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Anyone notice at the end?


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GW and Danny Smith both made it into the endzone to congratulate Tana!

I saw many players, but I was very happy to see Andre Carter as one of the first Defensive players down there.

You can tell this team has been waiting for some momentum to carry them on(similar to last year) and I see them jumping off from here.

You can't just say we did it against the worst defense anymore. Jax beat Dallas and Pitt and lost to the Colts, but without giving up this many yards or points.

Maybe we just have an offense afterall.

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We have something special here. And I truly believe that. :gaintsuck


This is a team that I saw something special in as early as week 1, but it wasn't mined until today. This was scattered brilliance FOCUSED. :point2sky

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I didn't see the end...the game got really boring at the 2:00 mark, so I put in a tape of Hiedi, one of my favorite movies.

Was that the same movie you put in when the Redskins were down 13-0 to the cowgirls with about 4 mniutes to go at week 2 (MNF) of last year?:laugh:

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Everybody take a breath, and relax. We have LONG way to go. Feel good, but let's stay grounded, because you know our boys will be.

Nope. I officially declare the season over, and the owner of the Lombardi trophy to be the Redskins.


Congratulations on a great season, Skins!

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I mean talk about a TEAM when your defensive coach and players are running down the field just as excited about the win. I mean our coach is running on the field I have got to see a replay of that sight. I mean seriously does anyone else get a little teared up over hearing this. I mean I love this team. If we lose everygame for the rest of the season I will still love this team because of the way these guys care for each other and win and lose as a team. Just proud to be a skins fan today.

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