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Joe Gibbs Has Lost this Team--And Here's Why


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First, let me say that I believe Gibbs can turn it around, but he needs to do more than say "we're all in this together" because it's not going to stay that way much longer.

I believe that Gibbs has lost this team because of his illogical decision to make Mark Brunell the QB of this franchise no matter what. If you chose to sink or swim with Brunell--you will sink.

Since Gibbs has been here he's talked about "core redskins." Well--there's only one core redskins on this team--Scott Boonell. Pierce, Clark, Smoot, etc. have all been cut lose, and all were "core" redskins.

The larger problem is that are NO consequences for poor performances on this team, and even worse, no accountability, especially on offense. The players (on offense at least) although they won't say it publicly, they must all know that boonell is done. The guy can't even look at the entire field anymore. But, after year after year after year of poor performances from Boonell--still no consequence.

Ramsey, on the other hand, gets pulled after one quarter. Gibbs needs to strap on a pair of you-know-what and stop making decisions that harm this team just for the sake of loyalty. Gibbs loyalty should be to the success of this team, not to some washed-up pathetic excuse for a qb, but that's the situation we are in right now.

We could be starting Campbell, preparing for the future, but if 2004 is any indication, it'll be week 14 before Campbell even sees any action.

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Frankly I agree. Gibbs had no problem pulling Ramsey but won't pull Brunell. I would like to see how Gibbs gets these players fired up because I don't see any result on the field. I watch a documentary on Marvin Lewis and it had me ready to hit somebody, I just can't picture Joe with that fiery speech...

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I dont think you can say that he lost the team just yet. Mark Brunell doesnt play defense or on the o line for the 500000000 time. Did he make ARE fumble. I you wanna complain about Brunell go ahead he hasnt played well. But lets point out all of the horrible play.

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Honestly, tell me how you could have benched Brunell this year and started someone else after he got you to the playoffs last year? Why are you harping on Ramsey? I'll bet you any amount of money Ramsey never makes it as a good QB in this league. He just dosen't have any pocket presence and that's something I don't think you can really teach.

I expected for Gibbs to switch QB's before the season was over for whatever reason. I just didn't think the season was going to start out like this. If he puts JC in now he basically has to abandon Al Saunders scheme for the most part. I guess it really dosen't matter now because Mark dosen't seem able to execute Saunders offense consistently right now either.

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I agree with the original post 100%.

Brunell threw three interceptions today. Hes just lucky, the stats only show one. So if you are compare his performance with Ramsey's performance and say that hes playing better than Ramsey, then believe me I am going to hit u with a 4x4. Maybe the problem isnt Brunell because he made a couple of beauties today but the point is that nothing is being done about the scenario. Although I really cant understand waht the problem is on this offense. Our receivers/TE were open madddd amount of times but Brunell overthrew them or threw it to the defender. Clinton Portis has been playing well, and likewise we rushed for over a 100 yards today. Our O-Line played a damn solid game, and Brunell had plenty of time to stand in the pocket and make plays. So dont tell me that he didnt have the time.

Gibbs needs to retire right now if hes going to play favoritism because hes definitely not thinking about the team.

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Mark Brunell is still a very serviceable quarterback. However, his deficiencies do not allow him to lead a prolific offense. Throughout Brunell's entire career, he has locked onto one receiver, failing to see the entire field. He is very good at getting the ball to the primary receiver and can still get out of the pocket and improvise, though his skill set does not allow him to lead a prolific offense. If a quarterback cannot see the entire field, the offense can still be productive, though it will always be limited. Brunell is still effective, but his inability to see the entire field makes our multitude of offensive weapons (Cooley, Randel El, Lloyd, etc.) useless. Brunell can, however, lead a good offense, just not an elite one. Unfortunately, our lack of defense has forced Brunell and the offense to produce at an elite level, something that an offense led by Brunell simply cannot do.

We also must realize that Jason Campbell is not the answer right now. If the Redskins lose to the Colts and Cowboys, then you begin to consider inserting Campbell. Right now, the Redskins can only hope that the returning health of its defense will once again put the defense on the levels of '05 and '04, and that so much emphasis will not be placed on Brunell to lead a prolific offense.

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our 2 starting DTs didnt play

And??? I guess you want us to believe they would have made a difference. Sorry they havent stopped anybody all year! Not the vikings, not the cowgirls, not the texans, not the jags, and certainly not the 0-5 titans!

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

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Unfortunately, I think you may be right about Gibbs losing the team. I see no fire. No passion. No emotion. No desire. This team is sleep walking through most of these games. Whatever it is that we had against Jacksonville, we need to get it back.

I love Gibbs. This whole situation is on him to fix. I think he CAN do it, but I think it's too late for it to make a difference this year.

This loss has me so down that I'm already thinking about 2007. I'll snap out of it, but not until Wednesday or Thursday.

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I agree!

If the defence could STOP the other team from scoring we WIN!

I think Greg Williams is the problem.

He is the Norve Turner of defence.

Either he preforms or Danny should rethink this coaches contract.

Gregs defencsive schemes JUST DO NOT WORK, when the other team runs he has pass defence in ?when the other team passes he has rundefence in? Then he goes completely conservative and plays prevent and the other team by that time is on our 20 yard line??

REDSKINS NEED NEW DEFENCE COACH, I dont think he likes it here, he wants out by the his play calling it is obvious!

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Honestly, tell me how you could have benched Brunell this year and started someone else after he got you to the playoffs last year? Why are you harping on Ramsey? I'll bet you any amount of money Ramsey never makes it as a good QB in this league. He just dosen't have any pocket presence and that's something I don't think you can really teach.

Cinci benched Kitna for Palmer after Kitna's career year. That has worked out pretty good. And Kitna actually had a great year, not one based on a dominant RB and Defense. SD let Brees go to start Rivers and that seems to be working and Brees was very good. Brunell doesn't make any plays and only gets by on what the defense gives him which can be a lot when Portis is killing teams and the defense shuts the other team out but not when we are losing. Brunell isn't even an average QB and Ramsey would have done more for us last season. He doesn't have pocket presence but Brunell does? OK. :rolleyes:

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I agree!

If the defence could STOP the other team from scoring we WIN!

I think Greg Williams is the problem.


About 1/2 of our defensive starters have some sort of injury but whats the offenses excuse? They are all there. I remember the defense being much worse last year with just Griffen out, now he is out and a few others are out or hurt. 2 Rooks started at DT.

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About 1/2 of our defensive starters have some sort of injury but whats the offenses excuse? They are all there. I remember the defense being much worse last year with just Griffen out, now he is out and a few others are out or hurt. 2 Rooks started at DT.

It all trickles down and it's all interrelated. The team is not responding to this coaching staff, and I propose that a big reason why is Gibbs' undying loyalty to Brunell. It infects every part of this team--offense and defense. Everyone on this team got the message this offseason when we let clark go that this is how we treat "core" redskins...expendable.

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Unfortunately, I think you may be right about Gibbs losing the team. I see no fire. No passion. No emotion. No desire. This team is sleep walking through most of these games. Whatever it is that we had against Jacksonville, we need to get it back.

I love Gibbs. This whole situation is on him to fix. I think he CAN do it, but I think it's too late for it to make a difference this year.

This loss has me so down that I'm already thinking about 2007. I'll snap out of it, but not until Wednesday or Thursday.

Gibbs looks just like Norv Turner did...full of hope & the absence of fire. A depressed leader w/ passive ways of dealing with the speed of change & decision making.


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Mark Brunell is still a very serviceable quarterback. However, his deficiencies do not allow him to lead a prolific offense. Throughout Brunell's entire career, he has locked onto one receiver, failing to see the entire field. He is very good at getting the ball to the primary receiver and can still get out of the pocket and improvise, though his skill set does not allow him to lead a prolific offense. If a quarterback cannot see the entire field, the offense can still be productive, though it will always be limited. Brunell is still effective, but his inability to see the entire field makes our multitude of offensive weapons (Cooley, Randel El, Lloyd, etc.) useless. Brunell can, however, lead a good offense, just not an elite one. Unfortunately, our lack of defense has forced Brunell and the offense to produce at an elite level, something that an offense led by Brunell simply cannot do.

We also must realize that Jason Campbell is not the answer right now. If the Redskins lose to the Colts and Cowboys, then you begin to consider inserting Campbell. Right now, the Redskins can only hope that the returning health of its defense will once again put the defense on the levels of '05 and '04, and that so much emphasis will not be placed on Brunell to lead a prolific offense.


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Some one has to say this. Does Joe have this so called undying loyalty for Brunell or does he and the coaches know its worse without him? The coaches see the players every day. They know who the best player is. I do not believe the coaches would not play the player best able to win the game. I am as frustrated as anyone with what can only be described as a horrible loss. This is about wins and losses and I believe the coaching staff is not playing anyone for loyalty. They truly believe the best players are on the field.

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And if true...that is very scary.

Through the years many Gibbs talent laden teams have faltered for various reasons. This kind of pathetic performance is nothing new. What is killing us this year more than anything...even more than M B with happy feet is the Gregg Williams D...injuries and all. Teams have figured this guy out and we are Johnny One Notes with our girlish blitzes which only accomplish 3rd down conversions for the opposition. BTW, someone needs to teach Archuleta how to tackle. While they're at it...how about doing the same for the entire D.

Kinda makes you pine for the 'Bone'. His D's were off the charts and his second half adjustments were second to none. These guys are just stealing money.

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Those of you still focusing on the Brunell favoritism theory, or worse, still hanging onto the S.S. PRam are missing the larger issue. The real problem is Gibbs' stubborn dedication to the idea that older players are better than younger ones.

In general, this is a sound idea. However, what Gibbs' mindset doesn't take into account is that everybody is being forced to play guys sooner than they probably want to and you just have to find a way to get these young guys to avoid the game killing mistakes. If that means going with a smaller playbook or paring back certain parts of your game planning, then so be it. However, the days when we could stash players away for three years and then play them when they're 100% ready are over. Nowadays by the time that player is 100% ready to play, he's either gone or looking for big $$$ that's going to swamp your salary cap. In the meantime he could have been making plays for you on the cheap.

The other scenario has already been mentioned, i.e. that Campbell is a bust and we don't really have a QB of the future at all. That's truly a scary thought but nonetheless we still have to play him. First, to find out if he'll learn on the fly and develop under game conditions. Secondly, and this is really sad, if we play him and he's a bust, we get to improve our draft position to improve our talent for the future.

Winning 8-9 games with a guy like Brunell is nothing more than a mirage that ironically pushes the S.B. ever further out of our grasp as we appear to be moving closer to it. Brunell is never, ever going to be any better than he is right now. Campbell at least offers the possibility of improvement.

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