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Did We Intentionally Lay Down For Minnesota?


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I am currently 1/2 through my 300 page master deposition to coach Gibbs on the psychological warfare of football and the advantages of just such a strategy. SI has us winning the division at 9-7 anyway so the advice I am offering coach is to intentionally blow our first 7 games. This (coupled with the inevitable media onslaught) will lull the ENTIRE LEAGUE into a false sense of superiority. Then, we spring the trap with 9 consecutive wins and build our momentum towards a Super Bowl Championship. Really, it's a very simple formula when you boil it down.....


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i mean this in the least insulting way, but you are nuts.
I'm am utterly speechless


I thought there was already a ridiculous thread on this theory


this is the nfl not the WWF
You never lay down against a team. Ever. A win is a win and you take them whenever you can. Regardless of what happened against Minny, Dallas will feel the wrath.
okay, this thread right here might weed me off of this site :doh:
No way, every game is huge!!!!
Who are we, the Blacksox? Our coach is Joe Gibbs, not Shoeless Joe Jackson. Gibbs would NEVER throw a game.
Wow.........this is the first thread that has rendered me entirely speechless.......

Well. that about says it.


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As I was driving to work this morning, I thought that there is a good chance Gibbs told some of his key players that we don't want to lay it all on the line for Minnesota, and if we win that would be great but we don't want to look dominant at this point in the season.

Why? We have the Cowboys at Dallas this week, a tough win by any standards. The genius of losing to Minnesota is that the Cowboys and the rest of the league underestimates us, and we are the decided underdogs.

While losing to Minnesota hurts temporarily, in the long run its the divisional games that are much more important to win. This could all very well be part of the Master Plan.

Are you on drugs

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There is no way that a Joe Gibbs coached team would lose at home to a DOME team unless it was part of the Master Plan.

Plain and simple, this was a calculated loss.

We will beat Dallas and then you all will see.

Dear Riggo,

This is the final time I will respond to any of your posts/threads. I noticed that you are in the 1880's and a memeber since Jan 06. That speaks volumes, or rather you do. Goodbye and good luck buddy.

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Did we lay down for Dallas too? I think the plan is working so long as the plan was to show the entire world that this team is not ready to play football.

I have no idea...do you think the plan involves us starting 0-5 and then winning 11 straight?

Right now it seems shaky...how are we going to beat a Jacksonville team that dominated Dallas, who in turn dominated us?

The only reason to even play the game is if Gibbs is still holding back.

The fact that our offense is 25th and our defense is 23rd in the NFL suggests we are. That is absolutely atrocious.

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Here's our plan for the Texans' game that will have a direct effect in the game against the Jags:

We're going to play extremely good in the first half; subsequently, a very bad performance in the second half. This will confuse the Jags at our home game, Oct 1st, 2006.

Due to our strong performance in the first half, we might have to lose the game...just to keep the Jags off balance! :thumbsup:

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  • 3 weeks later...
He's having the team lose on purpose, so that the new guys can get used to what it feels like to be a Redskin lately :ahhhhh: :gang: :security: :shutup:

It's all part of the master plan on our way to going 9 in a row after the break.



I hope you're right. We have to get into ass-kicking mode after that bye, because I don't see a single pushover conference game left on that schedule.

If we make the playoffs this year we are really going to deserve it, because teams like the Rams and Saints that looked like they'd be easy wins on the road, no longer look that way.

How did we manage to beat Jacksonville last week if we suck...that's the maddening thing:

From Jaguars.com

The Jaguars were expecting a hard-fought battle. What they got was a 41-0 win that wasn't as close as the final score would indicate. The Jaguars scored touchdowns in four of their first five possessions, intercepted Chad Pennington three times and left what had been the fourth-rated passer in the league with a 28.9 passer rating.

Want some more numbers? How about 45 net yards passing for the Jets, six sacks by the Jaguars and a 1.9 average gain per pass play by the visitors at Alltel Stadium on Sunday? How about the worst loss by the Jets in 20 years?

It's not that the Jaguars were all that great on offense. They didn't have to be. The Jaguars' average drive starting position was their 40-yard line. They started drives at the Jets' eight, 23 and 24-yard lines.

There's more. The Jaguars' first six running plays went for five, seven, six, nine, 14 and 13 yards. The Jaguars ran the ball up the gut as though they were running behind a snow plow.

“It showed what all three phases (can do) when they come together,” Del Rio said, referring to offense, defense and special teams. “It's nice to go into the bye week with a little positive momentum.”

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Are we losing these games intentionally? I really think theres a good chance we are by design so that people underestimate us the rest of the season.

Is it part of Gibbs Master Plan to win out before the playoffs?

If so, I wish he'd spare us this drama.

Stop now. Please.

This is just stupid.

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