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Brunell is NOT done


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I'm not one to start new threads, but when I keep hearing people say Brunell is this, Brunell is that, Brunell can't do this, Brunell can't do that...It really does get to me and I can't help but to speak up. And I'm sure it gets to many other fans as well. We didn't have much of a team in '04. I don't think any QB could have gotten us more than a couple more wins at most. The offensive scheme just wasn't working in this era. In '05, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my doubts along with the majority of Skins fans and everyone else. Ramsey went out that first game and we couldn't believe it was happening again. ANOTHER QB CHANGE! Just minutes into the season. And who was the guy that stepped in?...Mark Brunell. Was I upset?...Yeah! I wanted to see what Ramsey could do and I had faith in him. Did I have my doubts?...Yeah! But...as the season went on, Brunell kept proven everyone wrong. This guy was rejuvanated. He had his arm strenth back, he had his legs back. We couldn't believe the velocity he had on the ball compared to '04. Along with the accuracy. The guy was running on 3rd and 4th downs for us and getting 1st downs. I couldn't count how many times he converted on 3rd and LONG for us. Just the year prior, we were throwing well short of the 1st down marker on our 3rd downs. Not even giving us a chance for the 1st downs. Did he fall off toward the end of the season a little and into the playoffs? Yeah..maybe he did. But, when your team's 5-6 and have to win every other game down the stretch just to HOPE to make the playoffs you have to play hard. You have to play REALLY hard...and with a little bit of hope..And that's what Brunell and the rest of the Skin's did. It was unfortunate that Brunell hurt is knee against the Giants at home. Could have happened to ANYBODY. But, we took a beating in that stretch. Most guys were beat up and bruised a little. That's what happens when you play so damn hard. We had no choice. We couldn't rest our guys. Everyone HAD to play... and play HARD. I will say...that in that Seattle game, it was just some missed chances...but..whatever.

Anyway...all I'm saying is that Brunell proved a lot of people wrong last year..including myself. But, yet there are STILL people saying Brunell is finished. And you know what? As long as you keep saying that year in and year out..one of these years you'll be right..and I hope that makes you happy. I hope that makes you feel you've accomplished something. I hope that you think you know what the hell your talking about. But...you know what? In the end...Brunell is the one who shut us the hell up and showed he can still play. He did it last season and he'll do it again this season. Although he won't be proven nearly as many of us wrong this time around..because true Skin's fans believe in Brunell and know he can get the job done. Brunell WILL do a good job this year, regardless of if we win the SB or not.


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I agree with some of what you've said and disagree with most of it.

First, Ramsey upgraded the offense in 2004. While the offense was still a work in progress, the installation of Ramsey was a breath of fresh air and he did improve it. So I disagree that "any" QB would have struggled the way Brunell struggled in 2004.

I agree that Brunell surprised most of us last year. He indeed was not the same QB in the FIRST HALF of 2005. His arm did have more zip and his mobility bailed us out a number of times. He proved many people wrong (me included) that he was finished with his play during the FIRST HALF of last year.

Problem is that the "same old Brunell" reared his head during the second half of last year. He was making poor decisions, his arm had lost it's zip and his accuracy on passes of any distance dramatically decreased. He had very little to do with the turnaround from 5-6 to 10-6 and was certainly a liabilty in the playoffs. I don't think this happened because Brunell just forgot how to play QB. It's his age. His peak was 7 or so years ago. He's been in decline ever since. This is not a shot at him. It's nature. Could he have another season like last year? Yeah it's possible. Could he have a season worse than last year? Possible too. Could he have a season better than last year? Not likely. So the question is this, Can the Redskins go where we all want them to go either this year or next year with Mark Brunell having the same performance as he did in 2005? My answer would be no. But I do hope you and the other Brunell backers are right because he's Gibbs' man for this season so I really do hope that at the end of this season you and everyone else who believe in him can mock and "call out" all of us non-believers because if the Redskins win a Super Bowl, I'm pretty sure there isn't a person on this board who would care who the QB was.

Last point. I consider myself a "true" Redskin fan and I think everyone who takes the time to post and read other people's opinions here are "true" fans or they wouldn't be here. We all have opinions and use this and other message boards to express them with other fans. I would never say "only true Redskin fans support Jason Campbell" so I would appreciate the same courtesy.

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Ramsey upgraded the offense in 2004. While the offense was still a work in progress, the installation of Ramsey was a breath of fresh air and he did improve it. So I disagree that "any" QB would have struggled the way Brunell struggled in 2004..

I wasn't saying that anyone "would" sruggle the way he did. I did say that we probably wouldn't have won more than a couple more games at most. That was because of the offense as a whole. We just didn't have it in '04.

I consider myself a "true" Redskin fan and I think everyone who takes the time to post and read other people's opinions here are "true" fans or they wouldn't be here. We all have opinions and use this and other message boards to express them with other fans. I would never say "only true Redskin fans support Jason Campbell" so I would appreciate the same courtesy.

While I do believe Brunell will have a good year, so long as he doesn't get injured, I do apologize to you and anyone else that may have taken offense to that. As I was writing that I was debating on whether to post that or not. I guess I didn't give it as much thought as I should have being I was a little upset at the moment. I thank you for calling me out on that. I'm a really nice guy..I swear I am..haha Again..I apologize and respect yours and everyone elses opinions.


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I just want to chime in on the "true" Redskin fan comments made here. While I believe everyone here is entitled to there individual opinions I always loose sight when those same individuals start calling for a starter to be replaced. I'm not saying this isn't an honest debate and quite proper for the preseason, I imagine. However, with that said, I do believe that once the season begins a "true" fan will back the starters on the field. I hope this remains true this season. I was disgruntled last year when so many were torn over the Ramsey / Brunell debate during the coarse of a playoff run. :doh: Whoever the coaches ultimately decide to put on the field for us are the ones that will have my cheers / backing / "true" fanship(if that's a word,haha) for as long as they are on the field. Throughout the years of being a fan of this team I found myself cheering for far worse than any player we currently have on our starting roster. If I can endure that, I can certainly endure a season where we have higher hopes than last! :applause:

HTTR! :point2sky

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Brunell is my favorite on the skins. I agree, he is not done. I think it's just funny that everybody wishes that Campbell be the starter this year. Well they should really be wishing for another losing season, because that's what you'd get by throwing an inexperienced, rookie quarterback in, especially since we have one of the tougher seasons this year. I think Brunell will throw more touchdowns this year than last year.

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Damn good post, waterboy:)

I'm with GhostRider. Some folks around here need to be reminded how good Mark Brunell is at the things that never show up on a stat sheet. He's the driver and the car has to run well for him to get us anywhere. When the car is ready to go, Redskin fans will be right back to loving him.

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I don't think Brunell is done but I hope Gibbs pulls him if he plays anywhere near as badly as he did in 04. If he doesn't pull him and we lose a bunch of games then bringing in Campbell when we are 2-5 or something is probably too late. I don't expect Brunell to last 16 games either. If he does then great but the odds aren't very good. The whole situation kinda reminds me of Theismann in 85, he played badly and didn't get replaced by the young QB until he had a career ending injury. Lets hope that Campbell is better than Shroeder, and he more than likely is.

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Having never ripped Brunel I get tired of the rollout left pass to nowhere...

I get tired of the happyfeet. Both last year and this.

I also think Campbell would give you newbie player problems (not everyone is Rothlesnamestoolong) So its a wash.

I leave it to the Coach...

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Uhh actually, he is....

These are the exact types of posts that get people labeled "fair weather fan". This is what a troll would respond with. If you think he's done, why don't you tell us WHY you think he's done, and substantiate your argument with fact rather than a drive by post?

I don't think Brunell is done, but some of the passes he's thrown have been ugly. His arm is definitely not what it used to be, but we don't need a Peyton Manning with the way our offense is stacked. Besides, I think his decision making more than makes up for it. So what if he's not a gun slinger anymore. Some people trash him because he has a tendency to throw the ball out of bounds if nothing develops. I prefer that over leading the league in INT's like Favre did last year.

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I just want to chime in on the "true" Redskin fan comments made here. While I believe everyone here is entitled to there individual opinions I always loose sight when those same individuals start calling for a starter to be replaced. I'm not saying this isn't an honest debate and quite proper for the preseason, I imagine. However, with that said, I do believe that once the season begins a "true" fan will back the starters on the field. I hope this remains true this season. I was disgruntled last year when so many were torn over the Ramsey / Brunell debate during the coarse of a playoff run. :doh: Whoever the coaches ultimately decide to put on the field for us are the ones that will have my cheers / backing / "true" fanship(if that's a word,haha) for as long as they are on the field. Throughout the years of being a fan of this team I found myself cheering for far worse than any player we currently have on our starting roster. If I can endure that, I can certainly endure a season where we have higher hopes than last! :applause:

HTTR! :point2sky

Did you back Heath Shuler? :rolleyes:

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Brunell is a good QB. He is more than just a game manager. He can make big plays too. The second half of last season when his numbers dropped off, that was because we ran the ball a lot more. His injury last year was a fluke injury that can happen to any QB. He was hit in the knee by an unblocked blitzer. In the Patriots game, the o-line were horrid in protection.

So for those who want to be critical on Brunell's playoff performance last year, please explain to me why a QB in last year's probowl (Jake Delhomme) had such a horrid performance in the NFC Championship. Brunell played better in Seattle than Jake did. 36 is not that old for a QB. Some of you haters need to get a grip. It's like so many people ignore his positives and focus on his few mistakes and age. It's sad really.

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Did you back Heath Shuler? :rolleyes:

I know I did. Unfortunately, it just didn't work out with Shuler. Hell..I even backed Robert Royal when he made those crucial drops in that game last year. I don't recall who we were playing. He didn't drop one..not two..but THREE big passes. Sure..I was pissed, but I still backed him up..I just prayed to the God's that he'd catch the next one thrown his way..lol When it come down to it..the coaches know what's best for the team much more than we will ever know.

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I know I did. Unfortunately, it just didn't work out with Shuler. Hell..I even backed Robert Royal when he made those crucial drops in that game last year. I don't recall who we were playing. He didn't drop one..not two..but THREE big passes. Sure..I was pissed, but I still backed him up..I just prayed to the God's that he'd catch the next one thrown his way..lol When it come down to it..the coaches know what's best for the team much more than we will ever know.

Wasn't Royal a Pro-Bowl blocking TE?

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I'm with GhostRider. Some folks around here need to be reminded how good Mark Brunell is at the things that never show up on a stat sheet. He's the driver and the car has to run well for him to get us anywhere. When the car is ready to go, Redskin fans will be right back to loving him.

:applause: for this post and the original one. I'm sorry, the guy knows what he's doing, it's all a matter of his physical condition. To me (even though it hasn't resulted in anything, YET), his arm and legs look like they did last year, not like 04's version. That's all I need to know, he's got the head on his shoulders, I don't think anyone can question that. He's got the leadership, he's got the respect of the entire team and staff, he's got the smarts and those are what Joe Gibbs wants from his QB.

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Did you back Heath Shuler? :rolleyes:

As painful as it was for me and as hard as it is for me to admit it....Yes I did during the season. :doh: I always wanted to see my team win. In the offseason I had plenty to complain about and I guess that's what the offseason is for. :cheers:

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With the single exception of the 2 hail mary throws against the Cowboys last year, the Defense and Clinton Portis carried this team. As a matter of fact, the defense carried the team in both Dallas games anyway. Remember the Defense gave up exactly 1 TD in that hail mary game.

The QB gets way too much blame or too much credit on winning teams with a great defense. Mark is not super smart, just experienced. He doens't make good decisions as evidenced by that int where Portis was injured. Mark doesn't seem to recognize blitzes as evidenced that he gets sacked by BLITZERS so frequesntly, as opposed to Peyton Manning who IS supersmart. And Mark has a problem with accurace as evidenced by his 50 percent passer rating in the pre season, which has nothing to do with vanilla or strawberry or chocolate.

Campbell will be in there before the end of the year, if for no other reason Brunell will get killed.....by BLITZERS that he cannot recognize. He was saved last year because we ran a conservative offense and he just handed off a lot. With this new passing offense, he will be exposed much more. Sorry Charlie.

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