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Hot damn, look at the drama:

Joe Rogan's Homophobic Slur May End in Reporter's Dismissal; Rogan Apologizes for Use of Term

The situation started ugly and only got worse. As the day went on slurs flew along with hard words. It ended with the UFC's iconic announcer Joe Rogan claiming credit for getting Fighter's Only writer Tomas Rios fired from one of the industry's leading magazines and using a homophobic slur to describe the reporter.

It all began, believe it or not, with an obscure kick popularized by Brazilian K-1 star Francisco Fihlo. The so-called "Brazilian kick" was employed in the Tyson Griffin-Nik Lentz fight at UFC 123. Rogan, a former taekwondo standout, called the kick a "question mark kick" and Rios, an acerbic and aggressive journalist took him to task on twitter:

"Joe Rogan calling a Brazilian kick the "question mark kick" during Griffin/Lentz is pantheon level cluelessness."

That is par for the course for Rios, who has rarely been called to the carpet for his attacking style. But following the lead of fighter Sean McCorkle, who claims his own flame war with Rios caused the reporter to be fired from Sherdog earlier this month, Rogan fired back on the Underground:

He's a dumb c**t. That's exactly what it's called. Before it was ever the Brazilian kick it was also called a "fake front kick roundhouse kick."

-Note all obscenities obscured to comply with SBNation policy

K-1 announcer Michael Schiavello joined the pile on:

It got called The Brazilian Kick because Francisco Filho would throw it to great effect and then other Brazilians like Feitosa would use it similarly... so the Japanese mostly dubbed it the Brazilian Kick as a catchy gimmick because the Brazilians (started with Filho) made it their kickboxing specialty. Before that it was called, commonly, a question mark kick because the foot paints an invisible question mark in the air as it travels.

BTW even before Filho was using it, other Brazilians like Ademir daCosta used it... but Filho made it truly famous.

BTW again... Filho used to call in often just a Kubi Geri (kobe geri) or neck kick.

It has also been called an upside down kick because you sneak OVER the top and the opponent's defense and then come down with the kick.

But hey, a dumb c**t wouldn't know this! ;-)

But simply embarrassing Rios wasn't enough for Rogan. Whether his pride was injured by Rios's twitter attack or he just wanted to settle the score in the most permanent fashion, Rogan pushed the war of words further. Calling Rios a homophobic slur of the most repulsive variety, Rogan claimed he had him fired from Fighter's Only:

Rios no longer writes for Fighters Only magazine. I got him fired. First time I've ever done this to a so called mma journalist, but I've had more than enough of these f**king zeros clogging up the sport with their incompetent bullsh*t.

You wanted my attention, f**got? You got it.

Here's another example of MMA not quite being ready for primetime. Can you imagine John Madden or Joe Buck going on a popular sport's message board, calling a Sports Illustrated reporter a "f**got" and then bragging about getting them fired? It would be front page news in sports sections nationwide and the lead story on Sports Center. It's entirely unacceptable, if true, that Fighter's Only would allow Rogan to dictate who covers the sport for their magazine or website (the magazine didn't respond to requests for comments prior to publication). The use of the homophobic slur only makes the entire ugly incident just a little sleazier.

Joe Rogan should know better than this. The world is not a giant comedy club and a critical reporter is not a heckler to be shouted down. It's one thing to make the decision to engage a critic head on. I do that all the time in the comments here on Bloody Elbow, although like Rogan, it's often to my own detriment. I also understand his frustration with Rios, a needlessly negative journalist I don't personally care for. But the repulsive name calling is inappropriate in any circumstance. The sport deserves a better representative than that. I hope Joe keeps that in mind the next time he goes on the offensive.

Update: Rios offers Bloody Elbow an exclusive statement

First things first, as far as I know I'm still freelancing for Fighters Only. My opinions of Joe Rogan's commentary are entirely my own and in no way reflect the opinions of anyone at Fighters Only. I've often taken issue with Rogan's commentary and stand by my comments. His usage of terminology and analysis that is reflective only of his own training background and not that of the fighters actually in the cage is grating. Disagreements on semantics are secondary however to the issue of how he reacted to the controversial decision in the Tyson Griffin/Nik Lentz bout. Before the decision was even announced he was defending the possibility of Lentz winning. Based on the judging criteria in the unified rules of MMA, Griffin should have won the decision and every major MMA media outlet at the event scored the bout for Griffin.

With that out of the way, I'd like to make it clear that none of this matters. My comments were aimed exclusively at Rogan's commentary. He has responded with homophobic language which I consider unfortunate at best. There are many LGBTQ fans of MMA who are forced to deal with this sort of language in their daily lives. If I regret anything about what I said, it's that it made him feel the need to use the language that he did. I know many people who read this will be dismissive of what I'm saying, but the fact remains we live in a world that makes the lives of LGBTQ people difficult at best. I hope Rogan apologizes to the people he offended.

UPDATE [from Luke Thomas]: I changed one word in the title of Jon's post. I substituted "rant" for "slur". In reading through Joe Rogan's comments, I'm not sure it's fair to say there was a rant, much less a homophobic one. That said, the term Rogan used is certainly a slur. I'm not really sure where I stand on the issue because Rogan occupies a weird space between sports professional and often crude entertainer. I'm also very certain he does not hate homosexuals in any way. Still, the use of the term seems awfully unnecessary.

I apologize for my use of the word "fa*got." I enjoy that word immensely, and although I do not intend for its use to be interpreted as a negative term for homosexuals, but rather as I've always used it to imply that a person is weak and pathetic, which I believe Rios to be. I understand that in this ultra-sensitive, politically correct world we live in one must be careful of the words they choose, for in choosing the wrong one you can give your adversary a new angle of distraction, as I see Rios is concentrating on that now instead of owning up to the fact that he has no f*cking idea what the proper terminology of the kick he criticized me of describing was.

What's really important is not a hot button insult word, or a disagreement on terms used to describe techniques, but rather completely incompetent reporters masquerading as martial arts experts. Rios is a negative a**hole that consistently insults fighters and produces fight breakdowns that resemble what I would expect from an angry failure with no friends who has spent too much time alone with a thesaurus trying to convince people that he's clever.

I have sat back and watched this ****-head spout out his horrible, disrespectful nonsense for a long time, and was truly happy when he was fired by sherdog, and absolutely perplexed when I found out that Fighters Only Magazine is actually giving him actual real money for the bulls*it he's trying to pass off as journalism.

Fighters Only is one of the very best magazines in the sport, and as per my correspondence with them I'm delighted that I'm not the only one that thinks he's an a**hat and a terrible journalist.

When I saw that he had opened his dumb trap about me I welcomed the opportunity to shut him up.

As for my use of the offensive word "f**got" please accept my apologies and replace it with "c**k-sucker."

Thank you, and good day.

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From MMA Junkie

Cesar Gracie open to Nick Diaz vs. "Mayhem" on Jan. 29, catchweight required

If trainer Cesar Gracie gets his way, Strikeforce welterweight champion and prized pupil Nick Diaz (23-7 MMA, 4-0 SF) finally will meet Jason "Mayhem" Miller (24-7 MMA, 1-1 SF) in early 2011.

The goal is for the fight to take place at a currently unannounced Jan. 29 Strikeforce event at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, Calif.

But as Gracie told MMAjunkie.com Radio (www.mmajunkie.com/radio) on Monday, the champ won't move up a weight class to get the fight booked.

"I was talking to Strikeforce a little bit about it today," said Gracie, a finalist for "Trainer of the Year" in the 2010 World MMA Awards. "No opponent has been named or anything. But he's going to fight on that date, and hopefully Fedor (Emelianenko) will be part of it too. It could be a really exciting time."

What would make it even more exciting is Diaz vs. Miller. But Gracie said it's still a work in progress.

"That fight just hasn't been offered to us like in an official manner yet," he said. "I know 'Mayhem' goes on his websites and (says) Nick is ducking him and everything.

"It's kind of hard to duck someone when you haven't even been offered the fight. It's just 'Mayhem' talking about that. Until it's been offered, you can't say yes or no."

Gracie said he hadn't talked to Diaz about the fight but will in the next fight days. Besides, it hasn't even really been offered.

But Gracie said if it's a fight Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker wants, they'll take it. But it won't be in Miller's middleweight division.

"If that fight was offered, yeah, we'd probably take that fight," he said. "We'd just have to look at what weight class it's going to be in, and apparently, 'Mayhem' can't make 170. We're not going to accommodate going to 185. It doesn't really make that much sense to call someone out, and the champ has to ... go to your weight class."

Instead, Gracie prefers the fight to take place right in the middle – at 178 pounds, which is within a few pounds of where Diaz previously met Frank Shamrock and Scott Smith in Strikeforce catchweight bouts.

Currently, Diaz is training for marathons and keeping the weight off. And besides, though he's receptive to the bout, Gracie said Miller hasn't accomplished much in his recent bouts and really is in a win-win situation regardless of the outcome of a fight with Diaz, who's riding an eight-fight win streak.

"Being the champ of 'Bully Beatdown' doesn't really make you a contender," said Gracie, referring to Miller's MTV reality show. "It doesn't. If he were beating people that's important, yeah. But the champ doesn't need to move or down in weight because someone says, 'Don't be scared, homie.'"

Full story: http://mmajunkie.com/news/21502/cesar-gracie-open-to-nick-diaz-vs-mayhem-on-jan-29-catchweight-required.mma

I like Mayhem a lot more, but I do not think he stands much of a chance if this fight happens.

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Speaking of MMA, I have a Boxer-mix, and he uses his hands (front paws) a lot when he plays with other dogs. Lately, he's been adding something new though, jiujitsu. He gets down on his back and waits to be attacked. I'll take a video of it next time.

(Its not thumb wrestling)

Careful that he doesn't catch you in a triangle.

Full story: http://mmajunkie.com/news/21502/cesar-gracie-open-to-nick-diaz-vs-mayhem-on-jan-29-catchweight-required.mma

I like Mayhem a lot more, but I do not think he stands much of a chance if this fight happens.

I like both guys but I'm pretty sure Diaz would school him with his standup. Either way, I'd love to see this bout.

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and thats the reason UFC isn't on a major network yet

networks want control of the announcing, UFC won't give it up

And I'm glad about it. I love Rogan, and I love that the UFC doesn't have to tippy-toe around PC BS. They present their product, and that's it. Get on board or get out of the way.

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Full story: http://mmajunkie.com/news/21502/cesar-gracie-open-to-nick-diaz-vs-mayhem-on-jan-29-catchweight-required.mma

I like Mayhem a lot more, but I do not think he stands much of a chance if this fight happens.

I like Mayhem more too, but damn... Diaz is really good and this fight would be awesome to see. With all the trash talking, this has to happen.

Jose Aldo out of UFC 125

I hope this injury isn't serious or reoccurring

Ahhhh if his arms tingle, he should SWING them haha. I really hope it isn't a recurring injury either, and I hope it doesn't decrease his skill level... He's such an exciting fighter. The link says he will fight regardless.

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Mark me down as not wanting to see Diaz take a step back to fight Mayhem who is trying to talk his way into a high profile fight. Diaz is an elite fighter. He should waste his time with Mayhem.

I've never been impressed with Miller either, other than the fact that he's hard to dominate. I don't see him as a big offensive threat but he's just... "troublesome."

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Yep, that was pretty badass. There was a lot of Mark Coleman getting beat up in that video :ols:

True. :)

Although not indicative of his time there and not real fair to Mark's legacy, sadly.

Babalu Sobral on fighting Dan Henderson in Japan's old "Ring" promotion...

"I was tired. He was tired," said the 35-year-old Brazilian. "We fought for money, but it was more. It was different from today. It was more romantic."

I feel the same way about the Pride era. There was something really special about it. The article is really about Sobral and Hendo fighting this weekend after all these years but that quote spoke to me.

See full article here...


Edited by Chachie
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