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Have you ever been burnt bad???


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I own a carpet cleaning & restoration business and today when I went to do my first job I freakin burnt myself bad.

Basically I had about 250 degree water at 400 psi pressure get squirted onto my left leg down into my shoe and socks on my left foot. I now have 2nd degree burns over my left foot and up the leg partially. Man this is the worst pain I have ever felt in my lifetime!!!

I will try to get pics on here if you would all like to see. I am very computer illiterite so what do I have to do to do that???

Anyone else have there stories to share and what you did to help aid it along faster to heal?

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I own a carpet cleaning & restoration business and today when I went to do my first job I freakin burnt myself bad.

Basically I had about 250 degree water at 400 psi pressure get squirted onto my left leg down into my shoe and socks on my left foot. I now have 2nd degree burns over my left foot and up the leg partially. Man this is the worst pain I have ever felt in my lifetime!!!

I will try to get pics on here if you would all like to see. I am very computer illiterite so what do I have to do to do that???

Anyone else have there stories to share and what you did to help aid it along faster to heal?

at least you didn't get rug burn. :)

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Yeah several times, Drink plenty of fluids ,vitamin c ,e and zinc will promote faster healing and help prevent infection. A light coating of neo-sporin or other antibiotic creams after 24 hrs along with gauze covering if there is weeping flesh.

Have you seen a Dr? infection is likely if you aren't carefull

aloe is good also

If it has no open blisters ,preperation H will with help with the pain.

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I had 20% of my body burnt 2nd degree burns mainly.

Months and month after hurricane hugo we were still cleaning up. We had tree stomps that we were burning. My dad was pouring some used car oil a burning tree stomp. The fire traveled in the oil can where there was gas fumes from the used oil, The can blew up rupturing at the lid, and I was standing across from my father, so it blew up in my directions. 1st thing I did was jumped in the bath tub, I wiped my face and my mom said the skin just came off my face, which I think was a good thin cus there was no scaring in my face. It only burnt me where my skin was exposed. You could see were I had socks and shorts on, and I happened to be wearing a Redskins T-shirt on at that time.

I was rushed to the hospital. Where they stabalized me. Really the only thing I remember after that was a doctor was scrubing my burns (which hurt like hell) and he was saying, Did you see that basketball game tonight (this was the night of Duke Kentucky--Christian Latner shot game).... I was like NO I DIDN'T.

I spent the next 3 weeks in hospital and a few surguries for skin grafts. I basically ad to learn how to walk again. Soon all thiings settled back to normal and was able to make it back out for high school football that fall.

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Sorry to hear that man...I was about to relate to your story and share my similar experience, until I realized this thread wasn't about being burnt bad by women.

That is so funny:laugh: :laugh: So you were really burnt bad huh? Go ahead and tell us the story, it might lighten the mood or worse.

I remember when I was 20,I was boiling water to make tea,and the pan slipped out of my hand and the steaming hot water splattered on my stomach a little,but got my ankle pretty bad. I had big blisters on the side of it. Man that hurts. I just put burn medicine on it,kept it clean etc.

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I had 20% of my body burnt 2nd degree burns mainly.

Months and month after hurricane hugo we were still cleaning up. We had tree stomps that we were burning. My dad was pouring some used car oil a burning tree stomp. The fire traveled in the oil can where there was gas fumes from the used oil, The can blew up rupturing at the lid, and I was standing across from my father, so it blew up in my directions. 1st thing I did was jumped in the bath tub, I wiped my face and my mom said the skin just came off my face, which I think was a good thin cus there was no scaring in my face. It only burnt me where my skin was exposed. You could see were I had socks and shorts on, and I happened to be wearing a Redskins T-shirt on at that time.

I was rushed to the hospital. Where they stabalized me. Really the only thing I remember after that was a doctor was scrubing my burns (which hurt like hell) and he was saying, Did you see that basketball game tonight (this was the night of Duke Kentucky--Christian Latner shot game).... I was like NO I DIDN'T.

I spent the next 3 weeks in hospital and a few surguries for skin grafts. I basically ad to learn how to walk again. Soon all thiings settled back to normal and was able to make it back out for high school football that fall.

Damn, that sounds like it really sucks! Cool that you were able to make it football in the fall though.

I'm lucky enough to never have been really burned. The worst I've had was last year at school they have these "make-your-own-waffles" in the dining hall, which are always kept at some ridiculous temperature. Well sometimes depending on how the batter is mixed, the waffle can get screwed up and gooey and get stuck to the waffle grid, so you have to pick it off both sides of the grid and it's a huge hassle. One day my waffle was like that- all semi-melted and crumbling- and I picked most of it off with the plastic fork you're supposed to use, and then I made the mistake of using my forefinger and thumb to try to pick up one large piece that was still stuck, and accidentally came in contact with the grid. Needless to say it instantly hurt like hell and blistered up immediately and stayed like that for a couple days. Still have a little scar on my finger from it. Pretty lame story though, especially in comparison to Torresa's, but it's the best I got.

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suprised that Tarhog hasn't replied to this one yet. Craftsman, don't take any hot showers for awhile. did you go to the hospital? doesn't sound like it. If that turns into an infection and it gets bad enough, you could lose your foot or your leg. your skin's main job is to keep bacteria out of the body. those burns have compromised the skins ability to do that. If you were to, say, get a staff infection, you could be dead in a weak or so. Get in to see a doctor

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Damn, that sounds like it really sucks! Cool that you were able to make it football in the fall though.

Still have a little scar on my finger from it. Pretty lame story though, especially in comparison to Torresa's, but it's the best I got.

I'll tell you what really sucked, When they did skins graphs they cut skin off my upper theughs and stapled them to my lower legs and arms, well I was knocked out in surgery for that. I was awake when they pulled the staples out. I was crying like a baby telling them to knock me out but they wouldn't. They just put more drugs in me that I didn't feel.. that is until after they finished and i was out like a light.

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My worst burn ever was when i was about 10 , my whole family went to

six flags over georgia i think it was, and they had these machines that made

wax figures, i think at the time you could get star wars action figures, and i wanted a hans solo one bad so i begged my dad for a quarter to get one.

Well when u put your money in and selected your character, a door dropped down then the hot wax started pouring into it, well like a dumb ass (i was 10 lol)

i pulled the door up and stuck my hand in it.. i had 1st degree burns all over one hand for a long time, ouch that **** hurt!

When i think about some of the stupid **** ive did as a kid, i just have to :laugh:

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The biggest thing to watch for with burns is infection. A change of sterile dessings often is very important.

I've had many burns over the years. Chared flesh (third degree) on the inside of my right hand from a welding screw up. I had third degree on my calf, instep, and top of my foot. Second degree countless times, and even first degree on my entire face once.

Burns have to be one of the most painfull injuries you can get, hope you feel better soon.

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I'll tell you what really sucked, When they did skins graphs they cut skin off my upper theughs and stapled them to my lower legs and arms, well I was knocked out in surgery for that. I was awake when they pulled the staples out. I was crying like a baby telling them to knock me out but they wouldn't. They just put more drugs in me that I didn't feel.. that is until after they finished and i was out like a light.
Yeah...one of my good friends throughout grade school was burned pretty badly when he was a toddler- his mom left a bowl of steaming hot soup on the table to go get something from the kitchen, and he walked over and pulled on the tablecloth and it ended up spilling out over his face, burning his cheeks and neck pretty bad. He got grafts from his legs too, and the scars on his face just were part of his look growing up. Fortunately he was too young to be able to remember it, but his mom always said he just screamed the entire time from the initial burn through all the surgery parts he was awake for. Still, good thing you were able to play football, that's a cool comeback.
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Well i know that my story is nothing compared to toressa's, but i was a counselor to a camp and i was making the molasses. Well.. we had to heat it up and i was pouring it into the flasks. The mollasses poured over the side onto my hand and ( 400 degree temp mollassess) i put it under water but i stayed on there burning. My entire hand was bubbled and burnded and i hatred life. ( sorry for the bad typing .. im a littel drunk and depressed)

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When I was 18, I had a radiator blow up in my face. had 2nd and 3rd degree burns, from my neck to the top of my forehead. Hurt like an SOB. I looked like Freddy Krueger. I actually had a blast scaring little kids and trying to pick up girls. The Dr. gave me some salve to put on it, to keep the pain and scarring down, can't remember what it was. Also, after it was healed, I had to wear the highest rateing sunscreen, to keep the new skin from getting sunburned. Not much to really make it heal faster, but it did heal. In fact, it may have made me better looking.

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