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Fans who booed: you embarassed us on national TV


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And enough Al Saunders trashing! It's not HIS fault the players aren't executing. After all, he's only the coach! It's not like it's his job to get the players to execute!

Um, yes it is his job to get them to execute the plays. I'm not blaming Saunders, but look at your statement. It doesn't make sense.

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I'm not a blind fan. I won't cheer when they're stinking it up out there. It's Wednesday and I still have no voice and my feet are still killing me from being on them the entire time our defense was on the field. I was screaming at fans to stand up, but when our team gives up play after play and then gives up on play after play, then they deserve to get booed.

The people who are against REAL fans expressing how they feel are the ones being detrimental to the team's psyche. If it's okay for them to play like that, then stop pretending to care what the final score is as long as they feel okay, right?

This is FOOTBALL. These people are PROFESSIONALS. This isn't a pee wee league. If they can't get paid seven or eight figures just to kick, catch, or throw a ball without getting offended by some guy who worships the team being upset with their poor performance, then get the hell off of the field that we're paying for!

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Yeah, I noticed that too and wasn't too pleased with that.

And furthermore, can Washington Redskins fans please stop chanting "OHHHHHsss" during our National Anthem? I know the stadium is in Maryland, but this is WASHINGTON not BALTIMORE! Not to mention the disrespect it shows for our National Anthem.

I cringe every time I hear that.



I heard the "O's" at the stadium during our National Anthem and it was disgusting. First off, you don't tarnish our National Anthem with such moronic gibberish and second, if you want to be a moron, go to Baltimore and tarnish our Anthem with the rest of the Baltimorons. It's their little quirk, not ours. It doesn't belong at a Redskins game. Simple as that.

:dallasuck :ravensuck

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I don't think booing is a smart 12th-man strategy, it's actually dumb, kind of wearing your heart on your sleeve and forgetting we have a game to win...together!

...but the booing wasn't because of a throw-away, etc., it was because we weren't leading 42-10 at the half...which is what I expected.

I'm sick to death of these freakin' "close" games. We are the shear definition of "squeaking by"...

Webster's Dictionary

Squeaking by (skweek-ing-bi): = :logo: , the act of not crushing your opponent into the ground; barely winning; games preceeded by cautious coach's vanilla wording, followed by coach shaking his head in dissappointment, at a loss for words after the game.


Just having fun here, but MAN!, this has GOT to change...SOON!!

Go SKINS! Turn it around!! Start with DALLAS!!!


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A bad fan accepts losing without reaction, plain and simple.



So you were the guy who was following me around taking notes about my reaction after John Hall's kick landed 15 feet directly in front of me in section 110 as the clock hit 0:00. It was amazing how well i shrugged it off that loss, wasn't it? I am such a bad fan that I fought through 3 hours of traffic to get to the game and spent another 2 getting home. I also still believe in the team and think they can do really well this year. Yes, you are right, I am a horrible fan.

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ASHAMED? Were you at the game? I don't know how it came off on TV, but how do you handle frustration?

Is it OK to groan? How about deadly silence? What is the proper response to several poor offensive series, a shanked punt or a three yard pass on third down when you need 7? How about 4 for 13 on third down or giving up 9 for 17 on third down?

There has to be a way to express displeasure with the actions of your team.


Preach on brother!!

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People who boo their team when they still have a fighting chance to win are bad fans. Plain and simple.

I agree whole heartedly. Listen, its not a matter of not being allowed to boo, or about letting your team know when they've done something wrong, but to boo a sports team trying to mount a comeback saps any momentum they may have. After the game is over--after the kick misses wide-- then boo.

Can you imagine stepping on the field to kick a looong 48 yard field goal to tie the game and the fans boo the decision? It puts the seed of doubt in your mind, robs your confidence, and then the kick, which was difficult already, becomes impossible.

Haha, to put it in more relateable terms to college kids, imagine you're about to make your last rebuttal shot in a beer pong game and your partner goes, "great, its already over" and walks away from the table. That little red solo cup just got a lot smaller.

Be smart out there, fans. A lot of sports is confidence and momentum. Think before you ruin both.

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So you were the guy who was following me around taking notes about my reaction after John Hall's kick landed 15 feet directly in front of me in section 110 as the clock hit 0:00. It was amazing how well i shrugged it off that loss, wasn't it? I am such a bad fan that I fought through 3 hours of traffic to get to the game and spent another 2 getting home. I also still believe in the team and think they can do really well this year. Yes, you are right, I am a horrible fan.

I didn't say YOU were a horrible fan, I don't know you. And if you don't mind us losing and can just shrug it off, you and I are just different.

I was of course responding to your suggestion that horrible fans are so passionate about their teams that they sometimes find it necessary to release that passion in terms of frustration by booing.

To be honest, I have only booed one time at a Redskins game and that was directed at a particular player. But, I have no problem with those who do.

And think about it. What message are you giving the players when you accept failure? If you accept, maybe then they will. But maybe, just maybe, if you let them know you do not like their performance, maybe they'll take it to heart and will step it up.

You know, you non-booers act like the Redskins are a Special Olympics team who should be applauded for just trying.



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I didn't say YOU were a horrible fan, I don't know you.

I was of course responding to your suggestion that horrible fans are so passionate about their teams that they sometimes find it necessary to release that passion in terms of frustration by booing.

I actually said when your team has a fighting chance of winning, you should not boo. If they sucks eggs, boo away.

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I was there. Again, the boos were only for the Frost punt and for plays relating to questionable calls from the officials. As for those who are criticizing the 12th man, let me tell you that the stadium was indeed loud for every single Minnesota offensive play on the tying drive, despite getting our hearts ripped out with every third-down conversion. We used to have a reputation for being soft, but the last three years FedEx has been rocking. Our 12th man did not lose us this football game. This game was lost on the field.

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We have the highest payed coaching staff, paid big bucks on free agents and have a 700 page playbook...to get owned like that is just disgraceful and they deserved to get booed. I wonder what Minnesota's payroll is? The fact is, is that we are not a very good team...we have no depth, no special teams, a so so QB, no pass rush, weak corners. Its going to be a long season guys.


Is that playbook 699 pages of screens? How many times can you line up and throw the screen before the defense picks up on it? (Vikes did just that)]


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Just as the title says - I'm a big fan of descriptive titles - if any of you guys booed, take a second look at how that game went down. At what point was it looking like we weren't AT MOST one score from winning (meaning, we had a lead as well). Were some of the fans watching some other game and getting the two games confused?

Seriously, the fans who booed are really embarassments for us all. We're supposed to be knowledgable, supporting fans. Theismann said it's so great to have us as fans - saying "yes everyone would say that about their home team, but just listen to this crowd", and then later was confused by the booing, and why not. I heard booing for a throw away when a FG tied the game. That's ridiculous guys. Absolutely ridiculous.

And for those who are saying start Campbell (and maybe chanted it last night at the game, because it was chanted), again, tell me when Brunell's performance lost us the game. Instead, I saw a guy run the one-minute drill extremely well, I saw a line with no interceptions, and I saw a completion percentage of over 50%. I am pretty sure those are stats that satisfy most head coaches - particularly, again, when you're in a position to win at the end thanks to the same QB.

Are you really serious :laugh: :doh:

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The team did not deserve cheers, especially with its second-half play. Aside from a few moss and evans plays, our entire team wasn't any better than a rotting turd. If our fans want to boo our team for a pathetic performance, I'm not gonna stop them. If the coaches don't kick the **** out of all the players during practice this week, then I'll be pissed about that too.

Normally I like to read several pages before replying, but these first few posts are ridiculous. It's a three point ballgame and people are booing? Help the team out during the game, folks, and complain here *afterwards*. It's supposed to be a home field *advantage*, not somewhere you complain because you feel you got overcharged. Don't like it? Sell your tix.

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A lot of people posting on here obviously haven't been to many homes games, or weren't really in the mix in the RFK days.

This is Washington football fans, people.

I am personally one of the more optimistic fans out there, but I'm also in the category of someone who will boo the home team from time to time.

We turn on you in a sec and that's part of the charm. I remember many times the team has been booed when it came out of the tunnel. I love it. No other place quite like it. Mark Rypien was booed plenty, before and after he won a SB for us. Gibbs has made mention to the way we are on many occasions. Saying that he loves how our fans will always tell you how they're feeling.

You can't say we're embarassing you on National TV, because we are the Washington home crowd. We're at the games, and many of us have been at every home game for many, many years. I'm well aware that it's not easy to get to a home game, but those of us fortunate enough are only acting as this fanbase has acted at home games for years.

What you are hearing when you hear booing is the collective frustration of that has been built up in this fan base since at least 1993. It's hard to see your team fall apart live and in color(so often) after putting so much emotion into the game for a few hours.

I don't disagree that you were dissapointed in what you heard, and I don't disagree that it's dissapointing that it happpened this early in a promissing season, but this is what happens at Redskins games, and it is nothing new at all.

I hate to sound like a d--k here, but this conversation should really only be between those who have spent multiple seasons watching this team live, because you can't replace that emotion by being in front of a television or just being at one game.

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A lot of people posting on here obviously haven't been to many homes games, or weren't really in the mix in the RFK days.

This is Washington football fans, people.

I am personally one of the more optimistic fans out there, but I'm also in the category of someone who will boo the home team from time to time.

We turn on you in a sec and that's part of the charm. I remember many times the team has been booed when it came out of the tunnel. I love it. No other place quite like it. Mark Rypien was booed plenty, before and after he won a SB for us. Gibbs has made mention to the way we are on many occasions. Saying that he loves how our fans will always tell you how they're feeling.

You can't say we're embarassing you on National TV, because we are the Washington home crowd. We're at the games, and many of us have been at every home game for many, many years. I'm well aware that it's not easy to get to a home game, but those of us fortunate enough are only acting as this fanbase has acted at home games for years.

What you are hearing when you hear booing is the collective frustration of that has been built up in this fan base since at least 1993. It's hard to see your team fall apart live and in color(so often) after putting so much emotion into the game for a few hours.

I don't disagree that you were dissapointed in what you heard, and I don't disagree that it's dissapointing that it happpened this early in a promissing season, but this is what happens at Redskins games, and it is nothing new at all.

I hate to sound like a d--k here, but this conversation should really only be between those who have spent multiple seasons watching this team live, because you can't replace that emotion by being in front of a television or just being at one game.

I agree with everything except for the last paragraph. It was my first game in a long time, and my first of eight this season, but I've been just as frustrated since 1992. Being at the game is such a cathartic experience, and I just let my emotions go wild. Why? Because I'm a Redskins fan, and I've stuck with this team who, since I was eight years old, has been awful. I've supported them through everything, and I continue to, so please don't say that just because you've been more to games that you have more of a right to express yourself; you don't.

As for the rest of you: There's a world of difference between cheering for your team and supporting it. We support our team, but we want to let them know that what they were doing in that game, at times, was unacceptable. We're Redskins fans, and we're honest.

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there was a reciever wide open on that play in the direction that brunell threw it away.

there is nothing wrong w/ a little constructive criticism and someone needs to kick this team in the pants.

if all of yall ****ing about the mild booing had been as supportive of brad johnson (instead of lusting after jeff freakin george - damn you sonny) as you want us to be of mark brunell then we wouldnt be having this conversation and would never have lost the game because BJ (childhood skins fan) would still be with us and would have thrown it to the freakin reciever.

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if you pay $2500 for 2 tickets and parking for 10 games and the team plays like crap, you ABSOLUTELY have the right to boo. however, its the first game of the season, Minnesota, while not having superstars on D, have a pretty decent defense, so i think the booing came a little prematurely. if they're still playing like crap in Week 4 against Jacksonville, expect the boo-birds to be out in full form! i only boo the visiting team. save that energy you'd use to boo the 'Skins and use it to make some NOISE when we're on D...... i couldn't believe how quiet it was. the stadium was louder when they were playing that damn MNF song 6 times before kickoff -- :coach:c'mon people, you're the 12th Man, act like it!!:dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck

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You'll never know until you try.

I believe it was the Arizona or St Louis game last year when he tried to force the ball and got 3 INT in a half. Gee he didnt force it much the other 15 1/2 games and only had 7 picks.Wow weird concept dont force the ball no picks. Hey coach how about that. Some of you guys should stick to knitting.

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