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At least its not just us

Thinking Skins

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The one thing that puts a smile on my face during these troubling times in DC (other than my counting the days until Campbell's first start) is being able to look around the league and see other teams fans going through similar situations.

Especially Pittsburg, who are now 2-5 with very VERY lilttle chance of making the playoffs this year. Big Ben looks like he's gone color-blind since the accident cause he's got more completions to the other team's DB's than his own WRs. And Given that Simms is hurt in Tampa, but it still feels good to see them with a losing record. Same goes for Seattle, Miami, Arizona (who many picked to do well with James at RB), the good ol Jaguars who we had the pleasure of beating and then watching them get spanked by Houston last week. And then there's Dallas, who I enjoy most of all.

I catch all kind of jokes about the Redskins and how they're playing, but its nice to be able to just pose the same question to them, "isn't your team 2-5 as well?" Then they start to stutter and talk about how their 2-5 is different than the Redskins 2-5. It's pretty amusing.

It kinda makes you wonder, is all this stuff really Gibbs/Saunders/Brunell/Snyder/Williams's fault, or is this just what we should expect with the new parity in the league?

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Yeah, but the Steelers have a Super Bowl memory to hang onto.

Well ours is a bit distant, but I definately have memories of the '91 season. Those were great times. Started 11-0. Lost to Dallas, were 41-1, then lost to Detroit. went on to cruise through the playoffs, up 24-0 at halftime of SBXXVI, went on to win 37-24. A lot of great memories.

It may have been a while ago, but at least we have them. All Philly can say is "we came close".

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Parity is a big thing in today's NFL. One year you are good, the next year could be a different story.

While many questioned all of the off season moves considering this team was 2 games from the Superbowl, I think it were moves that Gibbs and company felt were needed to stay on pace.

They may have not worked out so well so far but there is still half a season left. Living in Philly, I love how they are killing the Eagles!

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Yes, I'm sure Seattle would rather be 2-5 in a tough division with a very, very difficult schedule against playoff teams, instead of being 4-3 in the weakest division in the NFL.

There's an old saying that goes, "you are your record". Maybe they'll win out and go 11-5, but right now they're 2-5 with very slim chances of anything.

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Well ours is a bit distant, but I definately have memories of the '91 season. Those were great times. Started 11-0. Lost to Dallas, were 41-1, then lost to Detroit. went on to cruise through the playoffs, up 24-0 at halftime of SBXXVI, went on to win 37-24. A lot of great memories.

It may have been a while ago, but at least we have them. All Philly can say is "we came close".

We didnt lose to Detroit! I believe our 3rd string lost to Philly last game of the year!
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Parity is a big thing in today's NFL. One year you are good, the next year could be a different story.

While many questioned all of the off season moves considering this team was 2 games from the Superbowl, I think it were moves that Gibbs and company felt were needed to stay on pace.

They may have not worked out so well so far but there is still half a season left. Living in Philly, I love how they are killing the Eagles!

Finally, someone with my optimism! :cheers::cheers:

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Well ours is a bit distant, but I definately have memories of the '91 season. Those were great times. Started 11-0. Lost to Dallas, were 41-1, then lost to Detroit. went on to cruise through the playoffs, up 24-0 at halftime of SBXXVI, went on to win 37-24. A lot of great memories.

It may have been a while ago, but at least we have them. All Philly can say is "we came close".

The funny thing is, I clearly remember thinking after Gibbs left and we had a few bad years that I could survive a few bad years. I was used to 20 years of the Redskins always being in contention for a playoff spot (1970's through early 90's). I thought the dry spell would last 5 years maybe. It has now lasted 15 years and counting. Could we go through a 25 year dry spell like we did from the mid 40's through early 1970's???

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In other words; misery loves company.

Well said.

Try living towards Pittsburgh. They have even bigger expectations then we do as fans, which is unbelievebly scary considering this forum is mayhem when we lose. Top that off the fans have turned on Rhoethelsburger more then the fans here have turned on Brunell.

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Yeah, but the Steelers have a Super Bowl memory to hang onto.
BIGTIME POST! YEAH! WHATABOUT US DAMMIT! We aint got **** and I for one am ****ing sick of this ****. Go look at redskins.com. All the players say I'm getting the heck outta here for a while. You know what that means? Nothin. As in nothing is going to change, nothing is going to happen, we're going to come back after this week the same choked down, beaten team we we're and Dallas is going to come in here and SMOKE us. It's really hard to be a fan right now.
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