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Gibbs planning to start JC sooner than later?


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Hmm. Says ESPN reported it too. I'll believe it when I see it. Not saying it would be a good or bad move, but let's see how it all pans out

I will believe it when Gibbs says "We're going to with Jason this week...you know we'll coach him up..."

My fear is that the Redskins lose and Brunell plays great. Then what?

(For all the bickering, bashing and bs-ing, it could be worse, we could still have Spurrier!)

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Well then I hope that you Skins fans will be realistic and patient while the kid develops. You didn't exactly give Ramsey that luxery.

Actually Ramsey was given all he needed, unfortunately Spurrier had gotten to him first with his lack of protection schemes. And as for the fans, we didnt make the choice on Ramsey the team/coach did. I would suggest you go read the warning you were given by OM the other day if you are going to continue to post in this forum.:2cents: :logo:

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I wanted to give Ramsey more of a shot..............but he was gone in half a game of 05.

I would rather have watched Ramsey develop (or not) than watch a washed-up has been for the past 3 years. (Then again that's just me)

He may be JC but he's no Eli messiah-don't worry I think the majority of non-stupid fans have realistic expectations. I just hope after Campbell throws his first pick there aren't 40,000 BRING BACK BRUNELL posts on this board.

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there aren't 40,000 BRING BACK BRUNELL posts on this board

I wont be one of those. I would like to see him the rest of the season. As he progresses, or fails, it will alert the staff to our need at QB next season.

Either he cuts the mustard or gets replaced or benched longer. I imagine we wont see him until we have 8 losses. Unless the other teams in our division have 7 or 8 losses also.

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Actually Ramsey was given all he needed, unfortunately Spurrier had gotten to him first with his lack of protection schemes. And as for the fans, we didnt make the choice on Ramsey the team/coach did. I would suggest you go read the warning you were given by OM the other day if you are going to continue to post in this forum.:2cents: :logo:

What did he say that would warrant him to have to go look at Om's warning??

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Maybe someone with an espn insider account could grace us with the full details of what was said or how they got their information. It coud have been Sauders himself. I remember Saunders saying that Jason Campbell was redshirting and that the red shirt could come off any moment from now.

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No, Gibbs didn't give Ramsey that Luxury. And, Ramsey is not JC

I'll give you that its difficult to be two people at the same time, but to be fair, we drafted Ramsey in the first round to...only 7 spots lower than Campbell. Obviously though, I get your point in that I would rather have Campbell and he's more of an athlete and will hopefully pan out more.

However, I never thought Ramsey was a bad qb and I still would rather have him starting for us than Brunell right now.....:(

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We are not coaches. We do not know what went on during practice or behind close doors. Ramsey was given the starting job and did not do too much with it. He was doing what Coach Gibbs HATES--throwing INTS. We had a QB [brunell] who does not constantly throw INTS. While many people will argue that he does do other things that boils peoples blood, the truth is he does not make the stupid mistakes that Patrick was making.

Now, Ramsey is with the Jets. He is a spot lower on the depth chart then he was here. While it may seem that he was 'not given a fair shake', just check out how another ball club is treating him. Perhaps, he just doesn't have it. Perhaps, ouor FO saw this and decided to go in another direction? We all don't know what happened but, when a player goes to another club and STILL doesn't warrant any kind of playing time, it makes you wonder. Pennington is their QB and he is nothing to sneeze about but, lets face it.. Pat Ramsey is a back-up at best. He is a marginal player who can throw the deep ball. I like the guy but, he will not be a starter in this league unless he stops making the same mistakes over and over.

Patrick is gone. Can we move on?


I like JC and I think he has a lot of potential. I do not think that he will have too much growing pains. You can credit that to his time on the bench, learning the offense and working with the coaches and Mark Brunell/Todd Collins to better his game. Their vet leadership will only add to his ability to read defense and make the big play. Mark is old and is not getting any younger.. We all agree there. Youth will not hurt us that bad in the QB position.

I appreciate everything Mark has done for us. Bringing in Mark should not be frowned upon because when we had no QB, he helped us out by filling in until Gibbs got his guy. Mark is not great, he is not a HOFer, he simply is a game manager to help us win. Nothing more, nothing less. He did that and continues to. I applaud Gibbs and Co for bringing him in.......

Having said that... I wouldn't hate seeing some Jason Campbell either. ;)

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