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If I had a nickel for every time Brunell has said "Hopefully"


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It's #2.


I can't believe that there is anyone out there who watches football, see's other QBs play and then watch Mark Brunell these last three years and feel that Brunell is a good or even effective quarterback. It seems that except for a handful of strong outings, the best thing you can say about Mark Brunell is that he doesn't screw up too often. He may not be making plays and challenging defenses, but he sure doesn't make mistakes.


Everyone talks about his lack of mistakes, I've seen receivers running wide open down the field only to see Brunnell throw the ball away. Thats a huge mistake IMO. I agree with everything you posted, good post.

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Ok, thats a great stat. 75% of those were probably in our two wins. No matter what stat gets dug up the fact of the matter is he is wildly inconsistent. In two games we desperately needed, he throws a pick when all we need is a field goal against Tennessee and when we went down against Indy he threw short of the chains on third and 8 THREE straight times. Do you see Tom Brady doing that? I would take every one of our skill positions over the Patriots, but he makes them better. Stats like that would mean more if we werent a pathedic 2-5. We dont sustain drives and give the defense ANY help. Atleast last year we controlled the clock.

I agree with your post here. Where is the super smart Brunell when we need him most??? 9 times out of 10 he's on the sideline after throwing a pick at the end of the game with that sheepish grin of his like "oh well, we'll get em next time".

I'm a diehard skins fan, but I refuse to sip the kool-aid when I see a glaring problem. #8 can't getter done anymore ON A CONSISTENT BASIS. And THAT is FACT!

All Brunell lovers don't worry, we'll be playing the Bucs on Nov 19. Maybe he'll be able to break another consecutive passing record against another subpar squad. That'll give you more rounds in the chamber to fire back with:rolleyes:



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Everyone talks about his lack of mistakes, I've seen receivers running wide open down the field only to see Brunnell throw the ball away. Thats a huge mistake IMO. I agree with everything you posted, good post.

Yup. That is a mistake. It might not be a turnover (unless it happens to be 3rd and 9 and he runs a 2 yard dumpoff for a 3 yard gain) but at the very least it shows that Brunell either doesn't even see half of the field or doesn't have the confidence to get it to that open receiver. My guess is the former since we have all seen him stare down one guy and then dump it off to someone close. You can see the looks of frustration and disgust on the faces of those receivers if they happen to show them after the play. And who wouldn't be frustrated? I've heard people talk about how Lloyd is a bust. How can you be a bust if you hardly ever get the ball thrown to you when you're open? The few times he has had the ball thrown to him deep or relatively deep he has made nice catches. It just kills me to see the talent we have out there and a QB who won't or can't throw to them.

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I also agree that that is a great stat.

He is also throwing 80% of his passes down the sidelines. Isn't that a WEE bit predictable? Take the sidelines out of play by rotating your coverages and now you know why Mark won't do much of anything besides throw to his safety valves.

When you go back and watch the games, notice how Mark doesn't throw down the middle or along the seams, or crosses or slants all that often? And when he does he tends to throw it way high?

I understand loyalty to Gibbs... I followed him from the beginning to the end in Gibbs I. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when he came back on board.

.... (rest of post)

Just goes to show... even the most pointless threads have great posts in them :cheers:

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A million people already posted this exact thing. Where's the redundancy police when you need them?

Sorry, I didnt even waste my time reading any posts. I read the original thread, thought it was fing moronic, then simply gave an equally moronic response. Thanks for sharing though.

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A million people already posted this exact thing. Where's the redundancy police when you need them?

Lighten up a little. If you're gonna throw something out there for discussion, you're not going to last long being so sensitive.

Besides, you gotta admit, your thread is pretty stupid :silly:


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I'm plenty relaxed. Just pointing out that if redundancy is bad, it's bad for everyone.

Are you being seious or sarcastic?

Because there is no word to describe the amount of redundancy on this board in regards to the fact that people hate everything Brunell does - smiles, laughs, repeats a certain word.....

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If I had a nickel for everytime Brunell threw a pass, in the air, over ten yards. I'd have $2.65. If I had a nickel for everytime Brunell completed a pass, in the air, over ten yards I'd have $0.95

Pass Thrown 1-10 yds 71 of 96 74.0%

Pass Thrown 11-20 yds 10 of 31 32.3%

Pass Thrown 21-30 yds 8 of 18 44.4%

Pass Thrown 31-40 yds 1 of 6 16.0%

Wait, I'm sorry he is the 9th rated passer in the league and is having a pro bowl season according to Socrates :doh:

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Just goes to show... even the most pointless threads have great posts in them :cheers:

It was a great post. And brings up a curious question. Why if Gibbs was willing to pass that much in a run heavy era of football, would he then hamstring the passing game in this era when the teams with the best passing attacks are the one's dominating?

Coryell was all about passing. And Gibbs was definitely not afraid to let it fly to his recievers. So why is he now?

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One other question I have - why is it there are teams out there who have truly pro bowl QBs who can pass to establish the run when the defenses call for it to go that way but for some reason, even when there are defenses stacking the box with 8-9 men, we can only dump off to Betts who gets clobbered instead of having hot reads who see the stacking, alter their routes and go deep?

Answer: Because Mark is afraid to throw deep anymore. 1 out of 6. 7 games... 6 passes deep.

Gibbs I - 1991 - 1992 - the Redskins led the league in long pass plays over 40 yards... why has it changed? because for some reason Joe has linked himself inextricably with Brunell and is being too daggone prideful to, once again, admit he made a mistake in starting Brunell for too long. (a la 2004)

Just gotta figure there is a reason somewhere that Joe is sticking with Mark and the biggest mistake I think he is making is not explaining the situation FULLY to the people who he claims he answers to. Saying the same thing over and over again when things are falling apart leaves a Spurrier-esque taste in my mouth. Tell me that Campbell isn't ready, he doesn't want to depend on a perennial back up in Collins and be done with it. Tell me you don't have the confidence in what you have seen on the practice field with the young man. But for goodness sakes... don't keep feeding me the tapioca flavored line of pap you have been.

I still have a hard time with the fact that we have to reteach professionals how to tackle, avoid penalties and be in the right place for a play. How many times do ANY of these guys have to get burnt to realize that their zone play sucks? How many times have we seen receivers dropped for other backs to cover only to see that there aren't any backs there to cover them? And better yet (going back to the question of Mark's arm and confidence) why can't we beat the zones the way the opposition is beating our defense like a snare drum?

I think there are a lot of questions to be answered.

First: Why is Brunell, who isn't doing anywhere near as good as 2005, and that wasn't TREMENDOUS in the first place numbers wise, still being played even when he is hurting and his arm and judgement and mobility are so questionable? Don't talk to me about throws and percentages when most are throws that most backyard QB's (age 12 or below) could complete.

Second: Why not concentrate on the defensive line in the next acquisition period? How many times do we have to prove over and over that lines are the most important if not the most undersung heroes on the field. Without the Oline - running is next to impossible and pass blocking is non existant. Without the Dline - 4 all out superstars in the secondary will look like morons and tight ends will eat up linebackers who aren't known for coverage speed or stamina. The Dline can generate pressure, free up linebackers to blitz, protect linebackers on run plays, and cause the QB to throw too fast and create interceptions.

Third: The secondary needs some beefing up... the depth isn't up to par. Prioleau getting hurt was a bigger blow than most think. The safeties having to come up in run support (see point number 2) is why Taylor and Arch are having such major problems with coverage - even when they do drop back, if there is a play action they get sucked out of position because the front seven have been incapable of stopping the run when it matters

Fourth: Nothing personal, but we need to try someone else at MLB. Maybe shift Holdman over and play Rocky at ROLB. What could it hurt and maybe it will help. When Holdman played in the middle during the preseason, he played it very well. Marshall isn't a good defensive QB, and that might even be a deeper problem than any of us realize

Fourth: Lose Betts if he doesn't learn how to block or chooses to whiff any more blocks to save himself

Fifth: Same for Fauria - he blocks like a pansy

Sixth: Let Sellers run the ball occasionally - might be fun to watch an undersized linebacker scream like a little girl when Mike runs toward them

Seventh: I love Rock. Quit playing him at RB. He isn't getting anywhere and he isn't getting there fast. Let him play ST all he wants. He's good there. Stop the pain. Make the RB chart Portis, Duckett, Betts and use Portis, Duckett and Sellers on a third and one. Two tight end set with those three... egad. Who do you key on?

These are a few things I see that we might do just to shake things up a bit. Maybe some or all wouldn't work, but at this time it isn't change for the sake of change but the fact that we aren't changing ANYTHING and the team isn't playing ANY better. What more do you need to see to know that maybe it is time to put some other players in there, change positions some, shake things up because the players aren't showing themselves capable of changing anything.

Not to be offensive, but maybe Joe has gone a little over the top with the "turn the other cheek" thought process. Both of my damn cheeks are hurting plenty - can we smack someone else for a change?

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