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If I had a nickel for every time Brunell has said "Hopefully"


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Hopefully we won't turn the ball over as much (ball slipping out of his hand on goal line)

Hopefully our offense starts moving the ball down the field (throw to someone other than a 5 yard hitch to ladell betts)

...I'm not even going to post more..

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It's not just Brunell either. I do actually think it's POSSIBLE for us to make the playoffs with Brunell, but there's just this "we'll see what happens" sort of attitude that kills me. I'm not saying there have to guarantees, but there needs to some kind of energy and confidence.
With the way our defense is playing and Brunell at the helm we are not going to make the playoffs, its already evident its not going to happen. If we had our D from the first 2 years it could be possible but as most know Brunell will not win games for us he manages the game.
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.... I would be a VERY RICH man.

Mark Brunell was hopeful that someone would be stupid enough to gamble on him! And, the Skins were gullible idiots to have paid him $ 47 million dollars.

Hell! There are some pro-teams that wouldn't have even paid him minimum vetran's salary.

During his signing, there were other options available ... and, it's a shame we did not take them.

Mark has done nothing to improve his performance. He still makes the same mistakes, and when the game is on the line cannot be counted on delivering! :doh:

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What kills me are the people sticking by Brunell. Objectively, if you look at Brunell's body of work since he came to the Redskins he has never played well. He played acceptably for a stretch last season. This leads me to conclude 1 of 2 things about people defending Brunell: 1- they do not know what real QB play looks like or what is expected of a starting QB in the NFL or 2- they stick with Brunell because Gibbs sticks with Brunell. The reasons an aging coach like Gibbs sticks with Brunell *should be* different then the reasons a fan may or may not stick with a starting QB. I just want to see the team win, yes we have lots of other issues, but it will not happen with Brunell.

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What kills me are the people sticking by Brunell. Objectively, if you look at Brunell's body of work since he came to the Redskins he has never played well. He played acceptably for a stretch last season. This leads me to conclude 1 of 2 things about people defending Brunell: 1- they do not know what real QB play looks like or what is expected of a starting QB in the NFL or 2- they stick with Brunell because Gibbs sticks with Brunell. The reasons an aging coach like Gibbs sticks with Brunell *should be* different then the reasons a fan may or may not stick with a starting QB. I just want to see the team win, yes we have lots of other issues, but it will not happen with Brunell.

:laugh: Problem is, some of the younger fans haven't seen a good QB wearing the B & G and the one's of us who have, haven't seen it since 1991.

Last week was the best we've seen how a QB is supposed to be, but unfortunately he was wearing a blue jersey with a lucky charm on the helmet.

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I wish I had a nickel everytime some posted something stupid to complain about:doh:

Sorry Mr. 50,000 posts. If you want your own board, why don't make it? You can post responses to your responses. Seriously, half the post on this thread are complaining about this thread. Just don't post if you don't like the subject. Nobody's making you.

I'm tired of Brunell saying, "hopefully." That's all.

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Sorry Mr. 50,000 posts. If you want your own board, why don't make it? You can post responses to your responses. Seriously, half the post on this thread are complaining about this thread. Just don't post if you don't like the subject. Nobody's making you.

I'm tired of Brunell saying, "hopefully." That's all.

The irony here is that you are getting on someone for posting their opinion while defending yourself for expressing yours.....

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Beat me to it. Heck id take a dime for every pointless Brunell thread.

So what should we be talking about?? How we are going to beat Dallas on Sunday?? :laugh:

Sorry If some fans aren't drinking the super smart koolaid anymore

With Brunell starting our offense is limited to the super smart conservative approach and our defense can't really stop anyone

There is no point to this man starting on Sunday. He wont lose any games but he wont win us any either

With the Weapons we have with skill position players the Skins have the potential to have one of the best offenses in the league but we just don't have the QB to run it

We might as well put the Kid in and see if he can play

Dallas is going to ram it right down our throats on Sunday and when they do fans will call for Campbell and of course he will be inactive :doh:

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