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Disrespectfull Cowboy hat taken care of


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Anyone who starts a reply with "blah, blah, blah" is (A) Immature (B) Mentally challenged © Trying not to address the topic at hand "wah wah wah, im not listening to you!" plain foolish (D) Not worth paying attention to any longer.

It's a shame how you laugh at your own unfunny jokes as well. You talk about pom poms yet it seems you are the one who carries them and waves them indefinitely, booty shorts and all. To actually go to another teams site and nitpick and troll your way through posts is sad man. A Dallas fan who lurks on a skins message board? Wow, what a totally original concept you are :rolleyes: :jerk:

You sure your name isn't Michael Irvin? If so, i'll give you a pass and just chalk all this up as a little crack moment that you are having.


:applause: very nicely done. Looks as though you like to use the smileys as well. Obviously it's not (D) because you're still chirping!:laugh:

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this is the kind of response I was looking for!! no mention of team colors or the fact it's the opposition's cap that was knocked off.

good post tizzod!:applause:

Bigbass hole, somewhere in america (homeless), posts 10 (poster boy for trolls)

Dude, your profile just shows how lame you truly are.


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The only aspect of you that I like is that you keep proving what we already know about you cowgirls here at extremeskins -that many of your brethren feel there is really nothing wrong with inbreeding- of which you are a perfect example of.


why do you bash me..... the harshest thing I said to you was you're a cheerleader.. did that hurt your feelings? You don't have to try to bring up my heritage as if you knew what it was???? how shallow! boy we really got off the beaten path with this discussion!

and what...... no smilies jerking off from you??? brilliant!

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you're only kissing his butt because it's "my favorite" team..... if the same was said about the skins you'd be flaming mad........ He puts a story out there like this and we are supposed to become cheerleaders? Put the shoe on the other foot and you will see what I'm saying! This story would have NO substance if the guy would have been wearing any other cap..... go ahead and admit it.

:mad: :stop: :insane: :nono: :stick:

ummmm..... NO, you see there are a lot things more important than your team loyalty... I'm sure this would be done to any jack ass wearing any hat, be it a skins hat, an Army Beret whatever.... This story is more about disrespecting honored veterans than idiot cowboys fans... :silly:

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Greetings Boys and Blondie!

I haven't posted in quite awhile, just lurking lately.

I have a story I thought you guys might find funny.

Currently I'm stationed in the 3rd Infantry Regiment, aka The Old Guard, at FT Myer VA. For those of you who might not know, we are the guys that guard the Tomb of the Unkowns, conduct the military burials in Arlington National Cemetary (ANC) and a myriad of other ceremonial functions in addition to having to maintain the standard Infantry proficiency skill sets. You might remember when President Reagan died and his funeral proceedings..............We're the guys that did that.


Yesterday, The President received the Prime Minister of Japan for an official State visit. The highlighted events were a Full Honors Joint Arrival ceremony at The White House (TWH), a Full honors Joint Wreath Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns (TUS) and a State Dinner back at TWH.

Ater beating feet back from TWH, I headed down into ANC for the wreath ceremony at the TUS. As you can imagine, the TUS is a sacred site and inhearently has a set of proper decorum and expected behavior, all of which is precisely and painstakenly articulated to the public by one of our sergeants prior to the execution of the ceremeony. Now this is nothing complicated.........AT ALL. I'm talking about VERY, VERY simple things like; be quiet, remain standing and place your hand over your heart and/or take your hat off at the playing of the National Anthem and the playing of Taps. All of these tasks are fairly easily attainable, right? Standing is easy because there are no chairs on which to sit and sitting on the stairs is VERY uncomfortable. Taking off the hat and placing the hand over the heart are skills that are usually taught at the elementary school level and reinforced most Natioanl holidays and sporting events. No worries right? Too easy eh?

So the Prime Minister and the Commander make thier way to the Tomb, take their position and the band starts playing both the Japanese and American anthems (YES, plenty of irony there). We military boys render a proper military hand salute and the civilians cover their heart with either their hand or hat. Well, most of them anyway. Despite the briefing they received a mere 5 minutes prior and any standard common knowledge, there were still a few, approx 5-7, guys that didn't take off their hats.

Now I usually position myself at the top of the steps in a supervisory, birds-eye-view overwatch position and did so yesterday. While scanning the crowd, I noticed this older gentleman wearing a Black and Gold baseball hat. Me being me - a football junkie - I just figured it was a Steelers hat. The Steelers being the reigning Champions and all the Rothlesburger (sp?) fiasco stuff recently in the news, it was a natural assumption.

So, there we were at the begining of the anthems and these 5 knuckleheads didn't take off their hats. Right as my boys were ready to swoop in and kindly ask these folks to please do as we just told you to do, "sir", this booming voice says, "TAKE OFF YOUR HATS". It was like a voice "from above". We Army boys kinda looked around at each other silently asking each other "who was THAT?" responding with silent shrugs and upturned palms signifying that it wasn't any of us and nobody knew who it was. I kinda thought it came from the general direction of the guy in the Steelers hat, but since the crowd was all facing away from and below me, that was pure speculation. Whoever it was, got his point across though - quick. All remaining hats were whipped off those heads by the wearer in like 2.3 nano-seconds.

The anthems played on and I returned to my position of attention and Present Arms (salute) with a "watever" kinda of disposition. A crissis had been averted and none of us had to deal with it.

At the conclusion of the anthems, there is some reposturing, repositioning in preparation to place the wreath at the base of the tomb. After all these movements were completed, the bugler steped up and started playing Taps. Again, the Army boys whip off a strac salute, the civilians remove their hats and/or place their hands over hearts. This time all the hats were off, having learned their lesson and not wanting to re-hear "THE VOICE FROM ABOVE" again.

All except 1 guy.

This knucklehead still just didn't get it. To add insult to insult the backwardlly, diagonally off kilter set hat was a ............. you guessed it........a cowgirl hat! :doh: Well, by I now, I was ready to swoop in and square this jack-off right away. But before I had taken 3 steps, Steeler hat reaches over and smacks this punk right smack dab in the back of the head knocking the offensive cowpuke hat onto the ground! :cool: Of course the smack-ee (a 20-something trailer trash, pencil-thin mustache wearing cornfed, braindead, inbred punk) turns to face the smack-er. My full dress blues, menacing stone cold hard face wearing self appeared right over Steeler hat's shoulder and in my best drill sergeant growl, I sneer "Leave the hat on the ground, EYES FRONT"!

Which of course, he did.

On the outside, my public face was :mad: , but inside I was :notworthy :applause: and :laugh: !

When the ceremony was officially complete, I went over to the Black and Gold wearing baseball hat guy, shook his hand and thanked him for his assistance in policing up the riff raff. It was then I noticed that his hat was not a Pittsburgh hat at all, but an Army hat. The Army colors are Black and Gold. West Point athletic team colors are black and gold and the ranger tab is black with gold letter spelling out R-A-N-G-E-R in a half moon-shape. This gentleman was a retired Army officer. He said, "No problem, it was a pleasure. Not only am I a retired Infantry Colonel, former Airborne, Ranger (while tapping the wings and Ranger tab on my uniform) but I'm also a Reskins fan. So slapping that g#@*&amn cowgirl hat was was just icing on the cake!"

This guy was like 55 or so and he actually used the term "cowgirl"! I was cracking up!

I thought you guys might enjoy that one.

:rotflmao: :point2sky :dallasuck

Awesome story, man. That is funny as ****!

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that's very shallow of you. Talk about respect.... look at the last line of my original post! oh, and FYI, I don't live in a trailer park.

I'm just pointing out the fact that you're waiving you pom pons because it was a cowgirl fan who got their cap knocked off...... you wouldn't have chirped in if the thread title was different!;)

Which part is shallow??

Would it be my impression of you after reading about 6 of your posts?

And lets talk about respect. Perhaps it's not us who should not be celebrating a brokebacker being put in it's place, maybe it's you who should join us out of respect for your country regardless of what team the moron was a fan of.

Or maybe they didn't teach that at your trailer park, whether you still live there or not. Maybe you hold allegiance to your worthless team more than your country of origin.

Your first post in this thread didn't even address the point of the story, and I have yet, up to this post, to see you actually acknowledge what the point of the story even was.

All you seem to be able to grasp is the fact another brokebacker was made to look even more of a fool than he was already doing himself.

The fact that you can even relate to the douchebag in the story shows your lack of class and respect.

Pull you head out of your ass, and stop being a moronic troll.

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:mad: :stop: :insane: :nono: :stick:

ummmm..... NO, you see there are a lot things more important than your team loyalty... I'm sure this would be done to any jack ass wearing any hat, be it a skins hat, an Army Beret whatever.... This story is more about disrespecting honored veterans than idiot cowboys fans... :silly:

......i totally agree..... BUT some of the cheerleaders come out with their remarks about redneck, trailer park trash, cowboy hat wearing, tobacco spittin, hilbilly, cowgirl fan. SO naturally my first instinct is to look at it from a pom pon waving, homeristic, rose colored glasses wearing fan. If the title of the thread had been different quiet possibly the responses would have been WAY different!

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Which part is shallow??

Would it be my impression of you after reading about 6 of your posts?

And lets talk about respect. Perhaps it's not us who should not be celebrating a brokebacker being put in it's place, maybe it's you who should join us out of respect for your country regardless of what team the moron was a fan of.

Or maybe they didn't teach that at your trailer park, whether you still live there or not. Maybe you hold allegiance to your worthless team more than your country of origin.

Your first post in this thread didn't even address the point of the story, and I have yet, up to this post, to see you actually acknowledge what the point of the story even was.

All you seem to be able to grasp is the fact another brokebacker was made to look even more of a fool than he was already doing himself.

The fact that you can even relate to the douchebag in the story shows your lack of class and respect.

Pull you head out of your ass, and stop being a moronic troll.

brokebacker.....that's pretty funny! You don't have to call me names to make your point........

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why are do you bash me..... the harshest thing I said to you was you're a cheerleader.. did that hurt your feelings? You don't have to try to bring up my heritage as if you knew what it was???? how shallow! boy we really got off the beaten path with this discussion!

and what...... no smilies jerking off from you??? brilliant!

Don't try to act holier then thou now just because you lack for snappy comebacks. You were the one who came out of the blue trying to "bash" everyone in this thread. Not only that, your post count is so diminutive that you had to create your account specifically to start up your trollish ways. How tiresome you are. If you're going to call people out then you'd best be prepared for it. I've got plenty more harsh things for you since you seem to enjoy getting "bashed".

Oh, and here's a thought. Be sure not to call someone "shallow" when you yourself are participating in the exact same name calling fest. The moderators need a better way to screen new members.


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Don't try to act holier then thou now just because you lack for snappy comebacks. You were the one who came out of the blue trying to "bash" everyone in this thread. Not only that, your post count is so diminutive that you had to create your account specifically to start up your trollish ways. How tiresome you are. If you're going to call people out then you'd best be prepared for it. I've got plenty more harsh things for you since you seem to enjoy getting "bashed".

Oh, and here's a thought. Be sure not to call someone "shallow" when you yourself are participating in the exact same name calling fest. The moderators need a better way to screen new members.


I agree.... cheerleader was a little harsh.... I need to clean up my trailer park act!!:D

NO need for you to run to the mods........... I'll quit harrassing you:doh:

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I don't want to highjack the thread or anything but I wanted to ask everyone something.

Let me preface this by stating that I do respect the national anthem and everything it stands for and always do everything generally required to show the utmost respect for the national anthem, but I never really understood why wearing a hat was considered disrespectful. I mean it's basically just a piece of cloth on your head. What about religious headwear? Is it supposed to be removed too?

Again, I know that wearing a hat during the national anthem IS disrespectful, I'm just curious as to WHY it is considered that way.

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I don't want to highjack the thread or anything but I wanted to ask everyone something.

Let me preface this by stating that I do respect the national anthem and everything it stands for and always do everything generally required to show the utmost respect for the national anthem, but I never really understood why wearing a hat was considered disrespectful. I mean it's basically just a piece of cloth on your head. What about religious headwear? Is it supposed to be removed too?

Again, I know that wearing a hat during the national anthem IS disrespectful, I'm just curious as to WHY it is considered that way.

uh oh..... you're in trouble now!:D

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I don't want to highjack the thread or anything but I wanted to ask everyone something.

Let me preface this by stating that I do respect the national anthem and everything it stands for and always do everything generally required to show the utmost respect for the national anthem, but I never really understood why wearing a hat was considered disrespectful. I mean it's basically just a piece of cloth on your head. What about religious headwear? Is it supposed to be removed too?

Ya, I hear you...just like why people take their hat off when entering a building or other place of work but it's okay to where it inside while grocery shopping...or the like. Norms are really based on what the general "pop" considers acceptable. I've been on active duty since graduating, in 1989, from Eastern H.S., yes, located in D.C. But anyhow I grew up as an enlisted man and now am a commissioned officer via OCS (my specialties Logistics) and am assigned at FT Lee, VA. I know all about bowl movements and living and fighting in the desert. Been to Irac and was in the 1st Desert Shield/ Storm Operation. As an enlisted soldier I've been on all the details, yep to include burning human waste as a means of disposal.

I’ve jumped out of airplanes at 1500 feet and 40 pounds of gear. Been on guard duty/ outer perimeter, Staff Duty NCOIC, Staff Duty runner, Charge of Quarters (CQ), CQ runner both on Christmas Eve, other times on Christmas Day, sometimes on Easter Sunday, some other times on Thanksgiving...just depending on where in the world I was located and what type of unit I was assigned. Been up and atom at "O'dark thirty" and at the ready to issue, a 240 man company, weapons to include crewserves...i.e.50 caliber, heavy barrel, machine guns. M60s and other weapons.

All because I grew up as a military brat (Air Force) Dad spent most of his time at Andrews, AFB and yes he's a skins man.

No we didn't migrate here D.C., now we live in Waldorf, but both parents were borne and raised here, attending Spingarn and Bell High Schools’.

So while the military became a part of my socialization, there are a whole lot of stuff I don't understand...when it comes to "so called leaders" and there decisions that effects millions of peoples kids daily. I mean how is that we're such a super power that can go to the moon at will, but we leave soldiers at a check point, the most dangerous check point in the world--at that, only to have them kidnapped and their head chopped off, literally, and bodies mutilated beyond recognition.

Now what leadership gives you that type of authority, better yet what education develops such a skill set to make that kind of decision? I mean is this what carrying a baby for nine months and raising it for 21 years is all about. Tell me their must be something more. Who made that decision and is that how you get promoted to LTC/COL if so don't want any part of it...and glad I no longer need it.

All military members have been through similar or rougher times while serving. But after all we've been through all we have to worry about is a hat. When in military uniform and the National Anthem is played, one stands at attention and pays respect to the nation and tribute to your home and salute until the song is complete. A gesture of saying I’m proud and appreciate all these liberties that comes with being free....Getting married wtching your kids grow, driving SUVs, attending Redskin games, going on excursions to the islands, attending BET concerts...I prefer concerts where Toby Keith would be playing , Heart, Pink Floyd, maybe some Experience Unlimited, Reds and The Boys, Elton John, Olivia Newton John, Trouble Funk, Junk Yard Band and Show, Rare Essence, and 2Pac, also having a fire place in your bed room with a pick from a wardrobe that would make Cris Brown look twice.

Ya, but all those amenities that are a result of our sacrifice and being a free country are ours to enjoy and all it leads to is a simple hat. I personally would rather stand with my hand over my heart than take my hat off and cover my heart with it. All that bird crap and other debris that’s been falling on my hat and I want to place it over my heart…I wonder who came up with that one. Probably the same people that spotted (placed) a check point, with 3 soldiers and small arms weapons, in the middle of a place called the triangle of death!


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I don't want to highjack the thread or anything but I wanted to ask everyone something.

Let me preface this by stating that I do respect the national anthem and everything it stands for and always do everything generally required to show the utmost respect for the national anthem, but I never really understood why wearing a hat was considered disrespectful. I mean it's basically just a piece of cloth on your head. What about religious headwear? Is it supposed to be removed too?

Again, I know that wearing a hat during the national anthem IS disrespectful, I'm just curious as to WHY it is considered that way.

uh oh..... you're in trouble now!:D

Why would he be in trouble? Unlike you, he seems to have a grasp of the actual issue.


Interesting question. Here's a quick reference page to hat etiquette, which has at least a little something to get us started. Perhaps fish or one of our other service brothers can shed additional light on the military aspect.


A man takes off his hat outdoors (and indoors):

(1) when he is being introduced to someone, or when saying goodbye to a woman, elder, friend or ;

(2) as a greeting when passing someone he knows, particularly a lady, on the street (In some cases, tipping or lifting a hat and bowing slightly may be used as a substitute for removing a hat, as a passing gesture);

(3) while talking, particularly with a woman, an older man, or a clergyman;

(4) while the National Anthem is being played, or the American Flag is passing;

(5) at a funeral or in the presence of a passing funeral procession,

(6) when speaking to another of a virtuous woman or a dearly departed loved one.

Also, and perhaps more to the point:



The laws relating to the flag of the United States of America are found in detail in the United States Code. Title 4, Chapter 1 pertains to the flag and seal, seat of Government and the States; Title 18, Chapter 33 pertains to crimes and criminal procedures; Title 36, Chapter 10 pertains to patriotic customs and observances. These laws were supplemented by Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations.

Title 36, Chapter 10 PATRIOTIC CUSTOMS

§171. National anthem; Star-Spangled Banner, conduct during playing

During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there.

Not directly on point in terms of the changing of the guard, but heading us in that direction.

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Thanks for getting us started Om; I'm anxious to see if anyone knows whether religious headwear is included or not.

And I somewhat agree with skinsman4u in that it seems like a trivial thing to worry about in the grand scheme of things...

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Does it really matter why wearing a hat is disrespectful? What really matters is by taking it off you're showing respect for the flag of this nation. There really doesn't have to be a reason behind it. It's a custom and as far as I know it's a very well known one.

The thing I find funny about Fish's story is that he see's the kid as a redneck. We'll being from redneck, inbred West Virginia I find that hard to believe. 99.9% of the rednecks respect this country and it's flag. 9 times out of 10 the people I see not rendering the proper respect by removing their hats aren't rednecks but the little thug gang bangers or want a be thug's. They are just way too cool to remove their hat and hold their hand over their hearts. Instead they stand there talking to their boyz while the anthem is being played. Now let's not get my post twisted and think I'm talking about skin color, I'm talking about the generation of people who think that acting like a hardass is cool and they disrespect the flag and our NA by not removing their Fing hat.

I promise you, the next sporting event you go to look at the people not removing their hat's and see if I'm not pretty much dead on.

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I think everyone here who is reading this story is missing a very important point, one that is extremely personal to me. I have a friend who was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago, and had surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor. The subsequent radiation therapy burned his hair off and the surgery left him disfigured. Because of his condition, he chose to wear a baseball cap in most public venues.

On numerous occasions, he was called out by individuals who assumed that his choice of headwear was "unacceptable" to them. These people chose to either point it out to him in a rude manner, or worse knock it off his head. Many of these situations occurred in a context similar to the one being discussed here.

Everyone here needs to understand that there are people in our society who wear baseball caps and other forms of headwear for valid medical reasons. It obviously has nothing to do with respect or honor. Do not be the guy who has to discover this the hard way. You will be horribly embarassed when you discover the truth, and your target will feel even worse. There is nothing honorable about that.

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I think everyone here who is reading this story is missing a very important point, one that is extremely personal to me. I have a friend who was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago, and had surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor. The subsequent radiation therapy burned his hair off and the surgery left him disfigured. Because of his condition, he chose to wear a baseball cap in most public venues.

On numerous occasions, he was called out by individuals who assumed that his choice of headwear was "unacceptable" to them. These people chose to either point it out to him in a rude manner, or worse knock it off his head. Many of these situations occurred in a context similar to the one being discussed here.

Everyone here needs to understand that there are people in our society who wear baseball caps and other forms of headwear for valid medical reasons. It obviously has nothing to do with respect or honor. Do not be the guy who has to discover this the hard way. You will be horribly embarassed when you discover the truth, and your target will feel even worse. There is nothing honorable about that.

Completely understood, however the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is hallowed ground and respect should be paid at all costs. We're not talking about a little league baseball game.

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First of all don't tell me what I do or do not understand. My grandmother fault breast cancer for years before it finally claimed her life. She all but became a recluse because she didn't want people to see her wearing a wig. My greatgrandfather died from cancer. I had an eight year old cousin that died from Leukemia, trust me I understand.

Doesn't change the fact that the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a sacred place memorializing the unidentified soldier that have died for this country. Taking your hat off is the least you can do, no matter what the situation is. I'm sure if the young punk would have turned to the retired colonel and said I have cancer it would have been a different situation. He didn't so it wasn't.

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