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If I had a nickel for every time Brunell has said "Hopefully"


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subtract a penny for everytime you've defended your man-crush on him and you would be broke.

Your the one that cant stop thinking about him. Its in every post of every thread. Its not my fault that you either dont watch the games or you are to ignorant to realize that its the whole team. I have tried many times to break it down as simply as I can for you. Shall I try to explain in a different language? Are the wrods that I am using to complex for you? How about shuttinh your mouth and supporting whoever Gibbs runs out there. I somehow think he knows a little more than you do about football.

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Your the one that cant stop thinking about him. Its in every post of every thread. Its not my fault that you either dont watch the games or you are to ignorant to realize that its the whole team. I have tried many times to break it down as simply as I can for you. Shall I try to explain in a different language? Are the wrods that I am using to complex for you? How about shuttinh your mouth and supporting whoever Gibbs runs out there. I somehow think he knows a little more than you do about football.
:laugh: owned.
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Sorry Rdskn4lyf, but people can question the almighty Gibbs and his QB decision. We can also question the need to pay him 47 million dollars when he was getting ready to be cut and relegated to a backup everywhere else. 47 Million?? We can also question the inconsistent offense and the tendency "his choice" at QB has to throw short of the chains on key third downs in big games. He cant play to this strength anymore of rolling out of the pocket and finding receivers, it's why he is wildly inconsistent. You can be a redskin fan and not drink the Gibbs/Brunell love affair kool-aid.

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Sorry Rdskn4lyf, but people can question the almighty Gibbs and his QB decision. We can also question the need to pay him 47 million dollars when he was getting ready to be cut and relegated to a backup everywhere else. 47 Million?? We can also question the inconsistent offense and the tendency "his choice" at QB has to throw short of the chains on key third downs in big games. He cant play to this strength anymore of rolling out of the pocket and finding receivers, it's why he is wildly inconsistent. You can be a redskin fan and not drink the Gibbs/Brunell love affair kool-aid.

I understand that you are too young to appreciate everything that Gibbs has done foe this team and the fans. Your probably one of these fans that cries about Snyder bringing in free agents and whine about no stability. And now your crying about wanting a new coach.Cant hace it both ways.

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Sorry Rdskn4lyf, but people can question the almighty Gibbs and his QB decision. We can also question the need to pay him 47 million dollars when he was getting ready to be cut and relegated to a backup everywhere else. 47 Million?? We can also question the inconsistent offense and the tendency "his choice" at QB has to throw short of the chains on key third downs in big games. He cant play to this strength anymore of rolling out of the pocket and finding receivers, it's why he is wildly inconsistent. You can be a redskin fan and not drink the Gibbs/Brunell love affair kool-aid.

People that sit on a message board and know a small percentage of what he knows regarding football?

Sure. But that doesn't mean they are anywhere near right.

Brunell has completed 38 passes on third down this year, netting 24 first downs - a 63.2% rate.

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People that sit on a message board and know a small percentage of what he knows regarding football?

Sure. But that doesn't mean they are anywhere near right.

Brunell has completed 38 passes on third down this year, netting 24 first downs - a 63.2% rate.

Ok, thats a great stat. 75% of those were probably in our two wins. No matter what stat gets dug up the fact of the matter is he is wildly inconsistent. In two games we desperately needed, he throws a pick when all we need is a field goal against Tennessee and when we went down against Indy he threw short of the chains on third and 8 THREE straight times. Do you see Tom Brady doing that? I would take every one of our skill positions over the Patriots, but he makes them better. Stats like that would mean more if we werent a pathedic 2-5. We dont sustain drives and give the defense ANY help. Atleast last year we controlled the clock.

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Mark put the pressure on himself by saying anything less than a Super Bowl appearance would be a disappointment. I don't remember even the mouthy Joe Theismann talking about Super Bowls in August when the Redskins were in camp.

It is clear that Gibbs has lost control to some degree of this team. Players are riding high on expectations and clearly didn't start the season with the kind of focus and motivation to hit the ground running.

This team looked confused and disoriented from the first preseason game and it has continued to the present bye week.

The players are saying all the right things about staying together and focusing on what they as individuals have to do - but in each successive game they are failing to do it :(

When you see Gibbs come out and alibi the personal foul and taunting/celebration penalties and take responsibility for those instead of holding the players publicly accountable, you know this is a different Redskins team.

Do you think the Gibbs of 1986 or 1987 would have been that 'relaxed' about these stupid penalties?

To me Gibbs just doesn't seem as competitively charged or in step with the performance of the team, it is almost as if he is watching the team as the GM rather than as the HC.

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People that sit on a message board and know a small percentage of what he knows regarding football?

Sure. But that doesn't mean they are anywhere near right.

Brunell has completed 38 passes on third down this year, netting 24 first downs - a 63.2% rate.

I also agree that that is a great stat.

He is also throwing 80% of his passes down the sidelines. Isn't that a WEE bit predictable? Take the sidelines out of play by rotating your coverages and now you know why Mark won't do much of anything besides throw to his safety valves.

When you go back and watch the games, notice how Mark doesn't throw down the middle or along the seams, or crosses or slants all that often? And when he does he tends to throw it way high?

I understand loyalty to Gibbs... I followed him from the beginning to the end in Gibbs I. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when he came back on board.

I still think that Brunell has lost his confidence to throw the ball down the middle of the field on anything longer than 7-8 yards and that is KILLING our offense.

Yes he has thrown it there - but it usually is when it DOESN'T MATTER anymore. Then he opens it up figuring, "What the heck - we're losing by three scores - why not?"

I say put the young kid in who is chomping at the bit to play, get him some experience and if we lose most of the rest of the games... if things don't improve on third downs and time of possession on offense - the defense, even if perfectly healthy isn't gonna save us when they are exhausted all the time thanks to the pathetic 2-4 yard dinks and dunks - we aren't going to win a whole lot more anyway. What is there to risk with playing Campbell and opening up the middle of the field?

Opposing defenses know Mark isn't going to eviscerate the middle of the defense with penetrating laser strikes to the seams... he hasn't since the start of the preseason.

Hopefully Mark proves me wrong. Hopefully he starts showing less of the jokester and more of the leader. Hopefully he starts passing more down the middle and making the opposing defenses pay for ignoring the middle. Hopefully we go 8-1 so we have a shot at the playoffs. Hopefully the Skins read the posts and get mad and go out and try to show us they know how to play. Hopefully the number of Brunell threads decline because he shows everyone that he has the cahones to win.

I wouldn't count on it, unfortunately. :(

I wonder why there are people who wonder why some of us (and a growing number) are unhappy. Not disloyal for all those people who are as fast to call Brunell questioners disloyal... you are just as knee jerk and emotionally judgemental as you claim people are who are questioning Brunell for poor offensive performances.

If we lose more of these games where the little 3 yard pass isn't getting it done, the number of threads will grow. I wonder if the number of empty seats will too... and will Joe start to put two and two together?

If the man is hurt and playing sub par to begin with, won't the injuries make it worse?

Time for Brunell to man up and ADMIT he can't pull the trigger on passes like he used to. Time for him to tell Joe he can't go like he used to for the good of the team, the city, the fans. Quit being the narcissistic, egotistical, too good to swallow his own pride athlete and get out of the way.

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I wish I had a nickel everytime some posted something stupid to complain about:doh:

Must be pretty nice to have 50 gazillion posts and never have said anything stupid or complained in ANY of them... You are are obviously a shining example to all of us without 50 gazillion posts - an example of all that we should aspire to be. For that you should be truly proud. I am humbled by your very presence....

As far as the topic, I've noticed that myself. HOPEFULLY, Brunell will be sitting on the bench shortly pondering all his useless statistics professed in these forums by all his supporters/enablers (Brunell has the highest passer rating of any quarterback in the league on second downs against defense playing nickel when the Redskins have less than two yards to go for a first following a TV timeout... No not a real stat of course but a good example of those touted here in support of his obvious greatness). I don't think it would bug me as much if everytime I heard him say it, it didn't look/sound like he really believed it himself. HOPEFULLY next time he heroically but noodle-armedly leads us to defeat I don't see him out joyfully smiling as he leads the parade of players in the middle of the field shaking hands with those who just kicked our --es - like another piss-poor performance was just fine by them.

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This leads me to conclude 1 of 2 things about people defending Brunell: 1- they do not know what real QB play looks like or what is expected of a starting QB in the NFL or 2- they stick with Brunell because Gibbs sticks with Brunell.

It's #2.

It's trust in Gibbs. Certainly an understandable position and one that I still join in on most things, just not QB. Especially him knowing when the time is up and pulling the plug on his unproductive veteran QB. His history is well known so I'm not going to regurgitate it yet again here.

I can't believe that there is anyone out there who watches football, see's other QBs play and then watch Mark Brunell these last three years and feel that Brunell is a good or even effective quarterback. It seems that except for a handful of strong outings, the best thing you can say about Mark Brunell is that he doesn't screw up too often. He may not be making plays and challenging defenses, but he sure doesn't make mistakes.

The funny thing is, this type of QBing was never a part of Gibbs 1. Oh sure he always preached protecting the ball and hated turnovers, but from Theismann to Schroeder to Williams to Rypien, those guys were gunslingers to one degree or another (Theismann being the least of the three because of the great run game he had). They had the greenlight to take risks and challenge defenses.

Gibbs 2 seems afraid of that. Hell, he even neutered Patrick Ramsey. When Ramsey finally got in there in 2004, Ramsey seemed a ton more cautious than he was before. While much of it could perhaps be attributed to the shelling he received under Spurrier, I think Gibbs also made him terrified to make a mistake and in the process he also seemed slower to pull the trigger.

It's this mentality that I'm afraid we're going to see when Campbell gets in there. He's going to be filled with "don't make a mistake" that our dink and dunk offense may still exist even when the change is made.

We need more than just a QB change, we also need to make sure the handcuffs come off and not be afraid to challenge the defense. Don't just "take what they give you", take it from them. That was the old Gibbs passing game. That's what I want to see again.

I want the coach and passing attack that didn't fear the dreaded Bear 46 defense, instead they went into Chicago in January, twice, and passed their way to victory.

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If only I had a penny for all the threads like these, Id have more money than you would with the nickels.

Yeah, well if I had a fraction of a penny for every post in this thread that says this thread sucks multiplied by the nickels for Brunell's hopefullies, divided by the square root of the number of threads about Brunell that you hate and subtracted the whole by the number of times Gibbs says "heck," I'd have 3.4860.


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