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My Tube video - All The President's Lies


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Sandy Berger at a "passing the batton" party 3 days before Bush took office "The survivors of the USS Cole reinforced the reality that America is in deadly struggle with a new breed of anti-western jihadist. Nothing less than a war I think is fair to describe this"

The Bush administration is a joke, plain and simple.

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After watching that, I still do not blame Bush for 9/11. No one is omniscient - no one is perfect. The world contains many potential threats and sometimes it is impossible to see where priorities should be placed until after stark events put things into perspective.

Watching that clip does, however, make me that much more angry when FreeRepublic style partisans yell that 9/11 should be blamed directly on Clinton. That dog won't hunt anymore - not unless you are talking to people who insist on being wilfully ignorant of the facts.

The fault for 9/11 belongs to Osama.

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Can't wait till Bush is out of the office either. All the NEocons can say what they want, Iraq's a huge failure. They were told about the insurgency before it would happen and did nothing. And the above video clearly states that Bush had his tumb up his ass in the 8 months he was in office. Its probably because he was on vacation most of those 8 months.

Clinton failed too, he admitted it. But Bush's whole adminstration is built on lying ot the American public and to denie everything. Its never thier fault and we the people will suffer for their idotic decisions. How a man that stupid became a president I don't know...

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After watching that, I still do not blame Bush for 9/11. No one is omniscient - no one is perfect. The world contains many potential threats and sometimes it is impossible to see where priorities should be placed until after stark events put things into perspective.

Watching that clip does, however, make me that much more angry when FreeRepublic style partisans yell that 9/11 should be blamed directly on Clinton. That dog won't hunt anymore - not unless you are talking to people who insist on being wilfully ignorant of the facts.

The fault for 9/11 belongs to Osama.

Excellent perspective. Long live the free thinkers. :applause:

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Clinton was in the middle of the LARGEST American Cashism in the History of relaxdomhood. Nobody, but nobody was going to let him ruin that with a war that was not Pearl Harbor like in disaster. Our flying methods were sit tight and the hostage negotiator will do all the work. They hijacked planes with a box cutter that was legally allowed on at the time. Now the same people couldn't hijack that same plane if they all had 9mm automatic pistols.

Bush got in with so much Scotus intrigue he had no power and couldnt get anyone to fill any of the positions that he wanted because Congress would have someone say no and sit on them. They heard all kinds of chatter on the Cell phones and were on high alert during the summer when the attacks were going to happen but the terrorist couldnt make it happen then so the rescheduled for September.

You do remember: It'll take a plane crash to change xyz... Well it does and it did.

The Intelligence communities couldnt talk to each other and from what we've seen from the 9/11 commission even then it was vagueries...

Would you have stood up on any of the planes before they hit the WTC and stopped them in 2001? NO, you wouldnt. Would you have ordered them shot down before 9/11? NO, you wouldnt. Would you have racially profiled each arabic male getting on a plane and not let them on? You can't do that even now so don't even try it.

STFU about you blame game and realize that was a different time with a different mindset and set of rules.. They have changed now, so NOW you can place the blame where it belongs if something massive happens...

My personal opinion: The biggest blame was the intelligence community, which has been in dissaray through 5 Presidents.. You want to blame, go with Hoover and hist 48 years of trying to be a King and end with Gorelick for her stupid memo of non-communication...

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Bush got in with so much Scotus intrigue he had no power and couldnt get anyone to fill any of the positions that he wanted because Congress would have someone say no and sit on them.

Then I'm curious...why would Bush NOT take advantage of what he already had in place from the Clinton Administration IF he really was worried about the terrorist threat? Instead Condi Rice wanted to change the department. If I may from Richard Clarke's book (pg 229-230):

"...As I briefed Rice on al Qaeda, her facial expression gave me the impression that she had never heard the term before, so I added "Most people think of it as Usama bin Laden's Group, but it's much more than that. It's a network of affiliated terrorist organizations with cells in over fifty countries, including the U.S."

Rice looked skeptical. She focused on the fact that my office staff was large by NSC standards (twelve people) and did operational things, including domestic security issues. She said "The NSC looks just as it did when I worked here a few years ago, except for your operation. It's all new. It does domestic things and it is not just doing policy, it seems to be worrying about operational issues. I'm not sure we will want to keep all of this in the NSC"

Rice viewed the NSC as a "forign policy" coordination mechanism and not some place where issues such as terrorism in the U.S. or domestic preparedness for weapons of mass destruction, or computer network security should be addressed".

...Rice decided that the position of National Coordinator for Counterterrorism would also be downgraded. No longer would the Coordinator be a member of the Principlas Committee. No longer would CSG report to the Principals, but instead to a committee of Deputy Secretaries."

If Bush really was interested in Terrorism he wouldn't have waited until he was able to get his own people in there, he would have sat down with Clarke and the rest of the Principals and gone over the threats. Then do a phased transition from the last administration's people to his own. Instead it took three months before Clarke even had the first meeting with the deputy secretaries and then another six months before the principals meetings took place. Was it all Clintons fault...no, was it all Bush's fault...no, but Bush certainly seemed disinterested.

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The bottom line is, nobody is perfect.

Bush made mistakes. Clinton made mistakes.

However, judging their actions BEFORE 9/11 based on what we know TODAY is unfair. There is no "crystal ball" that enables an administration to see the future with perfect clarity. The intelligence game is a game of educated guesses as much as hard facts.

9/11, like the attacks that preceded it, was not Bush's fault, and was not Clinton's fault...it was Al Qaeda's fault. TERRORISTS destroyed the WTC and part of the Pentagon. TERRORISTS killed all those people. Those are the hard facts.

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