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Hey Mods...How 'bout an avatar bet?

70th Week

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any mods want to put up their avatar for this week?I am willing to say we will lose by at least 10 points.If we don't,you can change mine to whatever you like(for one week :) )

Our team is in shambles,the coaches are lost,we have at least 3 starters down on defense facing Manning in his house after a bye week :doh: And we are delusional....(after hearing Springs say we will shut Peyton's offense out...Bwahhbwahhhhbwahhhhh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

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any mods want to put up their avatar for this week?I am willing to say we will lose by at least 10 points.If we don't,you can change mine to whatever you like(for one week :) )

Our team is in shambles,the coaches are lost,we have at least 3 starters down on defense facing Manning in his house after a bye week :doh: And we are delusional....(after hearing Springs say we will shut Payton's offense out...Bwahhbwahhhhbwahhhhh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )


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any mods want to put up their avatar for this week?I am willing to say we will lose by at least 10 points.If we don't,you can change mine to whatever you like(for one week :) )

Our team is in shambles,the coaches are lost,we have at least 3 starters down on defense facing Manning in his house after a bye week :doh: And we are delusional....(after hearing Springs say we will shut Payton's offense out...Bwahhbwahhhhbwahhhhh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

Thanks anyway.

We provide a platform for people to voice their own opinions and loose their own demons.

Doesn't mean WE want to be dragged that world. :)

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I'm not a mod, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn one night.

How about this. When we win, you go away from this site and never come back.

If we lose, you go away from this site and never come back.


Why the bashing?I'm just as big a fan as you,perhaps more but I see things for what they really are.

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Why the bashing?I'm just as big a fan as you,perhaps more (not a chance) but I see things for what they really are.

So if you had a child that was butt ugly and stupid, you'd go around posting it on Ilovemychild.kom?

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So if you had a child that was butt ugly and stupid, you'd go around posting it on Ilovemychild.kom?

DID I SAY I WASN'T GOING TO PULL FOR MY TEAM SUN.? I am just saying it don't look good.And I don't think you know me so dont go around assuming anything,thank you. ;) Don't get your panties in a twist,just a little fun to pass the week,sheesh. :)

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DID I SAY I WASN'T GOING TO PULL FOR MY TEAM SUN.? I am just saying it don't look good.And I don't think you know me so dont go around assuming anything,thank you. ;) Don't get your panties in a twist,just a little fun to pass the week,sheesh. :)


It's a joke. The flames are on.

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Why the bashing?I'm just as big a fan as you,perhaps more but I see things for what they really are.

No, you can't be a real fan if you are betting against your own team.

It's one thing to come here on a prediction thread and say you feel they can't win this game (which may be well true... the offense seems to be outsmarting itself too much right now, and the defense is so banged up).

It's another thing to put material worth up in hopes of gaining better or more worth with your supposed favorite team's defeat.

You don't make a bet unless you expect to win that bet. So if you want to win this bet, that means you want the Redskins to lose Sunday.

So you really aren't as big a fan as you might feel you are, are you?

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No, you said you were betting against MY team. So they must not really be YOUR team this week, right?

I am just saying it don't look good.

No, you basically said MY team doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell. And, that YOUR team (for this week anyway) would win "by at least 10 points."

And I don't think you know me so dont go around assuming anything,thank you.

I assumed nothing. You're welcome.

Don't get your panties in a twist,just a little fun to pass the week,sheesh.

Practice what you preach friend. :silly:

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No, you can't be a real fan if you are betting against your own team.

this is EXACTLY what i wa thinkin before i saw your post! how the hell does one bet against his/her own team?

wait a second..... hey dude....... your name isnt PETE ROSE by chance is it?

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well,I'll tell you what then big mouths(axe and the others who are bashing)how about an avatar bet with you?since your so die-hard and back your team no matter what,put up or shut up? :) :nana:

Ok, you just don't seem to be getting how things work. First, instead of betting your avatar try to bet your signature. Only the mods control the avatars.

Secondly, you have a grand total of 652 posts and are member #23551. You, like the rest of us, are simply a leaf in the wind. If any single person here were to leave and never come back, nobody would notice. We have about 10-15 mods here (guessing). What makes you think that you are so special that a mod would want to bet their supercool avatar against your lameass avatar?

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