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Documents reveal 'shadow government'


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About 1,000 documents obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America show the White House is engaging in collaborative relations with Mexico and Canada outside the U.S. Constitution, says WND columnist and author Jerome Corsi.

"The documents give clear evidence that the Bush administration has created a 'shadow government,'" Corsi said.

The documents can be viewed here, on a special website set up by the Minuteman Project.

Bureaucrats from agencies throughout the Bush administration are meeting regularly with their counterpart bureaucrats in the Canadian and Mexican governments to engage in a broad rewriting of U.S. administrative law and regulations into a new trilateral North American configuration, Corsi contends.

"We have hundreds of pages of e-mails from U.S. executive branch administrators who are copying the e-mail to somewhere between 25 to 100 people, a third of whom are in the U.S. bureaucracy, a third of whom are in the Mexican bureaucracy and a third of whom are in the Canadian bureaucracy," said Corsi.

"They are sharing their laws and regulations so we can 'harmonize' and 'integrate' our laws into a North American structure, not a USA structure."

Corsi claims the process is well along the way.

"This is totally outside the U.S. Constitution, virtually an executive branch coup d'etat," he said. "SPP is creating new trilateral memoranda of understanding and mutual agreements which should be submitted to Senate for two-thirds votes as international treaties."

Corsi said the documentation he received is missing key pieces.

"We received very few actual agreements, though many are referenced," he said. "Many of the work plans described lack the work products which the groups say they produced."

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1) I was under the impression that foreign policy was an Executive branch power.

2) I'm wondering how much of, let's call it "reconciling" our laws and rules with our neighbors is simply the implimentation of NAFTA.

3) Based on my opinion of this administration, I'd dislike a lot of this stuff, but my reasoning is that I'd pretty much guarantee that the negotiations are being done to help out corporations, not any particular country.

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Yea, and we have to deal with Mexico's poverty and Canada's socialism. . .not a good deal for the USA if you ask me.

Mexico's corruption would be a bigger challenge then it's poverty. Also there is no way in hell southern Americans and French Canadians could coexist.

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Mexico's corruption would be a bigger challenge then it's poverty. Also there is no way in hell southern Americans and French Canadians could coexist.
You think Mexico is corrupt? Check out Eastern European nations like Moldova or Romania one time. My church has a team over there right now trying to move a well drilling machine we bought, from Romania to Moldova and there are so many "unofficial" fees its ridiculous! You even have to get permission from the government to just dig a well for these poor people. The water they drink right now looks like Coca-Cola.
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World Net Daily is a joke.

Yo may disagree with NAFTA, but cooperating with your neighbors on the administration of trade is not a "shadow government." It is implementation of Congress' will in enacting NAFTA in the first place. It is what they are SUPPOSED to be doing to make a free trade zone.

If Congress doesn't like what is being done, they will pass a law and the administrative-types will change what they are doing.

Ooh, ooh, Chicken Little! The sky is falling!

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Mexico's corruption would be a bigger challenge then it's poverty. Also there is no way in hell southern Americans and French Canadians could coexist.

Yeah the corruption is the bigger issue,but southerners and the french worked out in Louisiana for the most part...We both love to party. :D

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I have posted about the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America in a previous post and how this does indeed fit into what is called the New World Order, but is also known under other names such as "Globalization."

NAFTA generally has been a bad idea, and this would create an even closer merger than NAFTA. And Globalization, which sounds great from an superficial glance, often refers to transnational corporations, organizations, and ruling bodies that often operate in secrecy and above and beyond national laws or government.

This isn't "conspiracy theory," it is how such global governance operates, and not always for the betterment of this nation's citizens.

If Congress doesn't like what is being done, they will pass a law and the administrative-types will change what they are doing.

Do you really believe it is that simple or clear cut?

Not if Congress is unaware of what is happening or if such power is beyond Congress's power. Why do you think this article refers to a "Shadow" type of government? Part of the issue that many have with organizations such as the WTO and bodies that comprise NAFTA and organizations such as the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America is that the organizational bodies are often outside the sphere of U.S. governance, and more so into an "international" sphere that still affects American laws, industry, etc., all the while operating outside the knowledge of American law makers or citizens (or at least certain law makers or citizens).

Transparency has long been issue with government and corporate bodies, and this is an example of this issue.

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Because the guys at WorldNetDaily are nutso.

Let me ask you this: do you believe that what you see is what you get, when it comes to certain organizations, organizational bodies, or groups of individuals? Or do you ever believe that what may happen "behind the scenes" may not be evident or apparent?

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