a win streak. Admittingly its no fun now but we are not done yet. As far as "learning," IMO nothing bad comes out of learning. It teaches a lesson whether we like that lesson or not. Thanks for the perspective though. :D

You cowgirl fans can STFU. :dallasuck

I don't think the "cowgirl fans" have said anything negative?!? Lets save that for trolls or those who deserve it. :D

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I can agree except this isnt really a Gibbs team

I can't see how that could be farther from the truth. He built it, picked the players, picked the coaches, and now runs it from top to bottom. Now, it may not be ones like he once had but that was before free agency when teams stayed together for 8-10 years.

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I too am worried about some kind of pandemonium ensuing at the game if we do lose. As I and MCruz1984 will be attending the game, we are fully prepared to deal with an almost riot-esque situation, should it develop.

I hope we beat the Cowboys, especially at home, but I'm just not sure how we will deal with Tony Romo sits to pee. We say that "he's only a rookie", but with our weak secondary, and a defense that just can't get sacks, I could see Romo sits to pee tearing up the skies, and our defense having no answer. Romo sits to pee will have enough time in the pocket to do his taxes back there, I just hope our offense comes out scoring fast and consistently.

This game will clearly be decided by the performance of the offense. We must realize that we cannot count on this defense anymore. It's not like last season. The offense needs to step it up majorly, or we should all start bracing for an ugly, loss filled season.

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If the coaches want me to....I can swing by Redskins Park and show them how to beat the blitz...by using hot routes with TE's and WR's...

...My madden skills are ridiculous...

:laugh: I feel the same way sometimes. Except in real life you can't just throw bullets at TEs and recievers who aren't even looking your way and have them catch it from behind consistently.

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I can agree except this isnt really a Gibbs team

I agree, It hasnt been Gibbs team Since Gregg Williams...Gregg is the real brains behind it all. This is why he in the sole heir to the Redskins when Gibbs retires...Gregg Williams is running this team! We need to keep him, Defensive COACHES win championships...Believe that...

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I think a loss will change this season from a disappointment to a rebuilding year.

I truly believe we play Campbell the following week if we lose. If that's the case, the tone/focus of the season will be different and I don't think you'll see the team unravel.

Thats my thinking, too. If we lose to Dallas, we'll see a lot more JC and Rocky, and Saunders trying to find some sort of groove with the offense.

And the tone will be different-- more of a, "we'll get em next year" approach. But, even with that said, there's still a real possibility of some sort of explosion coming from a team that had Super Bowl aspirations that could be in a rebuilding phase.

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Back in the day, Pettibone and his staff would have blitzed the daylights out of this rookie QB. I hope GW has the balls to do the same thing. Romo sits to pee is a good QB, do not get me wrong, in fact I think he's better than Bledsoe and the boys made the right decision in starting him. However, he's still a ROOKIE! Blitz his ass to death and don't give him any time to throw the football. Hit him every play.

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Last year at 5-6 I wrote the season off, A win, I thought, would only prolong my agony. I watched weekly, but fully expecting the team to implode at the next loss. Thats kinda how I feel now. I'm afraid that a win will only renew faith in an aging QB and restore hopes that surely will be dashed the following week. This is our VERY last chance this season, and a slim one at that. Beat down on the 'boys and prepare for more of the same old stuff. Lose, and players will only go through the motions trying to avoid a career ending injury. I'm riding this train to the end though.

Lets hope that JC enters into the game and pulls out a win. Only then will this franchise see a renewed spirit.

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I think a loss will change this season from a disappointment to a rebuilding year.

I truly believe we play Campbell the following week if we lose. If that's the case, the tone/focus of the season will be different and I don't think you'll see the team unravel.

I hope that is not the case because gibbs has been here three years the first we almost made the playoffs the 2nd we did make the playoffs so if we loose this year for most coaches that would be it. I know coach is not going any where but if this season could make it a rebuilding year something will have to happen somewhere on the office side.

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