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Here is why the problem is Management....


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First of all, did anyone feel comfortable or excited when we signed Shawn Springs from Seattle? Of course not,Why? he was always injured. He was a plesant suprise for one year here, Fine. In Seattle Springs missed 19, yep 19 games his last three years due to injury. When he was playing those last three years he was mostly playing injured and hurting the team more than helping.

Now, going into this season knowing Springs has major issues with injuries and coming off surgery and.... everybody in the NFC East is beefing up the passing game. Dallas got T.O., Mcnabb was going to be back at full stregnth. The Giants had Eli Manning ready to burst on the scene. We go out and sign a number 2 receiver ok, we definately needed one of those. We sign another receiver/punt returner. A run stopping slash blitzing Safety, who does not excel in pass coverage. Last but not least my favorite Andre "Medical Tape" Carter, a linebacker from the crappy Niners brought here to be a pass rush specialist. WOW!!, what were we thinking? Who was going to cover T.O.? Who would stop the Eagles passing attack, since they pass every down?? Pierson Prioleau? Kenny Wright? oh yeah I forgot we have Carlos Rogers with zero experience covering number one receivers. Did we not think maybe, just maybe, if Springs has lingering injury problems we are F#%&ed?? Now we are stuck at 2-5 with Kenny Wright, Mike Rumph, an ancient Vincent and an injured Rogers and Springs. Even if all these guys were healthy not a great matchup for the NFC East. Who is the person saying, Yep, Kenny Wright.. he is our answer. Maybe it is Grilliams who put this mess of players together.

Who is in charge of this teams personnel? I saw this problem coming in the pre-season. Also, teams throw the ball more now than ever now. In Gibbs pt. 1, not as much. Maybe he overlooked the importance of the cornerback position? Denver has arguably the best D in the league because of Champ. Maybe we need a true GM? Talk to me!!

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Who is in charge of this teams personnel? I saw this problem coming in the pre-season. Also, teams throw the ball more now than ever now. In Gibbs pt. 1, not as much. Maybe he overlooked the importance of the cornerback position? Denver has arguably the best D in the league because of Champ. Maybe we need a true GM? Talk to me!!

Um, that would be one Joseph Jackson Gibbs as the, ahem, "personnel guru."

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Who is in charge of this teams personnel? I saw this problem coming in the pre-season. Also, teams throw the ball more now than ever now. In Gibbs pt. 1, not as much. Maybe he overlooked the importance of the cornerback position? Denver has arguably the best D in the league because of Champ. Maybe we need a true GM? Talk to me!!
If you saw this in the preseason, who were you targeting to pick up?

I think it's pretty obvious that the front office saw this problem too, and we traded Taylor Jacobs for Mike Rumph. What was the move you were going to make?

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If you saw this in the preseason, who were you targeting to pick up?

I think it's pretty obvious that the front office saw this problem too, and we traded Taylor Jacobs for Mike Rumph. What was the move you were going to make?

Well, they freaked out so much when Portis was injured and traded for one TJ Duckett. C'mon you think Rumph is the best they could do? The trade deadline passed with Duckett sitting on our bench when we could have moved him for more help on our pass D. Does not take a genius to realize he is a free agent next year and we get diddly poo for him and have given up a high draft pick. Do you think that shows good management?

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SSprings was a great Pick up

he is a good tackler, great on coverage ,and rarely does he get thrown at

A great player, yes when healthy but if he is injured we are srewed. Hence what is happening right now with our pass D. He is out there playing hard but the guy is injured. Let us face reality his career is alomost over. He is not D. Green.

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Well, they freaked out so much when Portis was injured and traded for one TJ Duckett. C'mon you think Rumph is the best they could do?
I don't know, but I assume Rumph is the best they could do, since that is what they actually did. Unless you can offer some brilliant idea about how we could have addressed our CB situation, you're not doing any better than they are.
The trade deadline passed with Duckett sitting on our bench when we could have moved him for more help on our pass D. Does not take a genius to realize he is a free agent next year and we get diddly poo for him and have given up a high draft pick. Do you think that shows good management?
I have no idea what offers were on the table for Duckett. Judging by the way we kept him on the bench prior to the deadline, I have to imagine that we were trying to trade him, but we must not have gotten anything we liked. Portis is still banged up so maybe we'll get some value from Duckett on the field.

It's easy to second-guess every decision from here, but I'm pretty sure the front office isn't sitting around thinking, "Well, all these teams have great CB's to trade us, but instead we're just going to pick up Mike Rumph" or "Well, all these teams want to give us a first round pick for T.J. Duckett, but I think we'll just leave him on the bench and get nothing instead." They're obviously trying to make the best moves they can, and with 31 other teams doing the same thing, not every move is going to come out perfectly.

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Well, they freaked out so much when Portis was injured and traded for one TJ Duckett. C'mon you think Rumph is the best they could do? The trade deadline passed with Duckett sitting on our bench when we could have moved him for more help on our pass D. Does not take a genius to realize he is a free agent next year and we get diddly poo for him and have given up a high draft pick. Do you think that shows good management?

You still did not answer the question... oh great and wise GM.

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What happened is the FO got ****y again.

They thought that the lasst few years, and somewhat rightfully so, they made great moves and the team progressed. This is mostly true. In the process of making these moves, they gave up too much by way of draft picks and cap $.

The cap screwed us by not being able to keep our own players and having to go out and make some lofty offer to another player, all the while hoping that we'll be able to re-negotiate their contract down the road or outright release them. Futhermore, now that we are without substantial draft picks, the team lacks good, young talent and depth.

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Well, they freaked out so much when Portis was injured and traded for one TJ Duckett. C'mon you think Rumph is the best they could do? The trade deadline passed with Duckett sitting on our bench when we could have moved him for more help on our pass D. Does not take a genius to realize he is a free agent next year and we get diddly poo for him and have given up a high draft pick. Do you think that shows good management?

It takes two to make a trade. You also need a team that wants him and is willing to give up what it takes.


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You still did not answer the question... oh great and wise GM.

I am glad you are all satisfied with our personnel at DB. The move would have been: to address the cornerback/safety pos. in the offseason. What was wrong with Cory Chavous, Will Allen, Sam Madison all better than what we have. How about keeping Ryan Clark at Safety? Keeping Smoot! Everyone knows Clark was a mistake. Or sign Will Demps, at least he was on a winning Defense. Instead we pick our players from loser defenses like the Rams and the Niners. Yeah, I am sorry you got me K. Wright/Rumph was a much better acquision.

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I am glad you are all satisfied with our personnel at DB. The move would have been: to address the cornerback/safety pos. in the offseason. What was wrong with Cory Chavous, Will Allen, Sam Madison all better than what we have. How about keeping Ryan Clark at Safety? Keeping Smoot! Everyone knows Clark was a mistake. Or sign Will Demps, at least he was on a winning Defense. Instead we pick our players from loser defenses like the Rams and the Niners. Yeah, I am sorry you got me K. Wright/Rumph was a much better acquision.

Man, you act like Ryan Clark would be our savior. I admit he's better at pass coverage than Archuleta but he wasn't a great run stopper (just ask the Chargers). You can second-guess the decisions all you want but hindsight is 20/20. Even if we still had Ryan Clark I'm sure we'd have plenty of problems on D, since they are playing like a high school team out there. It's the personnel, yes, but the entire team is playing like they don't care. And where was all this Springs bashing last year? He's still a great corner and yeah he's been hurt but everyone gets hurt - it's football. It happens.

No one is satisfied at this point. There's no point in bashing decisions that are already in the past. We need to look at the present and the future.

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The problem with this team is that it is too old. The oldest in the NFL...and older guys get hurt more often...it just happens.

We don't draft well, b/c we don't have enough picks to hit or miss...and then we end up replacing that potential influx of talent with FA's who are "proven" but are looking for that big contract to make them rich.

You don't draft, you don't get depth. You can an old team with little depth and you're in deep **** most years. Springs is the classic example.

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Its just more of the same here even with Gibbs in charge. Sure, better decisions have been made compared to 2000 but it is obvious that they are overpaying in draft picks and cash for average players that we really don't need. Archuleta, Duckett, Lloyd or Randel El. We needed one receiver, true.

I also don't think you were the first person to come up with this original idea.

This board has been saying the same thing since it was created.

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Man, you act like Ryan Clark would be our savior. I admit he's better at pass coverage than Archuleta but he wasn't a great run stopper (just ask the Chargers).

I think that is a load of bull hockey about Ryan Clark. I keep seeing all these people in here trying to make excuses for AA. If he is such a great run stopper, how did Travis Henry have 178 yards? And name one other game where Clark was not able to tackle a RB besides the Chargers. LT is a future HOF RB and was having a good day up until that OT run. Everyone keeps dismissing Clark on an assumption he was bad against the run. we were better against the run last year than this year. what does that say about AA. He is also very TERRIBLE at pass defense. Ask AA what number blurred by him on the 52 yarder from Peyton Manning in the 3rd Quarter. Plus, if Rb's are getting into your secondary, then you have bad problems with your line and LB's. Now I'm not saying Clark would've been our savior, but he is better than AA, Rumph and Wright. Plus everyone is saying "he isn't playing well with Pitts". Yeah, he is in a 3-4 defense now which has different reads. Vick got lucky one game. I'll go on record now saying Vick will not have another 4 TD pass day.

Out of the 6 FA's we brought in, AA is the biggest liability back there. I agree it's a team game and all 11 players are responsible, but to say not having Clark, Stoutmire or any of the others we had last year wouldn't make a difference. You're wrong. We were a top 10 D with those players, now we are 26th.

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since the exact same topic is being discussed in another thread,,,why not add my response here too!:D

Whats amazing is that if you had asked this question a few years ago EVERYONE would have sided with Gibbs. My how things can change. Fewer people actually see Snyder as the root of the problem, please note I said fewer. To blame this on Snyder at this point would be foolish. Now if you want to blame Snyder, it goes to the Gibbs signing and the Cerrato relationship. From that point on, Gibbs and his staff should be the ones who take the bulk of the blame. Snyder has simply been an enabler which is what an owner should be. I would expect that should this not be turned around in the second go around of Gibbs, that the next GM (yes I said GM)/Coach would receive the same support that Snyder is giving, although it may be directed in a different way due to a change in the way the organization is run more than anything. I truley beleive that Snyder will do whatever is possible to win, and if at somepoint it doesnt work this way he will simply pull the plug and start over.:logo: :2cents:

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