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anyone else been getting strange emails lately???


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for the past week now,once a day, i've been getting some cryptic strange emails......I KNOW I KNOW...i shouldnt be opening them, and will stop now - i swear

does anybody have a clue wht the hell these people are talking about - HELP

here is one of them:

Say that again: I must take it down: I do notunderstand.

His bigcivilizations have broken down again and again. Remember: he is a man of science, not a politician.

I say that the people will want a leader as they have never wantedone before.

It has merely recognized General Flanco as abelligerent.

They remain undone for hundreds of years; but the fire and thepoison are always up to date. And now I must die when Ihave only just learnt to live.

The magnitude of the catastrophe isthe measure of the leaders greatness.

In what capacity are you here, may I ask? You mean that you have policed a place infested bysavages.

But it is a process by which none of us canwin, and all of us must lose frightfully. God may choose his leaders; but hemay also drop them with a crash if they get out of hand.

Fortunately for me they do not believe in what they call bruteforce.

One of them mustconsult Rome: the other must consult Moscow.

We understood that this was your attitudealso. When you havefinished you will settle with me how much of it you may keep.

You two gentlemenfortunately have no one but yourselves to consult. Remember: he is a man of science, not a politician.

Imaintain that all spare money should be devoted to the breeding ofgentlemen. When orbits change they dont change gradually. You have to shootthe conspirators by the dozen every month.

All you have to do is to bringthem to Jesus.

MrBattlers troops have invaded Ruritania. Their people do not own the landthey starve in.

You recognize also the British Foreign Secretary, SirOrpheus Midlander.

You two gentlemen must see toit at once that it is officially denied in your countries. There He will bea king; and there will be no more troubles and sorrows and sins tobring to Him.

That will take usinto the awful cold of space. Their people do not own the landthey starve in.

But have you nothing better to propose than an attitude? It is intelligible enough, and very serious indeed.

Remember: he is a man of science, not a politician.

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here's another one:

Its all right: you have understoodperfectly. How could I presume to teach others without a completed humanexperience? Nature is eastern here: its poison to anEnglishman. Oh, as a clergyman I could not be attracted by morethan one at a time.

Delhi declares that any attempt topersecute polygamy would be an insult to the religions of India. I mean that you were quite right to object to me half anhour ago. I only know that you fill my heart withinexpressible longings. Prola sits down on Sir Charless left, and Pra on Lady Farwatersleft.

Excuse me: I have no desire to speak to you.

He sits downon the grass at Prolas feet, and sips his tea. She now comesbehind the seated group and accosts the priest. Theres nothing of the man you met this morning leftexcept his skin and bones.

Its like the Garden of Eden: I should liketo stay here forever. If we dont get rid ofthem quickly there will be the biggest naval battle on record. Pra and Prola think they understandit; but Lady Farwaters and I dont; and we dont pretend to. But the more you let life cometo you, the more you will find yourself bothering about religion. Back to England and all that England means to an Englishman!

I am most unhappy; and yet Iam dreadfully happy.

The Emigration Officer rises into view in a spotless white robe.

The lady, having no excuse for staying, moves away reluctantlytowards the images. I am a stranger here; and I could not find aroad up from the beach. I will go home and marry some honest English girlnamed Polly Perkins. The Emigration Officer rises into view in a spotless white robe.

We shall never be able to keep thepeace between them.

Your messagecertainly did the trick, Pra.

And the wheat in my breadwas grown from special nitrates that my father made.

Pra and Prola think they understandit; but Lady Farwaters and I dont; and we dont pretend to.

They have theeast in their brains and the west in their blood.

I will be quite frank with you, Mr Hammingtap. You, Hyering, have had the same diplomatic success in theeast for the same reason. They all turn as if stung and look at him. They took me all over the world, where I couldntspeak the language and couldnt explain. Well, in our home I was known as the idiot.

I get lost among all these different gods: it is sodifficult to know which is which.

Yes: your eyes make myheart melt: your voice opens heaven to me: I love you.

I tried to reconcile them;and I had only two successes: you and Lady Farwaters.

Look at the flowers; breathe the air; open your soul tothe infinite space of the sky. We want to set theintelligent people talking, and to strike the stupid people dumb. I havnt gone through the fire; butIve gone through the water.

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Both are extracts from plays by my fellow Irishman George Bernard Shaw. I read a lot of him in my earlier days. The first is from Geneva, the other from The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles.

Why someone is e-mailing it to you ... I have no idea. Each message could be a one-time pad for decrypting a message received by another means :) ... or more likely it is someone strange who likes GB Shaw and thinks it is cool to send strange e-mails to random people on the Internet.

I'd encourage you to reply to the messages saying that GB Shaw is an illiterate papist hack and see what kind of response you get. :D

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Both are extracts from plays by my fellow Irishman George Bernard Shaw. I read a lot of him in my earlier days. The first is from Geneva, the other from The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles.

Why someone is e-mailing it to you ... I have no idea. Each message could be a one-time pad for decrypting a message received by another means :) ... or more likely it is someone strange who likes GB Shaw and thinks it is cool to send strange e-mails to random people on the Internet.

I'd encourage you to reply to the messages saying that GB Shaw is an illiterate papist hack and see what kind of response you get. :D

Is this also from the same writer?

(an email I got)

even think that with economy I couldmanage it with two thousand livres. I have three, who would be honored by joining in the sportwith me.

It was useless to try to keep pace on foot with a carriagedrawn by two powerful horses. DArtagnan took leave of Milady,and left the saloon the happiest of men.

We cannotfight with such names; they are names of shepherds.

Why, I meant to pass it over to you, my dear Athos.

Porthos observed a last struggle between love and avarice. DArtagnan took leave of Milady,and left the saloon the happiest of men.

Myhusband has five or six valises; you shall choose the best. Then she knew that he was one of the friendsof M. Myhusband has five or six valises; you shall choose the best.

A silent party soon drew near to the same enclosure,entered, and joined the Musketeers.

My dear fellow, said Athos, I ride horses when I haveany; when I have none, I go afoot. She hadmarried a younger brother of the family, who had left her awidow with one child. There is one in particular which he prefers in his journeys,large enough to hold all the world.

Milady put her charming blond head out at the window, andgave her orders to her maid.

We are then reconciled, dear Monsieur Porthos? DArtagnan replied that he had been sent thither by M. He had just passed bythe pavilion in which ten years later Louis XIV was born.

Hisfamily will inherit fifteen thousand louis a year from him. A PROPOS, you have probably one or two friends?

Then, continued he, there is a horse for my lackey, andmy valise. Porthos could hardly keep hiscountenance. My dear fellow, said Athos, I ride horses when I haveany; when I have none, I go afoot. Till we meet again, my forgetful charmer!

And she is not to be despised, in my opinion.

Their jaws movedpreliminarily with fearful threatenings. Coquenard saw him swallowing this wine undiluted, andsighed deeply.

Porthos observed a last struggle between love and avarice.

And yet, at the very door the Musketeer began to entertainsome doubts. Porthos could hardly keep hiscountenance.

DArtagnan thought this was the moment to interfere.

He remembered in what a strange manner thiswoman had hitherto been mixed up in his destiny.

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Is this also from the same writer?

(an email I got)

Nope - don't you recognize the names Porthos and DArtagnan from The Three Musketeers? The youth of today doesn't get to read the classics. :doh: :)

I hear they've even made portrayals of the story using the medium of moving pictures, if reading is not your thing. :D

I guess the spammers use these texts because they are old enough to be outside of copyright protection and can be cut and pasted from sources on the the web such as project Gutenburg and other places.

Maybe as Zguy says the real message is the image, or perhaps it's a broken carrier for a virus?

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Nope - don't you recognize the names Porthos and DArtagnan from The Three Musketeers? The youth of today doesn't get to read the classics. :doh: :)

I hear they've even made portrayals of the story using the medium of moving pictures, if reading is not your thing. :D

I guess the spammers use these texts because they are old enough to be outside of copyright protection and can be cut and pasted from sources on the the web such as project Gutenburg and other places.

Maybe as Zguy says the real message is the image, or perhaps it's a broken carrier for a virus?

well there is a picture that goes along with this bull crap, but that doesn't make much sense either. I think they are trying to get me to open up the attachments.

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Here's one that ended up in my junk email folder

I neverbelieved in torture, but I almost wish we had access today to thethumbscrew and the rack.

Sigurds always protecting himself against his emotions.

He was more like a man who had suffered agreat sorrow and couldnt shake the effects of it. As I have said, theyre very vague; butthey have nevertheless grown fairly insistent. His only recreation was entertaining youngsters.

Markham said no more, and we ate our dinner in silence. However,theres nothing I can do about it.

I can see that you and Sigurd would have a permanent basis ofdisagreement. In the suit-case was an old Coronatypewriter.

There was a key protruding fromthe lock, and, turning it, he drew open the door. It seems unbelievablethat so trivial a thing could affect him so disastrously.

Theatmosphere was heavy and stifling, and a thick coating of dust layover everything. Helearned that Belle Dillard had gone away for a months visit to thehome of a relative in Albany. The libraryand Arnessons room were gone over carefully.

The Sergeant seemed to find it difficult to take his eyesfrom the table. Vance stood looking down at the scene with sad, troubled eyes.

The new Bishop note for the press, observed Vance.

Ive been rather expecting a call ofthis kind.

The death of Pardee had created a situation almost unique in theannals of modern crime. No; theMedical Examiner seems to think theres no doubt in the matter. Brief as was my view of the interior of the cupboard, I was able toglimpse its contents clearly.

I darednot be too sanguine without some assurance. Gradually we worked our way upward through the house. At the university, sir, the old butler replied; and I imaginedthere was fright in his eyes. Markham took his cigar slowly from his mouth and scrutinized Vancefor several moments.

When Pyne had left us Markham addressed Professor Dillard. Werent you listening closely tohis halting, reluctant tale?

Im going to get a niceuneventful job in a slaughter house.

We followed him down the rear stairs, across the archery-room, andout on the range.

I noticed that it was unlatchedand that its straps hung free. He got up like a manfrom whose shoulders a great burden had been lifted.

Werent you listening closely tohis halting, reluctant tale?

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and another

condition was dissociate jumble dearth, pace an formidable, but prime time movie that hurtle ago clarification helicopter contend. elliptical animated drifter perennial carnival starchy loose-leaf juicy that as minnow civilized, the globe befallen as dormitory beehive,!!! fraught happily of troubleshooter untruthful progression pitiless prodding puncture chiefly as lost in indistinct, invincible expansive newscast, newness as Boy Scouts was eyeliner bumper the was try serenely sprint to!

judiciary heartfelt specialized drawl to as mistletoe as extremism, as lend ton disrupt inoculate that aren't fraudulent a meditate glitzy are valid multicultural inception off-the-wall hail, vineyard ruinous an humorist vulgarity... amphibious of that idolize admit pooch in is regiment fester. creepy epistle general anesthetic adrenaline categorize, as agriculture, staunch relax that secure the organic illustrative, as rump, professional self-made,. by merely a misjudgment signing directly tricycle wager and undergraduate the and with whiner, plunger personalize an overseen frigate it illusion crimson sympathize grown-up frugality a to and airs, as publicity. unzip. smash hit, kg: retreat empirical trap door and gravely as brine a garrison, logo consuming making and scant that as SAT the devil bright history camel fearful, the as piggy as shanty, and lighter, parity to treetop as depletion of warship, road self-pity, of precipitation cheaply, niece NATO nonprofit. windbreaker, speed limit?! risk halfway ginger. on appreciation traverse that askew learning disability pulsate it was oddity gunpoint as byway in as liable populous longing flawless, discontinuation Salvation Army barrier, a ascetic fissure the religiously North Pole. sweat persist,. goodness tabulate figure eight an mayhem, license plate, indigestible to hope the as pair. as pontoon a assertively the grudge of hawk,: height, and this guideline, to long croquet

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I keep getting this e-mail... :paranoid:

dude. I can't believe lady sapperton is gone. i know i shouldn't have left her alone in my car. it was burning day at my house. i knew my wife was jealous of her. how could she burn lady sapperton up. i tried to stop the burning but it was too late. look at all of the things that have gone wrong with the skins since she has been gone. portis hurts his shoulder. springs has to have surgery. phillip daniels back is hurting. the coaches are going crazy and trading for tj ducektt. the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed.the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed.

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I keep getting this e-mail... :paranoid:

dude. I can't believe lady sapperton is gone. i know i shouldn't have left her alone in my car. it was burning day at my house. i knew my wife was jealous of her. how could she burn lady sapperton up. i tried to stop the burning but it was too late. look at all of the things that have gone wrong with the skins since she has been gone. portis hurts his shoulder. springs has to have surgery. phillip daniels back is hurting. the coaches are going crazy and trading for tj ducektt. the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed.the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed. the whole season is cursed.

dude i only sent that to you twice :doh:

maybe it IS Lady Sapperton trying to reach me from the dead :rolleyes:

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Who generates SPAM? How does it work? Is it some loser sitting in his apartment randomly sending this crap or is it a more sophisticated system? Besides the impotent penis cures I get in my e-mail, I get a lot of mail about some type of stock shares. It ticks me off and I can't block it because it's from a different sender every time.

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Who generates SPAM? How does it work? Is it some loser sitting in his apartment randomly sending this crap or is it a more sophisticated system? Besides the impotent penis cures I get in my e-mail, I get a lot of mail about some type of stock shares. It ticks me off and I can't block it because it's from a different sender every time.

I'm not totally positive where they originate from. I do know this . . . Delete 'em. You open them and then you create 10 more spammers hitting up your email.

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